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Everything posted by auronreinhart

  1. so im looking at renting a server based in singapore, but i would like it to be public hived, any idea on when that may become available? saw earlier post about public hive not being supported anymore (bummer) also i would like to know if there is any way for admin, or chosen players to run scripts on my server without having to run a bypass for battleye? since there are a lot of scripters out there, and i want to control the scripting through some form of a whitelist, while still allowing new players on the server i have some old scripts that i got given that can help with malicious scripters, but wonder if there was to be any support for it on say private hive or company hive
  2. auronreinhart

    To the chumps who Alt F4 and abort.

    also, i give two cans of beans to OP, cause this is a fucking stupid problem, should implement something like blizzard where you are logging in to the server for 20 seconds after you hit the disconnect button, so you make sure your ass is in a safe spot before you disconnect or else you log in later you your ass full of bullet holes, this would fix a lot of the bitching and teach people that if you fuck up and miss someone in real life, you can't alt f4 and dodge death, you get shot and then you get dead
  3. auronreinhart

    To the chumps who Alt F4 and abort.

    go buy some better internet so that your bullets aren't lagging, don't hate the game cause you died, hate the fact that your too tight to afford decent interwebz, and it got you killed
  4. auronreinhart

    Hitman for hire.

    ok, since no one else here actually used this forum for its intended purpose, i will, AU 21. targets name(s) : anyone from the clan "=ANZAC=" bastards have my nw airfield locked down tight and there always seems to be one more of em lurking in the forests after i kill everyone inside the airfield proper. whether you reply to this or not idrc but good fortune to you in your bandit ways
  5. auronreinhart

    Australian Clan [DT]

    Age: 21 How often are you on Dayz: usually daily for some amount of time, but work patterns vary a lot so my play time can be from 1hr stints to 4 hr Do you have a mic: i have my main headset with mic, AND i have a spare incase it shits out Play Times: im based in perth, so usually from 9ish onwards if im working late, or any time in the afternoon if i have the afternoon off Current Loadout:M1911 and M4A3 CCO Ideal Loadout: MP5SD6 or M4A1 CCO SD + M9 SD Last time you died: killed during a solo nw airfield raid, killed two before they found me though :) how long have you been playing dayz: since the begining of august 2012 have you had much experience with groups in arma2/dayz: some experience, although my local friends also have irl commitments so finding the right time to build a core group for any substantial raids is a challenge on a sidenote, can you forward any replies to this to my email address? since im not usually on the dayz forums as much as i should be the_kemist@msn.com