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Everything posted by james18csi@hotmail.com

  1. DayZ Server brought to you by Doctor Fabulous (James). A Ginger Jawa (Danny) If your looking for a server to settle down and build a nice base with friends or dive into the darker life and steal this is the server for YOU!!!! NO PLOT POLE REQUIRED TO BUILD Server IP: OR Search For Crusade Gaming Server Mods: ACTIVE ADMINS (Looking for one more) Snap Building Self Blood-bagging (Little Buggy) Trader Cities God mode Repair/Refuel/Rearm Anti-hack Custom Traders Server Events Night time Added Buildings in Balota, NEAF and Assorted Building Around The Map Custom Loot Tables Custom Starting Loadout Vehicle Tow/Lift Extra Vehicles New Things Added To The Server Everyday FIRST WEEK BONUS: For the first week of the server being added we are offering a base building package: - UAZ (With Key) - 1 Safe - 10 Lumber Packs - 5 Wood Floor/Ceiling - 5 Wood Walls - 1 Wood Wall w/ Door - 1 Combination Lock
  2. Have a few members joined atm still looking for more :)
  3. james18csi@hotmail.com

    Hacked Weapons

    Me and my friend killed a few guys and went to loot them and found some AS50 TWS's, are me and my friend allowed to keep these seeing as they are hacked??
  4. james18csi@hotmail.com

    Hacked Weapons

    we killed 3 people earlier they was driving past cherno in a car my m8 hit the car and stopped it then the 3 guys got out and we unloaded our mags into them killing them and blowing the car up then moved and looted them and camped their bodys for a bit to get 2 more kills on the same guys then we hid the bodys :P
  5. james18csi@hotmail.com

    Hacked Weapons

    Meh i dont feel bad at all ive been nuked so many times i feel no remorse!