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Everything posted by break

  1. break

    Status Report - 30 Jun 2015

    Just to add something quickly & constructively I hope. Is it possible for the team to completely finish a guns reload/recoil/bolt animations for all variables of scopes before that weapon is included in the game? The CR527 has been in the game for nearly a year, but has been completely redundant for 90% of that time because the magazines were so rare & you couldn't attach any form of scope. Now you can attach a scope, it suffers from what all bolt action guns suffer from in DayZ, an auto reload or chamber mechanic preventing you from seeing your target and leaving you looking at the sun..then the floor for a few seconds. Personally, I would prefer it if the modelers, programmers, sound engineers & animators completely finished a weapon & all its attachment variables before it was introduced into DayZ. So what if it takes longer, things would just work that way and you wouldn't have to keep going back to a gun to finish parts off. It sounds like the dev teams way of working anyway.... not wanting to double the workload in any area, I mean that's what you preach about right now and something I agree with. It would be so refreshing to pick up a new weapon, hear new sounds, and have it just work 1st time around. I'd rather wait and have stuff that works, not stuff that's frustrating to use or completely pointless. Sometimes it seems some guns are shoved into the SA to appease the masses & spark interest in the game again rather than because its finished. For example, the AUG has still not received any attachments, the Mosin STILL auto reloaded 1.7 years after we first mentioned it directly to the devs & the CR527 as mentioned above was neglected for a whole year. PvP or straight up KOS is a viable play style, and should not be neglected by the devs. It seems their main focus for the past year and a half has been "survival" (from what....zombies??) and adding cars. What genuinely worries me is....the community isn't leaving because there's a texture bug on a pumpkin patch, or people can't go hunting effectively. They're leaving because they've not been able to hear the guy shooting them for the past year, or because the sway is so much you they can't hit a stationary target 10ft away after running 30 meters, or they pick up a gun and can't shoot it, or they're trying to shoot a guy 400m away but can gauge the distance because they cant see the round landing because their gun is reloading after each shot, or the guy you're shooting at is weapon glitched and is shooting you from a leaning position meaning you cant see him, OOOOOR the guys gun is just straight up invisible.... Alll PvP or weapon related stuff. Without this getting labeled as a "hate post", my point is a lot of current bugs are detrimental to the over riding factor of why DayZ was made so popular and why 90% of people play it......PvP. This is the area that needs focus right now imo. Weapon mechanics, & current glitches mentioned above need to be solved sooner rather than later and the overall PvP feel needs to be worked on heavily. I don't want new weapons, I don't want a "3 vehicle pack" (that will ruin the game), I want basic stuff that works when its added to the game. If it doesn't work as intended....don't add it please, or keep it in experimental. I'm sure I'm being unreasonable about some stuff, but I wish the team would remember what made the MOD great...and that's difficult because I don't think anyone can quite put their finger on it, but whatever it was that kept us coming back was built around PvP and the threat that other players offer. Lastly... I HATE all the stupid pink shit and think its bad design choice for the look and feel of an apocalyptic game. Its straight up immersion breaking for me...like insta-catapults me back reality and into the little sadness pit I have developed for DayZ. Why didn't the film The Road or the game The Last of Us, have pink, blue & yellow stuff everywhere? I'll tell you why, because from an artistic standpoint it would have not fit the mood of either of those pieces. Are there pink and blue raincoats in the real world?....yes. Would they fit into a gritty zombie apocalypse based in eastern Europe?....probably not. The last of us had a lot of bright & vibrant colours which is unusual really, but they made it work because of excellent environment & character design. The colours complimented one and other and where there were vibrant colours, they were often desaturated and carefully selected to compliment what was around them. DayZ currently doesn't pull this off unfortunately and its no where near. I don't want a brown DayZ, where everything is dull and grim but I want one that is carefully designed and well thought out. Its like the modelers are choosing standard photoshop colours, not a level designer carefully thinking...would this fit? Would this compliment this? I don't know just my two cents.
  2. break

