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Everything posted by mitch_howdie

  1. mitch_howdie

    I need help.

    I am in Pogorevka and my leg is broken I would be forever indebted to you for this favor. If anyone has some morphine. I would help in the future I have yet to this day to meet anyone that will honestly help someone with out killing them. Thank you.
  2. mitch_howdie

    I need help.

    DE 1181
  3. mitch_howdie

    I need help.

    I logged out what server do you frequent. What are Beans?
  4. I am trying to figure out why all the sudden I cant go into 3rd person view. I push the right enter key but does nothing I must have hit another key or something cant figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. The server I am on has 3rd person view I just must have locked my enter key some how I have tried to double tap and hit num lock.
  6. Ok thank you I am freakin 28 man and this is the first game I have ever played I have a brother in law that said I just had to buy a computer to play this and I had him do all the downloading I know nothing of any of this game I am a ultra mega NOOB. If you have any other tips I am not even sure of how to write on a forum guess i did well for a first timer.