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About zeniaz

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  1. Would love to get my ticket answered :) #298535 any help would be amazing.
  2. The beta isn't there for me and I lost my LID with the BEC Bug. Ticket number #671319
  3. Was just about to ask when the eta was on the update! Thanks!
  4. It's okay my helicopter is spawning under water, no matter what we do, can't blow it up or anything.
  5. I didn't think you could swim to the bottom of it? It's also broken and unrepaired.
  6. If only that was true =p
  7. I currently run a server, and the helicopter has spawned under water, is there a fix for this? Any type of help would be appreciated, it's currently located just off the south east island in the bay of the town. Here's a screencap, is there a fix for this? http://steamcommunit...ls/?id=93491945 Sorry if this is the wrong area. I'm not sure where to post this.
  8. I currently run a server, and the helicopter has spawned under water, is there a fix for this? Any type of help would be appreciated, it's currently located just off the south east island in the bay of the town. Here's a screencap, is there a fix for this? http://steamcommunit...ls/?id=93491945 Sorry if this is the wrong area.
  9. I'm just trying to change the number that's all, it won't let me do it at all, and there's another server with the number they gave me =/
  10. Servers working for me now! Woot! Now just to figure out why it won't let me change the server name.
  11. Ah okay thanks, still can't change it nor can I even get on the server to play right now, hoping my tickets will be answered shortly.
  12. Question, I just bought a server, how do I change the server name of it?