    Status Report - 30 Jun 2015

    Weapon Sway: I think there still needs to be a bigger difference when you hold the hold breath key. In the videos I saw numbers changing, but the visual representation of those numbers was....not much really. Don't get me wrong, I dont want to hold my breath and for DayZ to suddenly turn into CS:GO, but I think your aim should steady a little more than it currently does. The problem is, in DayZ there are too many factors deciding what weapon sway might be that it could get really complicated. How much gear are you carrying? (Weight)How heavy is the weapon & magazine?(Drum mag/30rnd/10rnd) What is the weapons state? (Pristine, worn, damaged) Do you have broken arms?Are you ill?How far have you just ran?What is the temperature outside?Are you cold/wet?My point is, how is someones aim going to be say if they're not carrying a backpack, using a pristine M4 with a 10 round mag, no broken arms, healthy, just ran 2k, its sunny, & they're damp...compared to their team mates whos carrying a large backpack, using a damaged M4 with a 60 round double mag, has a chipped arm, ill, just ran 1k, its sunny & they're dry. IMO this would be way too complicated to predict. For everyone advocating the current weapon sway, saying, "have you ever ran 2k and tried to aim a rifle" well no....no I've not but I've played fun video games, and I've played frustrating video games and do you know which one I prefer?? THE FUN ONE! To the devs of DayZ, you might be very very clever and have some fancy coding that takes all the situations and more mentioned above into consideration and find something that accurately predicts each characters sway for every situation going....but ask yourselves....will it be fun? Right now If I've ran more than 100 metres, and run up to some unsuspecting dude stood still 10 feet away, I would have more confidence in shooting a stationary target 600m away while I was lay prone. If its a "civilian shooter" then why can I make the 600-800m shots lay prone, but not the 10m shots after running for 30 seconds? Make the close range easier, and longer ranges harder, not the other way around. I'm rambling....my point is, you can do a number of things with the sway but just make it fun and not overly complicated with a billion factors going into IF I could shoot a guy 10m away. ramblerambleramble <3
  3. Eurgh...I've spent the best part of an hour now trying to construct this post in a way that doesn't come across like a "I hate DayZ" post. I actually don't, I love it. But the wonderful game I used to know and love feels like its changing forever recently. I don't know if its just the phase its going through right now with the patches, but DayZ feels more of an RP/Elektro fight sim than a "hardcore" zombie apocalypse sim. Every man and his dog are fighting in Elektro, swapping the only AK in miles over and over again as each fresh spawn chase each other with brooms & fire extinguishers hoping to land the one desyncing blow that gets them all the lewt. They do this repetitively, only to stay in Elektro and lose it all and rinse & repeat the process. I've streamed the entirety of the Standalone, and right now map exploration seems to be at its lowest point. To put it into perspective, I stream on average 7 or 8 hours a day, I play in the west (mostly NW) and go to all the military zones. NWA, Veresnik, Myshkino Tents, Green Mountain, Zelenogorsk & Pavlovo. Over a week I encountered 8 players on 50/50 servers. I didn't hear a single shot in all that time...not 1. No one fighting for gear, no one shooting an animal because they need food...not one single gun shot...in around 28 hours gameplay. Due to this, DayZ for me seems to be losing its acclaimed atmosphere. The fear of someone watching me, the fear of losing everything I've worked for. In the Mod it could happen anywhere, Stary, Novy, Altar, Grishino, Rogovo, Old Fields...I could go on. There was no safe zone, no where I felt completely alone & it was GREAT! For me, bandits CREATED the atmosphere, be it KOS, be it a hold up...there was always consequence for my actions. I loved it and the atmosphere of the Mod was so great it was palpable. Explaining to to friends was difficult because I didn't know where to start, all I could say was YOU HAVE TO GET THIS GAME...YOU'LL SEE! Now fast forward 1.4 years, no I see guys wearing no pants, a pink raincoat and a stetson hitting a totally naked guy with a broomstick....that atmosphere comes crashing back down. There is no consequence for my actions. I can get my gear back in 10 minutes if I get a Cherno spawn. Balota & the Prison will see to that. I know there are several causes for these issues. Some are by design, others are down to bugs that will inevitably be fixed at some point. Like I said, this isn't a I hate DayZ post, I’m just really passionate about it that's all, & from someone who played the Mod from May 2012 I think I have some right to be a little pissed. (Not at the bugs...with the game direction). So with that rant, is the hardcore PVP element of DayZ dying? Lets face it, 1pp is pretty much dead. No one wants to play it...everyone would prefer the advantage of looking around pine trees and over walls, though they’ll say its because they want to see their character. (Its not). Its being developed as a Hardcore Simulator...the Antigame, so why not promote 1pp? PvP is 10 times better in 1pp AND the atmosphere is 1000 times better in 1pp than 3pp. I can't take any PvP'ers who