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Posts posted by Creep-

  1. I have to agree with SeaMan, I just didn't want to be mean about it as you seem young and enthusiastic.

    Maybe ask your friends about your next suggestion and see what they think?, posting anything on here generally leads to the responses you got today.

  2. Looks pretty good. I was in the same boat as you a few weeks ago, I didn't really know what to get as there is soo fkn many options out there with a new pc - especially for gaming.

    I researched a lot and settled on something pretty similar to what you have posted, I went for a bit more high end but so was the pricetag.

    For $700 that's a good deal, as for future proof I would go with more ram - 16gb, a solid state hd, and maybe further down the track add a second gtx 660.
