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Posts posted by Trizzo

  1. Some "bad press" is already circulating.


    One random blog?


    What is this crud about moral objections and potential censorship? Take Australia pre-R18+ rating. Usually a game being censored concerned context, sadism and gratification. Is the player encouraged to perform or rewarded for sadistic behavior? Is it out of context? Games/movies previously censored in Australia before the R18+ rating was put in place were usually banned according to this criteria.


    Given that the player is neither encouraged to perform the act and there are dire consequences of the act (disease/potential emotional reaction devs could add) it's hard to see any calls for censorship carrying weight where there exists some type of adult rating system.


    Games featuring cannibalism (and gore) exist. The ridiculous nature of censorship is that Fallout 3 was initially banned in Australia because of drug names. The bloody mess perk and cannibalism that is fine! Explode some heads and eat their bodies for health! All good bro. But pop a few pingers (ecstasy, Jet in the final version) for some extra AP. Sorry your game is banned.


    Given that Australia was one of the most restrictive censors of video games (historically) and that very few games have ever been banned for cannibalism, (where it was featured) or violence (so long as it was in context and not overly sadistic) and this was before the R18+ adult rating was even in place it is doubtful that DayZ will find itself the subject of censors.


    What about game play? It's too early to tell. Once the initial novelty wears off we must try and measure this feature amongst the constant constant tweaking of loot, that many key features of the game have not been put in place yet (hunting/trapping/horticulture/medical healing system), that finding food is still pretty easy.


    I don't see how a final version of cannibalism can change much from from what it is now, it's never going be anything else other than skinning a body and eating the flesh. We simply need more content and features to see where cannibalism rests as a survival option.

  2. Pallet-Repair-Cincinnati-300x182.jpg



    I didn't see the none. Was thinking shit son is this some new radical design?! Do they crush and recycle those pallets into super condensed pallet pellets? Does it take all of those pallets go into just one shotgun cartridge? All of these questions came to mind so quickly and suddenly...a world of frightening possibilities

    • Like 1

  3. Maybe there could be a way to have 2 or 3 characters in dayz...


    Yeah i'll stop you there and ask you why?


    Implement said change > My thread/complaint is no longer relevant > It's no longer relevant because the game isn't the same experience anymore (no more intense moments) > No more of what makes DayZ, DayZ.


    As mentioned shards solve your problem.


    But seriously though that's the best part of DayZ. Tension increasing incrementally over time. It makes the gameplay and all decisions so much more interesting. It's why you can yolo as a fresh spawn and not give a fuck but try that with a character that has been through a few scrapes and or has gear? I don't know why the sickening feeling of loosing the capital/time I invest in any character is damn 'dopafying', it's chasing the dragon man. The thrill of being feeling constantly hunted and hunting. 

    • Like 3

  4. And you know what! That's just fine.


    I wish they had a compass and map system like the mod though...it can make aimless wandering a little less aimless and the best part is you can pat yourself on the back when you navigate to the precise location that you choose at random! (not joking, please add a proper compass/map, i'm so lonely)

  5. I suspect they will add the ability to carry whatever you want willl come later, when as hicks said "a single bullet matters" (paraphrase?).


    Perhaps right now if you could carry two rifles you'd be a rampaging commando (two akm with drum mags for example) and it feels out of place for the game they want DayZ to be. It still doesn't make sense not to be able to carry stuff of similar size, weight, and dimensions just 'because'.

  6. Hunting backpacks are made for the rain and can resist water,


    but they certainly shouldn't get wet in the rain.


    They are? I was under the impress that hunting packs were made from material that doesn't scrape, scratch and sound like fingernails on a chalkboard when brushing up against trees/bush so you don't spook animals. You know all the non-water proof, not hard shell material. I thought things got wet in the rain but hey I could be wrong.


    All packs come with seperate rain covers, either generic or branded. Unless it is a waterproof/dry bag by design.

  7. I dislike it but i understand it, especially in regards to guns.


    All this military and new guns keep rolling out but nothing else competes against guns. Guns work well. Everything else doesn't. Therefore it looks imbalanced.


