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Everything posted by shokaloop

  1. When it comes to starting out fresh and playing with a friend of mine how would this work? Do we spawn on opposite sides of the map and we have to meet up in game? Or can we join with each other and start next to each other?
  2. HI there. I've recently heard quit a bit about this Dayz mod for Arma 2 and after looking up countless youtube videos and reviews I must say I am impressed by the way this game looks! My first question is once I have Arma 2 downloaded (the $30 one from steam) all I have to do is download Dayz mod from this website? Then I can start playing? I've read that Dayz might become its own stand alone game. Is there any word of when this might happen? I don't want to buy arma 2 to find out Dayz has moved on from it... So if the Dayz mod is going to be staying on arma 2 for longer then 6 months then I don't mind buying it after then. But if it becomes it own game within a month or 2 i'm really going to regret buying Arma 2. How supported is the game from the developers? Is there frequent updates and game content being put in? If there is any other info you think a noob should know please post it for me! I'd like to find out all the facts before diving into Dayz.
  3. shokaloop

    First time Dayz player. Have a question or 2

    Well that's good to know that they will still be updating the arma 2 mod along with the stand alone. Is there any word at all on how much the stand alone will cost?