play in 3pp seriously anymore... Running speed has been increased to entertain the masses who simply cant be arsed taking time to travel around, so people are insanely hard to hit on the run. The crazy weapon sway that hasn't been touched in nearly a year encourages camping, because if you move...you can’t aim. (Again no wonder why people aren't moving). The inclusion of lots of melee weapons and lots of none lethal guns. There are so many melee weapons they've finally reached a broomstick, so hopefully they’ll stop soon. Then there's the sporter and now the Trumpet, killing someone under 10ft away with these guns is impossible. Shotguns don’t kill they just about ruin clothes, and there's still no scope (or mag) for the CR527. There are bugs hindering PvP too as we all know, this isn't a hate DayZ thread. I understand its in Alpha, I understand most of the bugs will be fixed in time, but the above issues just don't seem to be getting addressed. It looks like my dreams of the Standalone becoming "hardcore" aint coming true. From the Mod to what we have now, it just seems so different Theres a younger player base who want all the gear, but don't want to work hard for it and when someone like me kills them for it....they complain. The devs seem to listen to these guys more than the guys who played & supported the mod for so long & the game seems be be tailored around them, not people who supported it back in 2012.
  4. :( Was hoping for more than just *facepalm* off you Brian. As someone who's probably got over 6000 hours on DayZ, I'd like to think I can share my honest opinion on here in a none hateful way & at least get some feedback on my thoughts? Is that too much to ask? I know you're working your asses off, and this isn't a hate post directed towards you, your team OR DayZ, just a passionate players opinion. I thought they we're valued in a community? Its honest feedback too, I'm not pussy footing around blowing smoke up your asses. The games great & there are many mechanics that are wonderful, but I think the atmosphere overall sucks right now.... big time! Is this because I'm fighting against guys with pink dresses & broomsticks? YES! These are design choices, decisions the team has actively made, and it doesn't sit right with me and 1000's of others. Giving people a choice of what to wear is cool, but I think its important to keep a theme. Theres a reason why Joel and Ellie don't wear pink raincoats or dresses in The Last of Us, and why The Walking Dead is mostly mute, earthy desaturated colours. Its keeps to a theme, and keeps the player/viewer locked in, creates a believable environment and immerses them into this new world. Granted, pink raincoats and dresses would not just vanish in an apocalypse, but you have to keep a theme no? There is no identity right now with the SA. Its all over the place. Its a hardcore sim one minute with military weapons and zeroing where you can get cholera and have to maintain a healthy diet to thrive, but then there's also naked guys running around in dresses carrying broomsticks holding child's briefcases. I don't know, its like 2 different games & sometimes leaves me not knowing what to think. I'm certainly sucked out of the world & environment when I see these kind of things and the game becomes something else. Definitely not a gritty zombie apocalypse simulator.... There are bugs hindering the atmosphere too, bugs I kind of expected you guys to jump on to be honest. Still wander around for hours without hearing a gun shot, I'm still out of breath after running 15ft creating the most crazy sway mechanics I've ever seen in a game & still can't hold my breath or go prone to help reduce this. (Promoting camping...in 3pp)...I'm still hearing ambient sounds, the rain is still as loud as a tank & there are still only 3 weather cycles, raining, sunny, or rain every 30 seconds. Bugs I can understand & its part of an alpha, and part of the growing pains in developing a game. (These affecting the atmosphere might only be temporary, but they have been in for 1.3 years now). Its not like these things have been in for a patch or 2. After 6000 hours you might think its just me getting bored of DayZ & I need to give it a break, but I played the Mod the other day and within 15 minutes I felt more atmosphere & tension in that than I have for the past....6 months of Standalone. I killed a cow because I NEEDED to, I was starving to death & needed health. I remember a "broken" patch a while back that made food really rare...it was GREAT! It actually got me back playing, DayZ was hard again! (It was patched out swiftly and food was everywhere again)... DayZ isn't hard anymore, and if its by design to get more people to play it then I feel its the wrong choice honestly. Right now you run fast as Usain Bolt & food is everywhere, by design. I just feel like, although its an alpha, you could still make it hard by design, and not make it easy. Bugs are bugs, and although as I said above I feel some should be jumped on and patched out now I understand these being in the game and your limitations with these. But designing the game to be easy now, may have huge repercussions later on? It also destroys the most important thing about DayZ, the atmosphere! Brian I love you, but the feeling isn't there at the moment with SA, and I'm wondering what you're going to do to bring that back is all? In the short term...& by design. Hope you appreciate this as what it is, honest feedback from a guy who loves your game. <3
