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DerrocK (DayZ)

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Everything posted by DerrocK (DayZ)

  1. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    He plays as he wishes. End of story.
  2. DerrocK (DayZ)

    carry more than one primary gun? why not

    Then make slings craftable and being able to be applied to every weapon. Why would I want 2 longarms? Playstyle variety. Once you get slings for the weapons you should be able to carry at least 2 in exchange of some stamina with the future implementation of stamina system.
  3. DerrocK (DayZ)

    What will your policy against cannibals be like?

    3rd option. I'm a KOSer, I'm the bane of the game, I ruin the game for everyone and it makes me happy, especially when people in forums cry about that. Muahahaha
  4. wtf where do you guys find tents if I may ask? I'd call you dupers but not going to yet.
  5. DerrocK (DayZ)


    What are these 3 shots to kill, 1 shot to kill etc etc assumptions? I've never seen conclusive tests about weapons on human targets. geared target=/=bambi. It depends on more factors.
  6. DerrocK (DayZ)

    0.51 Magazine Rarity

    That's true in one shot u will make them unconscious, saw that in a Sacriel stream, pretty awesome, he didn't have a mag and he chambered the round, bam!
  7. DerrocK (DayZ)

    0.51 Magazine Rarity

    Sporter isn't underrated, it just sucks like the amphibia does. In dayZ u use weapons for pvp, sure they can be good to kill zombies but really no1 does that...
  8. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Mosin & Heli Crash Sites

    Yeah but i can't find any russian heli crashes (mi17 ones?) as AK family weapons don't seem to spawn in long barracks/prison/atc/etc and I want to run around with the aks-74u+mosin. Maybe I'm just being extremely unlucky but I have looted yesterday veresnik mil base, pavlovo's mil base, zeleno's mil base, NWAF, Myshkino's new mil base (no barracks there though). After that loot run I could only find 1 AKM 30rnd mag, loads of 556 ammo, only 1 box of 5.45 and also a good bunch of 7,62x39
  9. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Mosin & Heli Crash Sites

    Me neither, I went to at least 15 police stations and found a ruined 30rnd mag :S
  10. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Mosin & Heli Crash Sites

    I can't find any heli crashes, been searching for one entire afternoon, using the DayzDB guide, nothing.
  11. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Noticed horrible lag when the servers are highly populated, problems when picking up items, very erratic and I'd say incorrect item spawning, didn't see any helicrashes but maybe that's just me. Getting CTD often as well.
  12. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    It's been said over a million times. Art section are the ones supposed to make weapons, helmets, clothing, etc etc. They work INDEPENDENTLY to the programming, balancing, coding etc etc. So the fact that you guys see new weapons being implemented doesn't mean the programmers, the coders etc, aren't bugfixing, balancing, creating new systems.
  13. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I like how people are so scared they need 3rd person to play. They complained about FOV and that they would play if there was a FOV slider :D :D :D :D 1p servers are still pretty empty
  14. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Joined a DE server for like 10 minutes, crashed again :/
  15. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I got an issue where If I was holding a gun and swapped it for another different gun on the ground, the new gun is duped. WOOP servers up!
  16. DerrocK (DayZ)

    We need a Hardcore (aka Survival) Mode

    Eating even more? omg
  17. DerrocK (DayZ)

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

  18. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Why 100+ Man servers will be amazing

    But It needs to have more challenge because once you are full equip, what do you do, zombie range shooting?
  19. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Why 100+ Man servers will be amazing

    sounds... *cough* fun *cough*
  20. DerrocK (DayZ)

    My last 20 minutes in Dayz.

    My last 20 minutes were running from the area of the old petrovka from dayz mod/chernarus/arma2 to the NWAF to be killed by a hacker shooting through walls/teleporting.
  21. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Forum names = no kos

  22. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    Yeah I get that some people like to RP, I myself like to mix efficiency with RP. I thought this post was made concerning efficiency so that's why I don't see the point.
  23. DerrocK (DayZ)

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I don't get the point of "it's good for hunting". A makarov is as good as the blaze for hunting...