    Hey I loves me an AK/SVD/lever action/shotgun/derringer/vests/helmets/scopes that go on guns/X,Y,Z kills stuff...but what about something else that actually works? Like a peaceful tool of sorts that isn't a placeholder or hint of whats to come.

    • Like 4

  8. That might be the most overused word on this forum. 

    Immersion can give me a wet bj and swallow. 

    Multi monitor master race will not put their lives in danger for some "immersion".

    And that's on top that I haven't needed the map for direction for a long time. 


    Shift tab or alt tab and the fourth wall crumbles down. Kills the good vibes and there are so many good vibes I want to keep up.


    It's not about direction per se for me either, it's about contours. You might know 'the way' but you can never commit the contours for the whole map to memory.

  9. I would be glad for someone to speak up and say they don't, if only so that I can gaze upon them.  


    Gaze upon me you fucking filthy casual! (jks, but seriously have a gaze)


    Why use the ingame map?


    -The in game map is superior to DayZ DB in terms of planning your movements around the map because it has contour lines and clearer topographic features.



    There is absolutely no good reason to not have a map in-game that rivals what we can look at by using an alt-tab.


    Ohh? I wouldn't say that.


    Here is a summary of your argument. Community builds X thing to make Y easy > this (according to your argument) overrides the developers vision /authorial intention = therefore make the developers delete/change their vision Y to suit community. Terrible line of reasoning. Welcome to the casualisation of gaming harteman, thank you for contribution.


    If one can simply "alt tab" to look at wiki/map lets clutter the whole screen with Borderlands/RPG/MMO style hit detection, stats, rpg, stuff, waypoints, hitpoints, auto crafting because the recipes are now all online and it's "so easy" because all that info is "just an alt tab away".


    What your trembling causal knees are standing on top of is called the "slippery slope". Luckily for me this is a survival game being built by a like minded dev team who won't implement easy features. Why get semi pissy about this? Because if follow your way we don't have DayZ anymore.

    • Like 1

  10. Ever noticed that the compass isnt pointing straight forward when u hold it? If u hold north straight forward in the compass, the compass box is tilted slightly to the right...or was it left, cant remember. Its tilted.


    Yes i believe it is! It looks ever so slightly offset. It's not chronic, chronic but it looks odd. Without the ability to overlay the compass on the map for grid bearings we will never know what the error (if any) there is.


    I fucking hate the compass choice as well, it's antiquated. Base plate compass is the standard not this geologist/lensatic compass, the latter is very much out of favor. It's an annoying regression and they double down on this annoyance with the aforementioned lack of map/compass overlay.

  11. External maps r fur nubz



    Maps in its entirety are for noobs


    Everyone who voted for in-game maps lied. Admit it.


    Oi you two...




    Serious note. A complete/combined N and S Map is the best map because of the topographic features and that means those sexy, curvaceous, contours. The only time i would use DayZ DB would be to measure a perfect 1km stretch for the purposes of determining the navigation timing of walking/running/sprinting a 1km straight line but only if they add proper compass functionality :(

  12. Trizzo, you are wrong! i have see videos on Youtube of the M91 with a supressor and they don't have change nothing on the weapon. It's simple friend...


    You clearly don't understand the process of adding a suppressor to a Mosin then, because you have to "change" the mosin in order to add the suppressor. A "youtube video" has has not enlightened you. So unless the game adds the required tools that are needed to 'thread' a suppressor on a Mosin the game should not have one, all about the authenticity.


    Lipstick on a pig, polishing a turd, all saying I keep in mind for the Mosin.

  13. Yuck. The point of a mosin is to enjoy the flash, fireball and boom. There is no other reason to own one!

    A good sniper needs no suppressor. If you were snipining at a range, location and tactics that actually constitutes long range sniping sound is irrevlvent. Sounds like you want to play on easy mode in city pvp. Fire church mosin isn't sniping.

    Slings yes. Unfortunately for you you're probably never getting a suppressor for the mosin unless they add the ability to thread barrels via workshops and add the ability to lathe your own suppressor.

