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Posts posted by Creep-

  1. ^ I agree the disease aspect with add a new dimension to the game. The mod in its current state - as much as I love it, doesn't really have a lot to offer in terms of longevity, hence why (I believe) people turn to PKing. With the addition of base building, fighting off disease and potentially investigating/researching said diseases, will give players something to do - a kind of side mission in-between looting/gearing up. I think this will curb some of the PKing at least.

  2. The transmission route depends on the disease, and vectors associated with it.

    Cholera will spread in game mainly via infected food and water sources. Players can choose how long they boil or cook meat. The longer you boil/cook the more likely it is any disease causing pathogens are killed. Cholera is mainly spread through faeces infecting water and food, so if someone with cholera goes swimming in a water source (pond), or prepares you meal (cooking meat) - then there is a chance they will have infected that food/water. Maybe they pass the food onto you, and you eat it. Or maybe you collect water from the pond after they swam in it. Then you get cholera. Many people are asymptomatic (do not show symptoms) of cholera so this also increases transmission.

    Of those who develop symptoms, and don't get treatment, cholera has a 50% mortality rate (mainly due dehydration).

    Hep is a bit different, the system I have now has hep C would mainly be transferred during melee combat between players where both get hit. It is also a long term virus, that would only really cause issues for players who have been alive a long time. Whereas cholera has a very short incubation period (in real life, it can kill within 2 hours).

    Can you implement some sort of time limit the disease source is active? I can see trolls moving from water source to water source spreading the disease/s for a lol.. Perhaps it could degrade over time, like the barrels that can be set on fire.
