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About idoLized

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Funny how you didn't lift the ban until it hit the forums though. You're a joke and you realize we caught you red handed and now that you're scared there is a chance your server could be blacklisted you panicked and removed our bans. However, we are still pursuing mere justification with the Dev Team and Forum Support.
  2. Here's another video of us blowing your camp up before you restarted the server. Enjoy.
  3. Watch this video and tell me I didn't get banned.
  4. Just joined the server after my ban was lifted. The camp we hit had 2 tents left standing when we destroyed it and now all tents including the ones we left standing are collapsed with the gear gone. Seems so you guys could move your gear to a new location. Just know I'm coming to blow it up again. You won't know when, but when I find it I will destroy it again and again and again. - We are the Bombing Bandits, you are NOT safe from us -
  5. Hawnji, looks like we never posted the location of the site we blew up, how do you know we didn't hit yours?
  6. Seems fishy buddy because me and Stanky got banned at 930pm, not 2am. And you sir were the one on the server at that time. You had JUST logged in to see your camp destroyed by satchel charges and m67 grenades from us and you banned us as well as restarting the server 6 times. Amorak was also on the server at the time. Your server had only the admins in it for the next 3 days, im assuming so you could move your camp to a new location. Anyone that joined was being kicked/banned. I have video proof of us raiding and destroying your camp 3 times since you kept restarting the server several times to get your gear back. Also I added 3 of the admins to steam during this and you ALL blocked me on my steam account. Now why would you do that if you knew there was an issue with your server? Shouldn't you be helpful to those who had a home on your server?
  7. Seems fishy buddy because me and Stanky got banned at 930pm, not 2am. And you sir were the one on the server at that time. You had JUST logged in to see your camp destroyed by satchel charges and m67 grenades from us and you banned us as well as restarting the server 6 times. Amorak was also on the server at the time. Your server had only the admins in it for the next 3 days, im assuming so you could move your camp to a new location. Anyone that joined was being kicked/banned. I have video proof of us raiding and destroying your camp 3 times since you kept restarting the server several times to get your gear back.