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Everything posted by Creep-

  1. Creep-

    Repairable parts dont show up

    do you have a toolbox?
  2. Creep-

    Sleeping in Tents?

    probably just an animation glitch
  3. Creep-

    Hotfix Looking for Testers

    I'm free now if you still need help
  4. Come and check out balota buddies hardcore server. No 3rd person, no waypoints, no peripheral dots, 2000m view distance
  5. Creep-

    Anyone use Track ir 5?

    Yeah this vid is what sold me, theres another one showing a guy look round corners and check his left and right before exiting a building. It actually arrived today so ill let you know how it goes
  6. Creep-

    Anyone use Track ir 5?

    I don't doubt the rift will be the most amazing piece of gear ever, until then the track ir will have to do
  7. Creep-

    Anyone use Track ir 5?

    Ok i've just ordered one, it would be great if you guys could post your settings for me to use as a guide. Cheers
  8. Creep-

    What is with my FPS?

    dude, I have i7 3770k, 3 x gtx 670 4gb, 32 gb 1866 ram, 256gb ssd and still only get 20fps in cherno and electro (and yes I've disabled hyperthreading, I've set video memory to default, I've set graphics options high to run off gpu rather than cpu.. blah blah fkn blah) The game simply isn't optimised for high end pc's. I'm hoping this gets rectified in the standalone, or even arma 3. Edit: spelling errors because I'm drunk
  9. Creep-

    One simple question Helo vs Heli

    I've met players that are dyslexic, illiterate, lazy, stupid, not native to english..
  10. Creep-

    best private/community servers?

    balota buddies. :thumbsup:
  11. I like to set up a tent or 2 and have a vehicle somewhere, something I have only been able to do on whitelisted private hives dues to the massive flow of players on public servers and the amount of scripting going on.
  12. If you don't join balota buddies.. you're gunna have a bad time.
  13. Creep-

    I am having a lot of trouble.

    Also, you may have to update arma 2 and dayz (DayZ commander, install/update tab top right corner of screen)
  14. Creep-

    ALWAYS Listen to a woman in DayZ

    jesus.. she mad.
  15. Creep-

    Diaries In DayZ SA, How Will They Work?

    I will most likely just leave notes with the following; c==8
  16. Creep-

    ESP Hacks

    gotcha anti-hack
  17. Creep-

    What is a good server in Australia?

    I'm whitelisted on 3 AU servers and Balota Buddies is the best if you like to play on a high pop server.
  18. Creep-

    Should I wait to break my DayZ virginity

    I would get it now, get some practice in.
  19. Creep-

    What is a good server in Australia?

    Balota Buddies.
  20. best walk/jog simulator i've played
  21. ok download tthe operation arrowhead beta from steam. you shouldn't have to play them just running them did it for me. I don't know about the combined ops icon, I bought arma 2 and operation arrowhead separately. Try clicking install/update (top right corner of dayz commander) and update dayz and arma 2. Hope this works for you man
  22. Creep-

    day z standalone vs armaII

    I would say yes friend.