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Everything posted by Creep-

  1. Creep-

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    ^ This (no homo)
  2. Creep-


    YES !
  3. Creep-

    this is gonna sound weird...

    I believe it's all in the way you speak to them, and the way they respond to you. Hostility is easily detected in ones voice, and almost assumed in text (my opinion)
  4. Creep-

    DayZ without Zombies

  5. Creep-

    Bandit negativity

    I agree camping spawns/cherno/electro for fresh players is a total dick move
  6. Creep-

    Can I run DayZ ?

    maybe if you had service pack 4
  7. Creep-

    Bandit negativity

    So players should be penalised for killing other players in a PvP oriented game?
  8. Creep-

    why I got this avatar ?

    Probably because you wear yellow shoes..
  9. Creep-

    Low Pop vs High Pop Servers

    High pop Private hive.. "surviving" gets boring. Get a gun and head north.
  10. Creep-


    looks like you could use a ram and ssd upgrade mate
  11. Creep-

    Wing Suits in DayZ?

    I have to agree with SeaMan, I just didn't want to be mean about it as you seem young and enthusiastic. Maybe ask your friends about your next suggestion and see what they think?, posting anything on here generally leads to the responses you got today.
  12. Creep-

    Wing Suits in DayZ?

    not sure if trolling..
  13. Creep-

    Help meeee!!!

    it's similar to play-with-six. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  14. Creep-

    Help meeee!!!

    try DayZ commander
  15. Creep-

    Wing Suits in DayZ?

  16. Creep-

    Wing Suits in DayZ?

    oh dear.
  17. Creep-

    Is this wrong?

    I agree with steak, take him to the woods and rape shoot him
  18. Creep-

    Noobiee with questions.. :/

    Bandits kill other players, while survivors will generally just go about their business collecting guns/cars etc Once you have bought Arma 2: CO the mod is free to download.
  19. Creep-

    Need help playing DayZ Mod on mac!!!

    You need to bootcamp
  20. Sounds like a good idea to me but I imagine the information that would be needed to be stored would be huge.
  21. Creep-

    Spare Ghillie?

    I'll give you one for an as50
  22. Looks pretty good. I was in the same boat as you a few weeks ago, I didn't really know what to get as there is soo fkn many options out there with a new pc - especially for gaming. I researched a lot and settled on something pretty similar to what you have posted, I went for a bit more high end but so was the pricetag. For $700 that's a good deal, as for future proof I would go with more ram - 16gb, a solid state hd, and maybe further down the track add a second gtx 660.