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Everything posted by deadlykenny

  1. How about adding this Vehicle: The GURKHA MPV Maybe it only spawns one in the entire map, but come on you have to admit first of all it looks badass and second it would work really well.
  2. deadlykenny

    100'000 humanity, i want my Jesus skin!

    As funny as this would be, rocket is removing bandit/hero skins so that there are more skins you can find
  3. How about a map editor? where you can change terrain and add buildings etc. I know some people hate Halo but in halo's forge option if you make a map it doesn't have to be downloaded by every player that wants to play it so perhaps make something that would do that :P
  4. deadlykenny

    Vehicle Armour Plating

    I think it would be really cool to add Vehicle armour plating to the game, This would entail using scrap metal to cover up the windows so that they would not be able to be shot through (obviously not to the front windows), so for instance you could fully repair a GAZ but someone can shoot through the windows and kill you, if you choose to add scrap metal to windows most guns cannot shoot through it (the ones that can probably being the M107 and the AS50) meaning you could survive longer, but if there had to be a minus, perhaps add a feature where the added weight would make the vehicle slower, And i would say that these upgrades can only be done to the following vehicles: GAZ, Military Off road, Bus, Off road pickup truck, Old hatchback, Pickup truck, S1203 van, Skoda, Tractor, UAZ, Ural Civilian and the V3S Civilian. I would like to know what others think about this so please comment below :3 Kenny.
  5. deadlykenny

    Vehicle Armour Plating

    Thats actually not a bad idea :)
  6. deadlykenny

    Vehicle Armour Plating

    Thats true although i don't think someone is going to use that rocket launcher to shoot through the window XD
  7. I have been looking at the DayZ Wiki and i have been particularly been interested at the vehicle section, but it says that most vehicle's are rare and only one spawns (Link:http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Vehicles), i was wondering if this was true, because having say only 1 GAZ seems very strange as there are 12 ATV's, i would really like to know if these stats are true. Kenny.