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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Well if you want to go down that route (not sure if poes law is at work here) rust only develops if fluid is left on it so now we add a deeper hygiene mechanic and we can dry and clean our tools. What if it is rust proof? Tool repair kit etc...
  2. Ohh my dream come true...not sure if it's been in a game and certainlly not many movies. But if we want to do it justice we have to look the part! Medical Eye Patch White overcoat Polo shirt Fingerless gloves Reddot or 1.5-5
  3. Trizzo

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Well I was under the impression that if somebody "runs around" they get fitter. If you spend weeks running around with a heavy pack on I suspect your gut might suck in and your calves ballon out but hey this could be a "crazy stat". To many 'this be Alpha your concerns are irrelevant'. So instead of some personal insult leads have a look at the facts!"Survival" and "immersion" is "our focus" from Deans lips himself, Will this be acheived? Because right now it isn't realised... Summary of topics of the road map Things that effect PvP more than survivial (imo) Things effecting survivial more than PvP (imo) Questions: It's clear that the team has a bright future in mind for solo survival... Statistics tracking, cooking, planting, predators/prey, potential for animal husbandry, improved social interaction and clan ID AND light zone control of spawn points! That last one is AMAZING it reeks of, "GET OUT OF HERE STALKER" ...*drools*. ...if the UI supports it the sky is the limit for player interaction and survivalists! But to your detractors I have to agree that creating attachment to a character through stats is good for boosting survival gameplay. Incremental increases to stats, actions and aesthetics connected to survival makes sense. Picture the clichéd grizzled (bearded) outdoors veteran who has tons of tricks to make life easy. Tricks they learn through experience. Open enough cans with a screw driver and eventually you should get 100% yield. Higher endurance/sprinting distance at rest because you’ve previously run 200 kms with a pack on. Sporting a crazy survivalist beard that has grown with you through trials and tribulations. All of these create emotional/practical connection to your character outside of your gear. You are entirely definied by it and nowhere was it suggests that a bullet should or would do less damage to you despite increasing stats. Right now gear is easily found. The stakes in PvP aren't high enough. Adding the potential loss of a grizzled vet character makes a gunfight less incentivised. Nobody suggested perks or crazy unlocks… small incremental increases over time/use make sense. You don't have 3 things to say. You have nothing to say. I really don't get this. "Hey everyone couldn't be bothered to read this but I wanted to take the time to draw attention to my non involvement" Are you so hard up for attention?
  4. Trizzo

    Okay, I'm done..

    Here you could use some :beans: ... that's rough. I can picture a thousand yard stare after the logout...or...
  5. So it's been a while since my last post :) ... I stopped at the mod and decided against SA because going through an additional development cycle felt like mod 2.0. I thought I could enjoy DayZ as a polished finished product ....but...Chernarus wanderlust flows in my veins So...4 questions for an old fart dayz player (becuase it's difficult to sift through the dozens of offical topics and annoucments) *How far along are we in the development is the game? When is it moving out the current "Alpha" to the next stage? *When is the next big update coming and what will it bring? *How is the hacking going? *In short...is it worth buying SA yet? Do you think the current content (or imminent updates) outweighs alpha frustrations or should i wait a bit more? Cheers
  6. Trizzo

    "the holy book" vs. urban legends

    Replace toilet rolls, add more holy books. add new poop mechanic
  7. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    What servers are running it right now/where to DL patch? The links i found were all closed! yippe figured it out, bmrf still up, loading now (orgasm) been waiting for this patch for ages! caught a trout...this is sweet
  8. Trizzo

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Crafting suggestions for first aid. Homemade Saline Solution Input: Salt (new loot item), Water bottle full Output: Saline Solution for wound (sepsis) cleaning Tools: Fireplace + Salt Water Bottle Enhancments: cures sepsis but cannot be drunk FailChance= 0 Actiontype=recipe? Salted Meat Input: Salt, Uncooked Meat Output: Preserved Meat Tools: Salt Enhancments: Meat that does not have chance of infection Failchance: 0 Actiontype=recipe
  9. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    So i've heard a bit about these new Zeds what makes them better now? How was it achevied? Why is running into a building risky!? I like the sound of this.
  10. Trizzo

    How the hell do you hold your breath with a DMR?

    Hey buddy what you want to hold you breath with a DMR for? Riddle me that and i'll help you ;)
  11. Fuck that...while i would usally support removal of all UI/VOIP/TPV i want action or the potential for it and i'm not talking PvP...i don't want crickets as my only companions.
  12. Trizzo