  5. Did you turn off headbob? I wasn't aware of 1pp games causing motion sickness until DayZ? Is it the same with COD/BF? Or just DayZ? Out of curiosity?
  6. Hey, yeah my post was never intended to be a 1pp VS 3pp thread. Although I prefer 1pp, & think it better fits the atmosphere of an antigame zombie apocalypse, 3pp does have a place in SA and I wouldn't like to see it removed. People should play how they like, and do what makes them feel comfortable or have a more enjoyable experience. Playing in 1pp is clunky, it has been in all arma games...even A3 still feels a little clunky. Hopefully this is something the devs are working on. If they work on player movement & make 1pp feel a little smoother this tied in with improvements regarding the FPS will make all the difference I'm sure. Hopefully then we will see it balance out, but until then the player base is completely split...and tbh it kinda sucks being in the 10% I guess....
  7. I'm aware some of the issues I've raised are infact growing pains of a developing game that we wouldn't normally get to see. What I'm referring to is how the devs have tailored the game to be easier to people who can't be bother to explore & how difficult they're trying to make KOS. The running speed thing is silly. I read somewhere that the running speed in the current DayZ SA is 42kph. In the mod it was unrealistic at 21kph, but I mean it is after all a game, and it has to be fun. But doubling the speed has had a detrimental affect on KOS, especially when you factor in desync & unbelievably quick strafing animations. Why raise it just so people can get to places faster? The sway is also at a point now where it genuinely puts me off playing the game. Run more than 20m, and thats it....I can't shoot anything for 45 seconds...even If I lie down nothing changes. I know they changed this from early on, but at what point did someone think that this is ok? This is fine to leave in for another year...Why not continue tweaking it, until its at a middle ground? Until its manageable at least....OR maybe fix hold breath, because that still doesn't work. Again!!! I want to stress I'm not hating here. I know this is what an alpha brings, but if you're going to patch running up hills out quickly, and patch out F11 bug using, and program vehicles, why not tweak aiming or patch hold breath? Shooting is quite important wouldn't you agree? The people not being where I want them to be is me being selfish I guess. The loot will be fixed, and I know they're actually working on dynamic centralised loot, which sounds amazing! But it seemed strange to overload the prison on the 1st iteration. Why not make it spawn 1 AK, 1 Mag or 1 MP5? Why crazy amounts? Its obvious that the loot routes and map travel would be compromised when 4 AK's, 10 Mags, 3 MP5's 2 Shotguns and so on spawn there. I just don't get it. Its more than the rest of the map combined.... I agree, I think randomised spawns are the way forward. I think loot should be spread equally all over the map. I don't think there should be a specific area you go to to get geared, or choppers can ONLY crash in the west...I mean if anything its short sighted. I think military loot should be scattered all over the map, in small amounts & spawns should be completely random. Military bases should be equally distributed, from west to east giving players a reason to travel around the whole of the map. Not just spawn in and run to Elektro like the SA now, and in the same sentiment, not just spawn in and run north like in the Mod. I think you should spawn in and not know where you want to go, until you know where you are...then make plans. <3
  8. I could do, and I did for the majority of last year. Thing is, streaming till 3am every day impacts on my daily life. I'd stream till 3am, not fall asleep till 4 or 5, not get up till 2 or 3pm the next day...it was a bad cycle & I wasn't productive. Now I live with my girlfriend it makes it even harder. (Being loud at night when others are sleeping) & spending time with each other. I don't live on my own, or with parents so can't live "that" lifestyle anymore. (Although I miss it). I think 12-8 or sometimes 12-12 is a decent amount of time to expect to see people in the north. I don't think we're big enough to change the majority of the player base's style of play at all. I mean, yeah we play on a popular 1pp server & maybe we'll populate that server. But then we get things like, "did you just die at Rogovo?" Yeah I killed you.... OR "Another streamers just killed you." Maybe me and Jon could populate a 1pp server, but change the mentality of 1000's of people....nope. Thats up to the devs.
  9. There isn't right now. On a Sunday. ;) Try it at 1pm on a Monday too.
