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Everything posted by Creep-

  1. Creep-

    What do you do in DayZ?

    Trying to fix helicopters is fun for a while, building a multiple tent base somewhere is good. Hoarding as many vehicles as you can find etc..
  2. Creep-

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    I have the Asus G75vw, It plays most games at very high with good fps
  3. Creep-

    Squa support

    My squad and I have all changed our skins to "Larry" in the skin selection menu, this doesn't sound like much but has helped us quite a lot in firefights/stalking towns
  4. Creep-

    Just how bad are hackers?

    find a private hive, what country are you in?
  5. What about people with unstable/wireless connections? I know a few guys that get d/c uncontrollably..
  6. Creep-

    DayZ Event Right Now! (LIVE)

    y so much hate?
  7. Creep-

    DayZ Event Right Now! (LIVE)

    ^ I'm watching while at work, beats watching youtube vids to pass the time.
  8. Creep-

    Hunting animals

    I like the sound of this
  9. Creep-

    Issue with Six Launcher???

    Try DayZ commander
  10. Creep-

    Looking for a private hive

    what country are you in?
  11. Creep-

    New server looking for regulars (Rmod needed)

    What country are you based in? I'd like to give rmod a go but i'm in Australia - not sure about ping limit
  12. Creep-

    Can only see Russian servers

    Download "DayZCommander" - google it, then set filter to the country you are from. Should do the trick for you
  13. I bought my gaming pc after years of console gaming. Just show your mates DayZ and get them keen
  14. Get one of your mates to play the game with you and get on teamspeak together. If you are in Australia give me a shout man i'll help you out
  15. Creep-

    The Wendigo (STANDALONE)

    Zombie bear?
  16. Creep-

    What kind of player are you?

    I shoot anyone I don't know
  17. So how many of you have gotten into the server so far?
  18. interesting concept, Can I have server ip pm'd please