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About Johnnyseven

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  1. Johnnyseven

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Sounds awesome, would love to help out, I play mainly through UK afternoon/nights.
  2. NO. Renders new players defenseless against bandits.
  3. YES. But. Largely pointless, most bandits sit in a bush with a sniper rifle hundreds of meters away.
  4. If it is meant to be personal temperature, its poorly thought out and little more than one more number to annoy you.
  5. Johnnyseven

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I never mentioned that I was particularly good. I just said that I could do it, not that others cant, sniping isn't hard, and given that I could sit in a bush a mile away from a town and shoot people who are in said town, surrounded by zombies, I'm pretty sure we know who has the easier deal right there. If you choose the right kind of tree/bush to lay in people can, and do, walk right past you without noticing. I never said all parties were in dense woodland, only the shooter. "Bandits" have it easier because they can just lie in wait outside a town, they don't have to move at all or put themselves at risk. If they aren't sure they can defeat a individual/group, then who cares, they can just let them pass. Defensive snipers, which most "bandits" are ("defending" a hangar for instance), do have the advantage and that's why they are so feared in reality as well as many videogames. The "bandits" that I know of are basically "campers". People complain about this playstyle's effectiveness enough in your standard FPS, throw in permadeath, extreme map sizes and a countryside setting and it becomes even more powerful. I understand that DayZ is going for a harsh reality feel but it is still a game (or mod for one, whatever) and games need to be at least remotely "fair" and give all reasonable playstyles a fair chance. By the way, if you're the kind of bandit/group of bandits that doesnt just randomly snipe people from a day away, I have no big issues with you.
  6. Johnnyseven

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Yeah guys just use flares, did you know you can even pick them up and carry them, its like carrying a really powerful lantern! *Loads sniper rifle* Seriously, flares?
  7. Johnnyseven

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Yeah I too am waiting for the ability to remove all clothes and r...oh nevermind.
  8. Johnnyseven

    Extreme DayZ Video must watch shootout

    Clicked link, heard vomit, closed tab. 5/5 A* top job old chap.
  9. Johnnyseven

    NCR | The New Chernarus Republic [7-29-2012]

    Name: Alexander Steam USERname: aaron831 Experience with DayZ: Lot of experience surviving solo and playing as a large group of 10+, know the north east quadrant of Chernarus very well without a map. Are you willing to work in a team: Yes Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes Do you have a mic: Yes Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes, but please not Skype. What other clans have you been in: None Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable): N/A Its worth adding I'm from the UK but usually end up playing on the US servers anyways, I don't notice any lag at all usually.
  10. Johnnyseven

    Is something wrong with the hive?

    Do you even read the rest of the forums?
  11. Johnnyseven

    Attached Flashlight

    Its L by default to operate the flashlight, but for gods sake don't even think of using it, or a flare, or a chemlight.