DerrocK (DayZ)
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Everything posted by DerrocK (DayZ)
You just made me login to write this about each time u got killed by a player in the "no PVP servers" There is no such a thing in DayZ +1 to your killers :) each time I see a no PVP server i'm tempted to join and do some target practice. So yeah LOL AT YOU, HOPE U GET KILLED BY A PLAYER EACH TIME U JOIN A NO PVP SERVER, hmm did I forget to say anything else? I guess not kisses, bye
Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to Hicks_206 (DayZ)'s topic in News & Announcements
GIVE PATCH༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ -
What Guns do YOU want to see?
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to camwhyy (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Hope u mean less guns overall but more variety, otherwise its a shitty idea, still an idea though. -
My group and I restrained a guy at balota (town not AF). He was armed with an axe and he had a pistol without ammo. We took 1 blood bag from him and we gave him food, water and a FULLY LOADED MAGAZINE for his pistol. we left him restrained but overlooking with the scoped mosin to see nothing bad happened to him while he was getting rid of his handcuffs. We left after that
I think the AK series, the double barreled, under-over, etc, the old military weapons, shouldn't have been on the survey because THOSE ARE MUST HAVE it is really obvious for me. WTF DAYZ WITHOUT AK? WTF IS DAYZ WITHOUT THE DOUBLE BARRELED?? I hope you get my point
Kos is necessary.
Missing mil boots and TTSKO camo jacket. UR NOT FULL !!! :(((((
My char is still alive for 2 days. Died once because of a bug, well kind of. Firefight at green mountain, a guy climbing the ladder killed me somehow after I unloaded 10 bullets on his ass
Differences of realism as IRL and game. (M4 Accuracy)
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to mark3236 (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
How can people say that the M4 is actually accurate in this game????? Single fire mode for both from prone position. Arma2, M4A1 CCO. Target at 200 meters, standing still. Aim at the belly, Hit DayZ, M4A1 (CCO, full pristine). Target at 200 meters, standing still. Aim at the belly, Hit (my toe). -
As the title says, for the veterans like me that played the mod for like 2 years, it is very easy to survive, even for my brother who has just bought the game and never played the mod. Once you find food and drink and run like 15 minutes for a good weapon/backpack/helmet/etc at NWAF/NEAF/StaryMilBase you just have to find a pair of those medkits or find a hospital and then you are done. I know this is alpha I really do, I'm impressed by the current state of the alpha, I'm loving it, but I find it way too easy to get geared/nourished/healthy. I'm intrigued as of wich new systems are going to be in place to increase survival difficulty. Thoughts? Info I might have missed about those new systems? Kind regards
So I've read a lot of topics of people saying they get very low FPS in cities, <20 or so but on forest they get +50... I have the reverse problem, I get around 35 FPS on big cities like cherno and elektro but when I'm staring at a treetop, a forest or something like that my framerate drops to like 20. My setup: 8GB RAM Windows 7 64 bit SP1 Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @3.40Ghz (x8) GFX card: AMD Radeon 6670HD 1GB Hitachi HCS5C1010CLA382 (1000GB, 5700 RPM, SATA-II) I play at 1920x1080 (3d resolution is 100%) Everything is on LOW or DISABLED except the textures wich are on VERY HIGH.
Low FPS in forest, High FPS in cities
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to DerrocK (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Ok I understand, then its teh graphics card. It just feels strange how smooth are the cities for me and so bad for my friends while the forest run crappy and for them smoothly -
Low FPS in forest, High FPS in cities
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to DerrocK (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I had already read that topic but then what I dont understand is why people usually have 60 fps when i have 20 in forest, people that i know are running dayz on a worse machine. My question is: Is it just a hardware problem? is it some CFG ini that is wrong? -
Low FPS in forest, High FPS in cities
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to DerrocK (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Those topics have nothing to do with my issue, link me the post where people have low framerate on forest but high on cities. -
Surviving way too easy for veterans
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to DerrocK (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Nah balota is dangerous and is always looted but yes, I will go to the military base north of kamenka, green mountain and by the time I arrive to the military base west of stary I will probably already have an M4 with ammo, backpack, food+drink etc... Then, attatchment run at NWAF Maybe having the wells a limited amount of water per time/restart would increase the survival difficulty regarding to the thirst :) I personally get bored quickly when lone wolfing :( Lol these edits on my post for the quotes look so bad xD -
Surviving way too easy for veterans
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to DerrocK (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I will, dont worry, get fully kitted in 20 minutes ;) -
Surviving way too easy for veterans
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to DerrocK (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Sorry to dissapoint you, I play with a group of +5 people and we have food/medical supplies for 15 people, bloodbags, salines, morphine, epi-pens, painkillers, antibiotics, lots of those lovely yellow boxes :), M4 for everyone except one of my guys who has the mosin with the scope+bayonet. We only play on servers with +30 people because otherwise it is BORING at the current state and we know where to loot, we know all the tricks. hell, I even have a box with 600 5.56 bullets even if the box says it has place for 300 rounds, It seems when you unload your 60 bullet magazine the stacks consist of 60 bullets instead of 30 wich leads to the box being able to hold 10 stacks of 60 bullets, we are geared to THAT point. only thing im missing is a damn acog, found like 10 all of them broken :'( -
Should combat logging be ban-able?
