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About Balthazaar

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oslo, Norway
  • Interests
    Security policies, body sculpting, photography, prehistoric mating rituals, zombie training and pole vaulting.
  1. Heya, I've been playing on your server and must say I've enjoyed my time there. Even managed to fill a tent with some goodies. Now the server has been down for almost a week. I'm standing to lose quite a bit of stash if I can't get to the tent soon. Is the server coming up again any time soon?
  2. Balthazaar

    WTH tents just sigh.

    This is the right answer. After pegging a tent, you have to wait until first server restart for tent to "settle" in the right position. After that you can start loading it with your valuables.
  3. Balthazaar

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    Guilty as charged... It was the first time I have ever found a tent. Found it inside somebody else's tent. Took the tent and some food, ran off, and was establishing my first ever base a few clicks away. At least that was what I planned. Trying to be clever and conceal the tent by pegging it in between a group of trees. Half a minute later I'm crawling around with broken legs swearing. Now it's either crawling for at lest an hour and a half to the nearest hospital, or restarting. AAaarghh!
  4. Balthazaar

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    Broke my leg tonigth trying to get into the tent. Obviosly that is not the way to use it... Wish this thread had some better answers than "Too lazy to check the wiki"
  5. Balthazaar

    Pending Update: Build

    Thanks for all your hard work. Lovin your mod.
  6. Balthazaar

    Luuuv it!

    It's been a while since I played a game that had my adrenaline rushing. Thank you for not being a dumbed down console port. Thank you for giving me the impression I actually have something to lose if I die. Ps If I sound like a fanbouy, it's because you're a cornhole.