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Everything posted by holynevil

  1. My group currently excess of L85, M4A1 CCO SD, M4A3 CCO, SVD Camo, AS50. NVGs, GPS, ammo for those guns. I am looking for m240 or m249 saw or mk48 mod 0 with ammo, the more the better. PM me if you interest, I can ask Freeside to set up Guarded Trade if you want
  2. holynevil

    [Buying] M240/M249/Mk48 mod 0 and ammo

    update: now i have additional m24 with mags, bizon with mags, fn fal (the one with nvg) with mags, camo. STill looking for those nicely machine guns
  3. holynevil

    [Buying] M240/M249/Mk48 mod 0 and ammo

    Rob, i got m9sd with m9sd ammo if you want to trade. Don;t have ghillie though
  4. holynevil

    Traders and Traitors

    Hey should you combine your list with the testimonials from the freeside trading forum? We just need to ask if they have the same username for both forums or not since I have 2 good testimonials so I would also like to be added in the trustworthy traders list. Here the URL to my testimonials http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?threads/holynevil-testimonials.1829/
  5. holynevil

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Twonk, I am looking for m240 and belts, m4a1 holo with m203 he/ flash/ smoke, m136 with some rockets, ghillie/camo clothing. I have l85, m4a1 cco sd with sd rounds, as50 with NATO rounds, svd camo with 6~9 mags, NVGs, Gps, rangefinder . Please pm me if you interest in trading
  6. holynevil

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    That sniper have the worst aim possible. As I laid down behind the tree, he shoot at least 20 times but only manage to hit me twice for like the whole 5 min I laid down. And I 100% sure that guy use the hacked in thermal as50 since the opposite of the sniper hill crusher, Paul and me is completely cover in fog, aka cannot see shit accross elektro but he still manage to know where we at. Oh well guess even with that weapon he still failed to kill even one lmao
  7. Ok so my friend and I were exploring Cherno in US 1799. Then the Hive go down, all the servers down. Since we were in a house when that happened, we decided to wait to log back in and get to safer place. The Hive up, servers up, we logged in, run toward where I set up my tent, then we both get desync. Since the Hive just went down earlier, I though it was a maintaince on the Hive. Turn out it not, when we both tried to log in again, it show us: You have been kicked from this server BattlEye: Admin Ban (Server not responding). We don't know what we did wrong. All we did was found 3 corpes in Cherno and don't know who were so just loot them. My login name is Hai Nguyen. Also to be honest:My friend and I were searching around Cherno for parts to repair a bus we saw in Cherno in that server. My friend got an sniper ( don't remember the name) but it a big ass gun have a thermal on it. He got it when we were in another server and a sniper just sniped everyone down in Cherno. He respawned in Elektro and went back to Cherno, saw a sniper, killed him and got all his stuffs. I can guarantee that he not hack or script using.
  8. holynevil

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    I still looking for any machine guns + ammo and svd camo. I have m4a1 holo, m4a3 cco, m4a1 cco sd, l85, as50. NVGs, GPS, Coyote Backpack
  9. holynevil

    Looking For An L85 And An AS50

    hey i have L85 + 5~6 stanag SD, AS 50 with 6 m107 ammo. Looking for SVD CAMO and ghillie suit m249 and ammo
  10. holynevil

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    hey what would i need to trade for that SVD Camo
  11. what happen to you guys teamspeak?
  12. I currently on you guys teamspeak. I think someone is going to pick me up. I in Otmel
  13. I am in need of transporting service, can you guys pm the server?
  14. bump. I don't want to lose all the stuffs i collected for 5 hours in server @_@
  15. holynevil

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Hai Nguyen (might change that) Steam Name: Holynevil Age: 21 Mic: Yes but rarely speak Preferred role: Assault (regular grunt is good enough for me haha) Timezone: UCT -8 How often do you play a day and at what times: A lot. Usually around 11 AM to 2 AM the next day :P
  16. oh for everyone information: When we were getting desync, there aren't anyone in the server except my friend and I. So we thought at first it was the server got a problem
  17. I don't know in what way they can consider me cheating. All I have in my gear is a m16 and a m9 SD that about it. We have plenty of medical supplies due to a hospital raid in Cherno. Still pretty unclear why they ban me