  14. Nah, no range finders. Again, you should easily be able to estimate what 100m looks like, then you can just multiply that 100m out to 1000m fairly accurately.


    Oh ok...anyways


    Ghillie suits are....the most overrated item ever. This debate is funny. Ghillie suits go in and nothing is going to change. And you want to go around without a backpack with the current server stability? That's fine with me.


    Strawman about server stability issues aside the counters to sniper are the same ghille or not. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. There is a dissonance at the core of ghille suit in DayZ. Namely how much a player is required to move. Add the addition of hypothermia, rain, weather, hunger, predators (forthcoming), it just never meshed with how it is meant to be used. Add in addtional backpack micro management, lower ammo counts, where is the return for investment? It's getting pretty steep for a bit a long range PvP.


    I'm sure many will make the call but I for one am not quaking in my boots. Ghilles don't grant skill, they impart overconfidence imho.


    Rangefinders aren't that crazy rare, specialized yes but not a unicorn. You find them in sports shops, golf shops and hunting stores...i guess Chernarus has a pro shop!

  15. So much oddness...or how three bandits wont kill you when unconscious at NEAF.


    Ran into NEAF and closed the door...this is important. Goes under stairs, zombie stuck in wall. I switch to the axe and bring it to bear on the the glitched undead and let loose a swing and another trying to beat its half petrified body to death. Then I hear a door open. Thank fuck for the newly added sounds.


    I turn around lean right to check. My other arms  are a sporter with no mag (but one one in the chamber) and CZ pistol stuffed in my vest in same fashion. I catch a glimpse of wood and steel, half a body is closing in on under the stair well. There is but one option. I bum rush him. He knows the limits of what was thankfully a Mosin and he turns and flees straight out the front door. I yell friendly but how's it look to him?  I'm chasing him out the front door with an axe. I close the door and repeat my friendly call. I check my inadequate weapons and wait. I hear two additional foot steps and not a sound over direct. It's three geared versus a single shot sporter. He came in for me they are not talking back to me I figure my best chance is to leg it straight across the airfield and hope they miss.


    Running straight out the front door I glance right and spot a player at the far hanger door leaning out. For some reason I stop and stare at him gun lowered, as is his. He stares me down. I stare at him. It was three seconds, my nerve breaks and I turn and run back inside confused. I just froze wanting to see what would happen.


    You are bleeding.

    You have extreme pain.

    You have a fracture.

    You are unconscious.


    Not a sound, not a shot. I figure my petrified zombie stair lurker has delivered it's infamous glitchy knock out blow. What a time for firsts. My mouse hovers over respawn but after considerable pause I let the scene unfold. After a full minute I hear a voice.


    "Don't worry we got you mate".


    I come too. My sporter, axe and vest with pistol are on the ground. I am promptly handcuffed. I can see the zombie under the stairwell. Time to work on surviving, "Did one of you shoot me? I didn't hear a shot? There is a zombie glitched under the stairs I think he got me. You'll want to take him out". They do so. I am missing my Gorka pants, my complete map, morphine and other things of interest but not my Riders jacket. Three people stand over and around me rummaging through stuff, pointing guns and not saying much,


    One gun is kept trained on my head and the others ravage the building up and down the stairs, my presence seemingly irreverent to the proceedings. I try to get some small talk going. I never mention don't kill me. That's the worst thing you can do. Instead i mention a fracture, it's my arm but i tell them it's my leg.


    There is no way to know how this will play out. If they want a play thing they might kill me for the inconvenience. If they don't they might think it's amusing to leave a cripple at NEAF stripped of quick means to heal. Apparently it's my lucky day. They wish me a sarcastic farewell, leaving on a perfectly good set of handcuffs on my hands as a parting gift and from the corner of free look i can see them watching my struggle from the bins outside with the cuffs as i stay in prone wriggling as much mileage out of my broken leg act as possible. 


    I break free! I keep in character and crawl under the stairs hoping this is not a cruel jape and they will come back to finish me off. They had departed as far as i could tell but death is always a corner away. They left an axe and my bandanna is badly damaged but not ruined so a splint is a short sprint away.


