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Posts posted by Creep-

  1. Chances are the person who shoots you is very much accustomed to being shot himself. Is a vicious cycle of death and distrust where those who are newer to the game (or less experienced with the strategy behind not dying) end up being killed over and over again by a stronger foe. They then set out to become that kind of stronger foe in order to stop dying as frequently, evidentally ending up instead killing another newer player who then has to evolve into the same sort of player in order to survive. We're forcing it unto ourselves and unfortunately, without serious guidance through server rules, administrative tampering and general goodness of the heart, there is nothing to be done about it. I've also noticed that you've only gotten one post so far, OP. Hope to see you around on the forum more often!


    This gave me cancer of the eye.

    • Like 3

  2. Your humvee is probably full. Put some of your gear on the ground (where you can see it clearly), take some of the gear out of the humvee,

    put this gear in a separate pile.

    Now, try to put something small from your original pile, back into the humvee.

    Try this and post back here

