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Everything posted by Creep-

  1. Creep-

    idea for make hostage

  2. Creep-

    make hair growing and scissor for cut

    I love you KoS :beans:
  3. Is it vanilla? or have you modified it?
  4. Creep-

    Prepping for Standalone!

    I find your topic title misleading.
  5. Creep-

    [Standalone] Using Flashlight on Map

    Good idea mannnnnngggggggg
  6. Creep-

    Rocket said..

    I heard Rocket is just a front man for the Reptilians...
  7. Creep-

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

  8. Creep-

    Share your /facepalm moments

    Coming up to Polana factory for a routine landing, a quick scroll of the mouse wheel to select auto hover, miss auto hover and switch off the engine.. too low to restart and fly away. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  9. I didn't survive longer that 15 minutes for the first month I played
  10. Creep-

    Info on the steam version of Dayz.

    He's just trying to be helpful.
  11. Creep-

    Chernobyl Map would be great !

    This looks awesome
  12. Creep-

    The Release Date for Dayz Standalone

    It's already out, I'm playing it right now.
  13. 55" is good if you're sitting a few meters away
  14. Creep-

    Low FPS GTX680 + i7 3930k

    I tried clocking the gpu but it doesn't seem to like it, plus, temps are high as it is.
  15. Creep-

    Low FPS GTX680 + i7 3930k

    Hi there, I run 3 x gtx670 4gb, 32gb ram, i7 3770k @ 4.5ghz and I too only get 35 fps in cherno It just sucks like that.
  16. Creep-

    Medication should hurt you.

    IMO this would just make an already unforgiving game even more complicated. Maybe on hardcore servers this would do alright.
  17. Creep-

    Getting Ready for DayZ Standalone Update

    would buy/10