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Posts posted by Creep-

  1. Generally speaking, it SHOULD be.

    But there are a lot of people here on the forums that have i7 processors and complain about performance issues.

    Edit; Yeah, pretty much what the other guy said. Multi/Hyper-threading seems to cause a lot of problems with ARMA 2 / DayZ, and no, it's not the same for other games.

    Thanks for your response, I did a bit of googling and found that some people have had increased fps by disabling hyperthreading in bios.

    Will try this out.


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  2. If you're running the 3 screens while playing dayz, then that is certainly the problem. As far as I know, SLI doesn't work properly in Arma 2.

    If you're only running 1 screen, then you've done something wrong, as I know a lot of people with the same 3770k, GTX 670 setup as you, and they get 60 constant

    Yeah I am playing it on the 3 screens. I know I could get better fps with just one but just try and play again with one screen after you've played with 3. It's seriously THAT much cooler.