    And that is how it went. A pantless, near death, sporter, axe wielding, Riders Jacket wayfarer makes his second yolo sprint from the NEAF.


    Down on blood.


    Robbed of gorka.


    Robbed of matches.


    "You are rapidly cooling off"



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  16. Why would it be in pieces anyway? I know this is an apocalypse...but what situation makes so many maps get ripped? (



    Don't you need all of them though? So in the mean time each part takes up a whole space and you're not guaranteed to find them all at any given time.


    Maps come pieces because if maps were not compartmentalised how big would it end up being?!


    As for what you at a minimum for a full map is 1x Map of the North and 1x South, combine them and now you have a full map.


    You can find parts SE, SW etc...and combine them as well. I am not sure what parts of these combine into a full map as i have not collected them all in on go yet!


    And anybody who says  "I dont need it i know the map" is a fool. And please devs give us proper compass support, at minimum what was in the mod...argh!

  17. They are common camping supplies, will find in most camping stores now. Come in reusable which produces less intense heat but you boil it to reuse or the other produces very warm intense heat one time use usally for higher apline trips.

  18. Sporter mags spawn in civilian houses now.


    Well...this makes me infinitely happy! Fun as it is chambering one a a time a trying to plink zombies in the head...


    Current rocking a riders jacket too...tunnel snakes rule! After seeing wobo pull off this insanely awsome shot i've gone back to chasing down a sporter each spawn. The sporter will increase in value the more small game/game is add to DayZ. The ultimate survival gun. Bring on the rabbit and bird plinking.


    The sporter is good if you accept it limitations in PvP but trying to pull of sneaky headshots or kills with it requires a good amount of planning and ambush tactics. Loads of fun.


    *It's all in the 50 round box ammo.

    *Low noise

    *Lower threat perception

    *Good zombie plinker with mag


    Additions: Your older x4 fixed and common 3-9 variable scopes should be added for these civi style guns (cz, blaze, sporter etc)

  19. snip


    Amazing response!


    I hate fallicious arguments, especially people who use strawmen to bolster their position. I certinally I hope i did not give the impression i was begging the quesiton. If i did it was a grevious error. To eleborate.


    'Base building', as far as i understand, in various iterations of DayZ (mods, epoch) has primarily invloved hard "exlcusion zones". I am aware that the devs have stated that nothing will "not be able to be not be broken into" in the final build. My concern is not with their understanding (and at the risk of sound like a somewhat messianic douche) but the broader commmunity and expections. My views align pretty consistently with the devs and my interest is in participiting in this public vision of DayZ.


    So that is where i drew from my magical chest examples, from the only examples of barricading that I was aware of. Yes there has been barbed wire, tents and now persistent storage (albeit briefly) but this is not "barricading" in the sense of what has been done in EPOCH/Mods nor what is going to occour in the future. Therefore i use the term "misconception". It is going to be different. I'm getting the terms of reference in order.


    Now...i agree entirely with your other points! This might come as a shock considering i said no "exclusion zones" but i am not oppossed in theory to preventing a server-swap-base-all-in, because the devs have stated that everything will be enterable, it is just a matter of how. Already salient points have been raised.


    Preventing All Ins

    Spawn Delay

    Hoik made mention of a timed spawn based on the condition or "strength" of an area. I really like this....i thought i didn't a first but the more i think about it the more i do.Why?


    If nobody is in their base and another group swaps into from another server it doesn't matter because you were not there to defend your base in the first place, tough luck...And if people are in the base then the timed delay will buy them enough time to defend their base! A long enough timer simulates the break in time that you would be doing from the outside. So essentially you spawn like a reverse combat log if the area you spawn into is considered built up enough.


    Big Bases=No Login from the insideout

    You can't scout out a sweet base, server swap and go from the inside out. You simply spawn close by and have to break in from the outside. This should not apply to all bases, perhaps only the "houses" and "homes" Hicks alluded to. This is why we need to get the terms of reference in order. What consistutes a 'base'?

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