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Everything posted by Creep-

  1. Creep-

    Found a Holy Book?

    I'm an Atheist and I find this offensive.
  2. I hope it runs better, I bought my pc specifically for DayZ.
  3. Creep-

    Not sure if I'm smart or stupid.

    Or you could kill cows. No human interaction necessary.
  4. Creep-

    Suggestion: Grocery bags.

    I vote yes. Because.. why not.
  5. Creep-

    Petition for Mountain Dew on SA Game

    I don't care about the legalities, I want mountain dew!
  6. Creep-

    Very mad friends

    G000gle, I will protect you from the Fabio.
  7. Be nice to my friend G000gle. He is nice.
  8. Sometimes I hide prone under a tree
  9. Creep-

    Ever heard of clan/group recruitment???

    How dare they!
  10. I love you, G000gle.
  11. Creep-

    People dont understand

  12. Creep-

    Weird Error

    I got the exact same thing
  13. Creep-

    I can't get the Debug Monitor on

    You could alternatively join Balota Buddies. The debug monitor is enabled :thumbsup:
  14. Creep-

    What happened to this game?

    I'm seeing constant improvements if anything..
  15. Creep-

    Standalone planned for June

    In June, yes.
  16. Creep-

    Standalone planned for June

    June is the dog that rocket dodged
  17. Creep-

    Standalone planned for June

    So, what? June is a dog?
  18. Ohai, 1) As cool as it would be, you need to join a specific server for each map. 2) The status bar has been removed from official servers, some private hives still use one though. 3) I can't answer for the public hives, but Balota Buddies def. doesn't :thumbsup: 4) Fog is in game, kinda sucks but adds to the atmosphere
  19. Creep-

    Standalone thoughts?

    I think anyone saying they won't bother with the standalone is full of bs. We are all waiting for it, we are all going to buy it.
  20. Creep-

    Standalone thoughts?

    standalone footage here http://tinyurl.com/safootage
  21. I love you, Rocket. (no homo)