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Posts posted by Creep-

  1. Thats because this game is not meant to be nice... And we dont need candyass fucks to tell Rocket anything. My question is, why cant anyone embrace hardcore gameing?

    Get the fuck off your mom's tit for christs sake... Not that I dont love milk..I do. I just love it cold. With cereal. Trix to be exact. Goddamn rabbit.


  2. I'm 28, I kinda feel a little old in this thread in particular, however I play regularly with 13, 14, 15 etc up to 40yo lads.

    To be completely honest guys I don't think age really has a lot to do with style of play, some of the biggest assholes i've played with were in the 18 - 22yo age group, yet the biggest sooks were 29 - 40.

  3. Seriously wipe it all, make all the players who have everything lose it all, let their tears feed me for the remainder of the year.

    Then when the SA comes out, wipe the servers every 6 month. keep it fresh, unless there are plans for the game that need more than 6 months like growing your own vegetables.