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to pythonmsh's topic in General Discussion
I think it would be nice to see a system like the one in league of legends. For example, lets say ur in a fight with someone and he combat logs. It should give you a message or log that you can save, link and then use it as a report. Repeated reports of the same person would lead to a ban. Simple -
Beans to you, looks awesome!
November Round-up: #DayZDaily
Things that will Make or Break Standalone (Opinions)
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to OfficerRaymond's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Its not killing everyone, I never said that. I mostly move around in the northern zones of chernarus: airfield, stary, krasno, etc and only go down to elektro and cherno to pickup my friends or to check if there are any campers killing fresh spawns. There are reasons for that, there is no pride on killing an unarmed but I won't interact with him if I'm geared, getting stabbed in the back with a hatchet pulled off the toolbelt is an old trick ^^ I said I didn't understand the survival aspect this game has or had in the beggining. Sure the first 3 days everything is new and the survival aspect fills you, but after that? after you know all the bugs that can happen, every trick to be more competitive etc, it becomes soo easy that there is no survival aspect anymore. Tell me why should I be part of the group that will break standalone. I play with my friends (1-3 more guys), so we need more loot than a town can give us and if a player has just looted an entire town we need the time he invested by killing him with a headshot or robbing him (yes banditry). So yeah being unfriendly is not for dayz? And what do you mean by destroying the standalone if I'm allowed? I don't like this dayz as much as I did in the past, maybe because I put so many hours into it, but mostly because of the private hives destroying dayZ. Whenever I PvP I get an adrenaline rush that a zombie fight won't give me, neither would killing a boar or giving a bloodbag to somebody And sorry but I'm not trolling, I'm just being the ultimate honest clan bandit -
Things that will Make or Break Standalone (Opinions)
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to OfficerRaymond's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I just don't understand the, SURVIVAL aspect? I mean, is it that hard to get a hatchet, a hunting knife and a box of matches to survive? I don't understand the no PvP servers, zombies are not a threat. Spawn in, I get geared up. ok. Now? help other players do the same? 1-> Not fun; 2-> Everyone can get geared up easily. Anyways, WHY DO WE PEOPLE PVP? For me it is really easy. 1-> Competitiveness, no need to specify, do I?; 2-> Loot (this one might get fixed in the SA); 3-> JOY OF KILLING A PLAYER AND IMAGINATING HOW THEY ARE RAGING AT THE SCREEN/CHAT! Killing a player in bf3 is like kicking a stone. Killing a player in DayZ, where you know they might have spent days getting their equipment and working on their character and you just *@!% em up. That feeling is what made me love dayz nearly 2 years ago. Still playing it today btw. 1-> Because, killing zombies doesn't make you a name and they are not a threat EXCEPT in PvP situations where they might give away your position and be a constant nuisance while you are shooting, sure they might knock you down right? 2-> What can you get from a zombie? an empty tin can? and this one is inevitable, can't be fixed, musn't be fixed. 3-> Zombies, well they aren't fun to kill. BAM! (0.002L blood on the screen) BAM! the zombie is dead but thanks to the lag he is still "attacking" you, BAM! the greatest animation ever... BTW don't get me wrong I completely disagree on what the private hives are doing like that retarded "players within 2500 meters" man WTF? Vanilla, Origins, conservative mods, or DEATH, and please 1st person... SO you make harder zombies!! that won't stop me from PvPing but then that "survival" aspect would be increased. SO you make loot scarcier! More reasons to kill a player for a can of beans or the spare magazine they have, right? At least from the way I engage my enemies, It would be well worth it, maybe for some players that use more ammunition isn't worth it. SO you implement item degradation on bullet impact! THIS will encourage robbing and headshots for obvious reasons... Good decision, kills will have the deserved reward based on player skill (if they are able to score a headshot, gz then) and robbing will make its first step into the game. -
Tell Me Ur Favorite Weapon In Dayz?
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to Lehfeels's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
MK 48 mod 0. End of the discussion. -
mk 48 mod 0. End of the discussion.
Will the release of the single player game signal the death of the modding community?
DerrocK (DayZ) replied to piffaroni's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It wasn't removed because it was too strong. It was removed due to the amount of dupers and hackers exploiting this gun.