    Varying Binocular Power

    I would like a proper variable scope...i can't recall ANY game ever having one.
  13. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Yeah i agree...i think antibios should nip sepsis in the bud as well as dealing with infection...but it doesn't have to be mutally exclusive with crafting
  14. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    I guess an undressed or septic wound harbors bacteria that blossums into an infection. So using antibiotics preemtively can't kill an infection that isn't there. It might slow it down i guess...
  15. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Anddd i'm done :) thanks, can't wait to play been waiting for this
  16. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    So Abios won't cure sepsis? > What im getting at is this. If i have sepsis do i wait until i have a full blown infection to pop my Antibios? If i use (my very rare) antibios during the sepsis stage are they wasted or do they stop sepsis as well as infection? What is spawn rate of antispetic systems?
  17. "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser".
  18. /\ Its pretty much ken bean talking to himself thats keeping this thread going, it's an amazing performace. Jesus christ you just don't get it. 1) Everyone has it but not everyone can use it in the same way at the exact same time. Defenders/campers usally have the major advantage. 2) If i'm sitting im sitting in the middle of pine tree or bush in FPV there is a significant problem. I CANT SEE OUT OF THE FUCKING THING. I need to creep to the edge of my cover to see past the obstruction. The same goes for: *Behind low walls *On top of buidlings *Hiding in long grass Third person lets you be concealed and covered without having to expose yourself. This is why it is fundementally unbalanced. In FPV you usally have to compromise between cover or concealment and add to this trying to pick a spot for good observation...it is far more difficult in FPV. For you it is a simple matter of diving into the grass and pressing third person and watching the action. When I dive into the grass I can't see anything.
  19. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    "New delayed infection called Sepsis is now active from a percent chance based on blood percentage & damage done on all Zed attacks""After 30 minutes you become fully infected, can transmit the infction to others,you lose 3 blood per second and your screen will shake. On disconnect you will become infected.So hits from Zeds make sepsis happen, then it turns into infection. Sepsis can be cured by wipes, and plants, maybe antibios? RAZOR: Does unprepared food/water cause sepsis or straight to infection? Can sepsis be cured be antibios or only wipes and plants?
  20. Trizzo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Sepsis and infection are different? never mind Anybody have a list of plants/ingredients and where to look for crafting stuff? And i can't beleive people still cry about infection and write off the entire patch, a mere few days after 1 or 2 servers run it AND after adding more medical spawns, more ways to cure cure infection, a pre-emptive way to cure infection and delayed onset of it. I think this tells you something about the charater of those players.
  21. 1) "We" need extremes ? Way to try to turn your fail example around onto me. I never suggested any extreme postion YOU DID 2) I'm conviced you are a FPV plant when you say things like "i don't want to be stressed out ergo i use TPV" because that's a killer counter argument (<- sarcasm). If anybody is wondering why there is 90 pages of argument it is because of your terrible arguments which we can't move beyond. You get "stressed out" when you can't lean on your TPV crutch and we have to live with all the other issues that come with it. And the entire point of this topic is pretty much aimed at demonstrating the flaws of the TPV... Most of this thread is various forms of denial by proponents and advocates of TPV...so yeah... 3) You are trying to argue in favor of showing TPV gameplay using a video that isn't exactlly third person OR proper or gameplay BUT is a cinematic and cheopgrahped video . If you can't see the problem with using a video that's content, style and intent is entirely different to what is being discussed it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to call that stupid thing to use to illustrate your viewpoint. Many games that are first person only have a free look camera for the express puropse of editing cool promotional films. This has zip to do with TPV in the sense that we are speaking of. And even if you show your ideal video whats it going to be? "Look at me in the grass i can see them but they can't see me" "Look i've glitched into a building i can see them but they can't see me" "Look at these people walking around the corner of this building etc...etc..etc.." Or the new argument! "Phew surviving in DayZ is tough. Lucky for Ken Bean he can put the camera into TPV and make the game more relaxing" :thumbsup: 4) This was never even in contention. TPV is astheticlly pleasing in some circumstances and can help do stuff like see your character. Then we balance these pros against the flaws and the flaws far outweight the pros. Thats why compromise is coming. Look forward to it. Except Rocket says it pretty much is getting changed in favor of a mix of the two?
  22. Every few days I’m coming and going due to study and Ken Bean is still rocking the atrocious arguments, this is true dedication to a craft. 1) The strawmen first person view situation, suggests all first person boils down to is, "run around the corner, seeing sth clicky-clicky-kill-kill-dude". If you fail to press Q and E and slice the pie in first person thats your failing, not ours. If you have a twitchy instinct to clicky clickly kill in first person i suggest getting of the CoD and onto some codeine. Besdies first person does not dicate any action you take. Next. 2) Third person is a "deliberative" style of gameplay :lol: Orwell would be proud of this doublespeak. Lying down in long grass and using a free look periscope is "deliberative" as opposed to having to pick a vantage point that gives cover/concealment, choosing which to compromise with if you can't find a vantage which provides both, all whilst considering how not to skyline yourself because you are relying on realisitic line of sight. Now thats deliberative. But I’m guessing you haven’t actually had to experience this because your tactical advantage crutch is crippling the chances for thoughtful tactics. Also interesting that you describe TPV as a "tactical advantage", very telling. 3) Because using a promotional video that is neither first or truly third person but a contrived cinematic video is a good way to put your case forward.
  23. Rofl SMLE has brought this thread dangerously close to jumping the shark. A post is as anonymous as you want it to be ...you're so pathetic..."I don't want to discuss the diasability which I alone made mention of and rasied in the first place" :facepalm:
  24. Using freelook? I am AMAZED at your ability to continually make poor arguments. 1) The current level of players playing on FPV servers only has no connection between the polls. Mosts polls ask would you care if a change was implemeneted which has no connection between current server settings. Most servers are not vanillia DayZ yet what game style is the Stand Alone trending towards? It's vanilla. 2) Whether it annoys you or any particular person is irrevlevent. It's about gameplay and fitting in with the antigame theme of DayZ. Infection serves no purpose other than being annoying, as do broken bones, spawning without a map etc...etc... 3) For the first part of your last point read the above. For second part you are essentially complaining about the FOV, which is getting changed AND if you were so inclined you could acutally learn how to change it now. So please, please, please shut up about that. It is as bad as complaining about the first person head bob, if you find it annoying fix it. Finally, struggling to pick up or find items in long grass...well i think an inventory system that autodetects makes this complaint irrevlant at least for the stand alone.