  10. Hey DK! Yeah, I guess you're right with what I promote. I play 3pp....but I'm almost forced to right now. Stream sniping is always an issue for anyone streaming DayZ, I'm going to load DayZ up right now and tell you how many 1pp servers there are with a 40+ pop...1 sec. OK so there are 3...ones 41/50 the other 2 are 40/50 the rest are way below. This is on a weekend, where people might be gaming a little more, so you can imagine what its like at 1pm on a Monday. I don't want to run around on empty 1pp servers not seeing anyone for hours on end so...yeah this is what I'm stuck with at the moment unfortunately. I don't think I'm a big enough streamer to convince DayZ's player base to switch either. Even the server most of the guys know we play on isn't full most of the time. Onto your second point, I agree. I used to be quite negative about the game, this was born out of frustration mostly...putting hard work into a 1pp character to eventually die to a bug or hacker or ss was demoralsing. Which is also why I switched to 3pp, because its more casual and to be totally honest, hurts less when you do lose everything.... However, If you've tuned into one of my streams since probably around last September, I rarely am negative about the game. I never rant, & only speak highly of the dev team. I became aware it was putting people like yourself off from watching the stream, and I totally changed my attitude. At a cost of this, my DayZ play style switched from Hardcore, to more casual. OR from 1pp to 3pp. It just helps more I guess?! I don't take the position I'm in for granted either. I'm aware I owe a lot to DayZ! If It wasn't for the game, I wouldn't be in this fantastic position as a streamer I find myself in now. It really has been a dream come true for me personally. But I also have an opinion, and I don't want to not speak my mind on something I care so passionately about. My above post wasn't meant with any venom towards the Dev team, or the game. I know they're working as hard as they can, putting in more hours than most of us do In our jobs. Just an observation from a very passionate fan I guess.
  11. Hey, firstly I would like to say that I personally thought Survivor GameZ V was a great success. It was a blast to take part in & I'm hyped to see the "smaller" streamers able to take part in the qualifiers for the upcoming events! I'm pretty vocal in what I have to say about the SA. Its not always positive, BUT I have the up-most respect for all the DayZ dev team & I know they're all working their asses off on it, there's no question about that! Bottom line is I love this game & only want to see the team & DayZ succeed! So, having played the game nearly every day since April 2012 & taking part in the last 2 Survivor GameZ I have a couple of suggestions of fixes I would personally like to see for the next one. Before I go on, I have no idea how easy or hard these fixes are, they are merely just suggestions. I was going to post this on DayZ Reddit but didn't want to get a barrage of hate, so I'm looking for some honest feedback on here from players & hopefully a dev or 2. I'll get on with it. Reload Animations I've always had issues with this. With a mosin & a long range scope you are never able to see where each round hits, stopping you adjusting for follow up shots. We told the Devs about this quite early on and they actually removed it, but they it appeared again in the next patch or 2 I can't remember. Its just a bit of a shame that after a year this issue hasn't been addressed. For SG, this can be quite an issue because you can't see those lovely 400m+ headshots and show off the ragdoll stuffs! We just see a cloud of smoke then a body, OR a player sprinting off! :D Weapon Sway Its just too much at the minute, to the point where I don't know if my arms are broken or if I'm just out of breath. I personally think the sway should directly correlate to how far your character has just ran. The sway should be a lot shorter and less potent if I just ran 200m compared to running 2000m for example. Its not just stood up either, when you're crouched or prone there is still quite a large amount of sway especially at longer distances. This leads me to my next topic. Hold Breath It simply doesn't work at the minute. It just moves the sights in a slightly smaller, more unpredictable circle of sway. Again the amount of hold breath time should directly correlate to how far I've just ran. For example If I ran 200m I should be able to hold my breath steady for 5 seconds, If I've just ran 2000m it should be something more like 2 seconds before I have to breathe out. It doesn't have to be that exact system but you get the idea. Running Speed The running speed in the standalone is way too high. I believe in real world stats its somewhere around 44kph. I know people might be frustrated at running speeds not getting them to where they want to be in 5 minutes but this must be toned down somewhat?! Now that theres V3S' in the game can the running speed be reduced to something more like normal? Since the SG is focused on PvP I've highlighted some stuff getting in the way of that, so other obvious issues haven't been mentioned. I think that the fire fight at the tents in Survivor GameZ V highlighted how these 4 issues all come together and make gun-play really, really awkward sometimes. Run any kind of distance and you cant aim your rifle straight, you can't hold your breath & when you do finally shoot you have no idea where your bullet landed & your target is running as fast as a car while strafing left & right. It just feels awkward in every sense. There's a point where realism leaves the boundaries of fun and crosses the line into frustrating. All these mechanics are great, but at the minute they're all misfiring. Its great for PvE because no one can shoot anyone! Everyone just ends up running & running and it feels like a Benny Hill theme song should kick in. I'm not sure if the 4 above issues are "easy fixes" but in the grand scheme of things I don't think it would be too hard. This post wasn't a hate/vent post. Just my take on what could make the SG VI a much better spectacle for the future! Keep up the hard work & good luck! <3
  12. break

