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Everything posted by H3ath3n

  1. H3ath3n

    US370 Server admin abuse

    How do you expect anyone to take anything serious without screenshots, time or in some cases video? Your Ural should have been in the last spot you left it at when you got out and hit "Save Vehicle" or whatever the option is. If you did not save the vehicle then who's fault is that? Was it so hard to hit the Print Screen button to back up your accusations? Imagine taking someone to a court of their peers without having proper evidence against them and you had to decide who is right and wrong, how would you achieve that?
  2. H3ath3n

    Murders stats

    To which I say, get shit on and aim better. He will not "balance" anything. Your tears will refill my canteen.
  3. Sitting across the 5 hangars at the NW Airfield about 10 minutes ago. I hear some pistol shots and I'm scanning for the shooter when all of a sudden, HUGE explosions by the barracks then hangars. This guy was bombing every place anyone could hide. They looked like air strikes out of nowhere. Investigate if possible. Thanks. Time was approximately 6:33pm MST.
  4. H3ath3n

    the bandit life

    Haven't logged in in a couple of days. Log in yesterday. Day 14 with 18 murders of my saga. Still have AK-Kobra with 8 mags, revolver with 6 mags, compass map, the works. Spawn in wilderness (FAR top left of map). Try to hoof it back, not much food/drink left. Read people can go to canada 2 server, spawn in debug forest, run to pavlovo then respawn on a diff. server and move on. This doesn't work, keep spawning in wilderness. Get the bright idea to camp the people spwning in wilderness as well to get more food/drink for the trip back. Kill two more people, get two water bottles, kill one more, while looting his body, get Makarov killed. Shit's too fun:)
  5. H3ath3n

    Banned From All Server's

    Okay. Step by step. #1 Make sure you run both arma2 and arma2:OA from steam once. #2 Download http://www.worrom.com/ and point it to your steam directory. The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\. If you have more than one hard drive, make sure you assign the right letter (F, G, etc). #3 Download http://www.battleye.com/download.html and run the CLIENT (BE Client) NOT the BE Server. #4 Open up the worrom tool you downloaded in step 2. Click "Check for update". Wait for it to finish, if success, hit the play button in the worrom tool. If failure, hit Force Update in worrom tool. If you encounter a pixel shader error (you may or may not) the fix for that is to run Arma2:OA as ADMINISTRATOR. To do that right click the icon on your desktop and select "Run as administrator" I hope this helps. If you are still having trouble i'll bring you in vent with me and we'll troubleshoot further.
  6. H3ath3n

    Banned From All Server's

    You are not banned. It is most likely your BattlEye failing to initiate and/or corrupted files. Try this: Make sure you run BOTH games (Arma2 and Arma2:OA) before logging into the dayz mod. You don't have to do this every time you log into dayz, but both games have to be run prior to using the mod. Second: Use the Worrom(sp?) tool to update your files. If your files come back as successfully patched, try doing a force update just in case. Third: Redownload battleye from http://www.battleye.com/download.html Let me know if any of this works for you.
  7. As the title says, I have spawned in the Wilderness and am unable to move, or perform any action. The two servers I have tried were JP1 and US11. Same behavior on both. Now, let me give you a quick story of what led up to this: Earlier in the day I decided to meet a friend at Devil's Castle located in the north side of the map. I gathered all the supplies I would need, alice pack, sniper, food, blood......etc.. I started hoofing it north following my compass. Upon arriving at Vyshnoye the server flashed something about a new patch so I stopped outside of town to log out and apply said patch. Application successful, log back in, all items are gone. Meh, no big deal, however I decide I would rather not continue the trip without a compass so I hit "respawn". Upon respawning I was located in Mogilevka, thought nothing of it and started running back to Cherno for some more bean wars. I made it as far as Nadezhdino before dying to some hungry ass Z. Hit respawn, and now I am stuck. I have tried manually deleting the @DayZ folder, updating, forcing another update, all this to no avail. Running an 8 core AMD with 8GB ram, 560ti video card. Any help would be appreciated as I am missing out on some good ass beans. Thank you.
  8. H3ath3n

    Completely stuck in wilderness.

    Thanks again for your replies.
  9. H3ath3n

    Completely stuck in wilderness.

    No worries, I didn't know you could go directly to them. Thank you for helping me out.
  10. H3ath3n

    Completely stuck in wilderness.

    I'm sorry, I don't really understand how I would contact the developer. Do I send an email to a specific person? Thank you for your reply by the way.