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About SgtFurry

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    On the Coast
  1. I would seriously try a friends modem first. I'm in Oz also and I have a high end billion modem/router. Also try to update your modem firmware. The belkin you have Scavenger looks like it has advanced setting,. check out the manual. http://cache-www.belkin.com/support/dl/MAN_F7D8302_v1_8820-00700_Play_N600_N_Router.pdf Since doing this we have had no issues and can be on for hours +
  2. What modem do you have? some of the "better" modems have a LOT of setting. Some of the basic ones don't and some have expert setting which need to be enabled within your modem. This fix worked for a lot of people i know 100% and every time, we tested it out turning it on and off etc.