    Suggested Fixes for Survivor GameZ VI

    I know they are being looked over in some light. In fact, they've probably been looked at for nearly a year now which is why I'm posting this. The gun play has actually changed for the worse since release, and I think its something that deserves a bit of focus from the team. Strange weapon ballistics, not being able to shoot through bushes/trees, sway, breath. I also know that to make the gun play shine its going to take a lot more work than just tweaking the above mechanics, but its was a suggestion for the next SG. A "Hotfox" to increase the skill of PvP & not result in Benny Hill fights in front of 200,000 people. I'm referring these "fixes" to be pushed to enhance the SG in the next tournament but also for DayZ as a whole. It would be unreasonable for them to make an entirely different build for SG. On a personal note, I would love to know how achievable these tweaks are. I mean, if the devs hands are tied with these issues at the minute because they can't fix them or they're waiting to implement the new engine tweaks before they do this then I suppose that's cool. Just at the moment it feels like DayZ is focused on making role-playing & PvE their goal, and doing everything in their power to stamp out PvP. SG is a tournament focused on PvP, I thought I would just politely suggest a couple of things I feel would help the tournament grow as well as being beneficial to the game. Sorry if its in the wrong section.
  13. break

    Suggested Fixes for Survivor GameZ VI

    I know they are being looked over in some light. In fact, they've probably been looked at for nearly a year now which is why I'm posting this. The gun play has actually changed for the worse since release, and I think its something that deserves a bit of focus from the team. Strange weapon ballistics, not being able to shoot through bushes/trees, sway, breath. I also know that to make the gun play shine its going to take a lot more work than just tweaking the above mechanics, but its was a suggestion for the next SG. A "Hotfox" to increase the skill of PvP & not result in Benny Hill fights in front of 200,000 people. I'm referring these "fixes" to be pushed to enhance the SG in the next tournament but also for DayZ as a whole. It would be unreasonable for them to make an entirely different build for SG. On a personal note, I would love to know how achievable these tweaks are. I mean, if the devs hands are tied with these issues at the minute because they can't fix them or they're waiting to implement the new engine tweaks before they do this then I suppose that's cool. Just at the moment it feels like DayZ is focused on making role-playing & PvE their goal, and doing everything in their power to stamp out PvP. SG is a tournament focused on PvP, I thought I would just politely suggest a couple of things I feel would help the tournament grow as well as being beneficial to the game. Sorry if its in the wrong section.
  14. break

    Day Z Videos

    Alone Series, recorded from MyDayz.de.
  15. break

    Welcome to the North Series

    Basically it follows mine and the squads journey across the North of the map. We hunt other experienced squads down, and try and get in as much trouble as possible. Theres a lot of PVP. I'm working on another series called alone, which just follows myself around the whole map, and its more PVE, and trying to help other survivors. I have the first episodefor of alone on my Channel.
  16. break

    Welcome to the North Series

    Last on for #7. Fucking crazy shit happens. :D
  17. break

    Welcome to the North Series

    Latest one. :)
  18. break

    Welcome to the North Series

    No, you decide if you want to watch them, I'm not forcing you..?! Its a series...