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Everything posted by Delark

  1. Delark

    Is this okay?

    I can't see how this would hurt anyone. When you log in to your account on Steam on a different PC, you will be asked to confirm that PC to be allowed to run your Steam account. You can't log in from 2 places at the same time, so it would just log as you playing in a variety of locations. Nothing wrong with that. I do think you'll all play with the same character though, but if that doesn't bother you, it's all safe I assume.
  2. For snipers and rifles, wouldn't it be logical to, if you find tape (always handy in the Apocalyps) and pluck some leaves, grass, mud, that you would be able to camo-fy your sniper/rifle? Offcourse, after time, it would fade out / fall apart. Or if you find spray-cans, you would be able to spraypaint cars, weapons, etc.
  3. Delark Debug .. Bug

    Well, I was wondering why everything stayed green for so long... untill I fell unconcious. Sigh. Left with only 2600 blood now. This is one nasty bug that almost got me killed.
  4. Delark

    Pending Update: Build

    Fuck the wipe. I've been wandering ingame for more then 12 days searching for NVG. Now that I have found them, and along the way, finding a M4 CCO SD (no ammo anymore, is my new main goal) and AS 50, a map, compass and other needed tools. You're going to wipe the hell out of it? I managed to survive. If I see a AS50 TWS, I let it be. Do I care if someone picks it up or not. It's not my problem, I'll just try to survive. But a wipe? No, thank you. I've worked too damn hard for all the crap I'm hoarding. And don't get all "don't get attached" on me. I choose to get attached to that stuff. I fought hard for it, and long. I'm sure attached to it. And I'll kiss it goodbye and embrace the fact that I lost it when I lose it by getting killed by some douchebag (part of the game) or a zombitch. Hell, if I fall of a building, I'll find it sad, but I'll move on, and start over. But keep your wipe for yourself. I can't help it you're getting killed by some seemingly hacked weapons and because you're not getting a chance. Adjust your playstyle, find other servers, I don't care. You'll always have bad things in games like hackers, bugs, exploits, glitches and on and on. Rocket listens to us, and that's a good thing. But don't go changing the game because some nitwit is hacking or causing you harm. Just leave him be, ignore him and soon enough he'll stop. If you don't care, they lose interest. All the whining is feeding them, think about it.
  5. Oh, I see you need the M4 CCO SD too, I have that too. But unfortunatly, you're only trading 3+ items. Good luck on finding them all.
  6. What would you trade for the entrenching tool?
  7. If it wasn't for Tetters, I would now merely be a zombie snack. It all started when I discovered my first helicopter crash site. Excited as I was, holding shotgun firmly, I stormed the crash site, because it only seemed as 2 zombies were wandering around the downed steel bird. Guess I couldn't be more wrong. After losing a substantial amount of blood, and the needed running, I ended up back at the crash site. Only to see, that the zombitches I just lost, have spawned again. Running was again, my only option. Now to realise that I'm heavily bleeding, with only 1500 blood to lose. That's when I searched a "safe" spot, a treeline near the NW Airfield, and decided to ring a medic. Tetters was the one whom responded within seconds. Driving a few km just to help a complete stranger is noble, but to do so within an imaginable timespan, is just hero-like. So this is my thank you to Tetters, as he is the first stranger I have met in the vast wasteland, who didn't shoot my face off, and helped me as he could. Tetters, you're my hero! This guy is a true and honest medic, and can be fully trusted. I can vouch for him.
  8. Delark

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey Von Grimm, Tetters helped my out, that's why I went silent! Thanks for willing to help though! (;
  9. Delark

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in dire need of a blood transfusion (I keep passing out) near NW Airfield. I have a blood pack, but my mate with whom I always team up isn't available at the moment!
  10. Delark

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    Yes, it also occurs as pure logic to me that you can run back to your own dead body and loot everything you had... It's the same as ALT-F4, douchebag. He's just avoiding a bug.
  11. Delark

    Some weird stuff happening....

    I once found a dead player laying around in Elektro whom was caring a M4a1 CCO "Camo" SD, the body was also carrying 4 grenades and other nice loot. Walking a few meters further, I encountered an ammo crate. I only took the M4 and 2 grenades, since narrowing down if it's legitimate or not is questionable, but not impossible. For the ammo crate, I just left that for what is was. The fun part of this game is looting, if it's plausible to be there, I'll grab it. If it's surely hacked (in ammo crates and such) I'll just leave it be. But it's entirely up to you, as long as the guns are in the game, you're safe.
  12. Hi, I currently team up with 2 other casual players, and we mostly play on weekdays from around 21h00 until 01h00 GMT+2 (Estimated timespan of session, they can vary.) And I'm looking for more survivors. (I'm not starting a clan or whatsoever.) If you feel alone, like I sometimes do (snif snif), feel free to join the fun. We're friendly players who are just trying to survive and occasionally scavenge towns. Our somewhat main goal is to find any vehicle and fix it up. Besides that, we're willing to help any starting players in the means that we have. (We're not that pro.) Feel free to add me, we have no fancy rule set or anything like that, on skype. (i.blomme) Kind regards, Delark
  13. Delark

    When is stealing ok

    If he left it unattended then he left it up for grabs. The person who has put the tent there knows when he doesn't guard it or hides it well, items will be stolen. Don't feel guilty (;
  14. Delark

    Am I allowed to keep this..?

    That's up to you to keep or not to keep.
  15. Delark


    Upon entry of a house with only one exit, getting ready to loot, I scroll down to the right option and click. Now, imagine this at night, with a lot of zombies outside and the "dinnerbell" firmly held in your hand. Turned out I wasn't scrolling.
  16. Delark

    Player vs Zombie Server

    Isn't it the core gameplay of DayZ that you never know whom you encounter? I have yet to encounter a player who is friendly, but eventually I will... It's what makes the game fun yet scary to play. You will never know what to expect, as it would be in "real life" and let that be the point of DayZ, it's a simulation. You will continue to meet numerous people who'll shoot you on sight.
  17. Delark

    Looking for DMR!

    I might know someone. Let me check with him.