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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    [Collection Thread] Unique Buildings

    I want some opulence and class! Not everything has to be rural poor. Within we could find classy civy loot as well, hidden safes, high tier guns etc. Some rich estate country, hedgerows and all would be nice. Rich Russian estates, Presidential Palace Ukraine Wineries, https://www.google.com.au/search?safe=off&tbm=isch&q=russian+cellar+door&spell=1&sa=X&ei=KxUOVInGN5Lf8AW07oBY&ved=0CBoQBSgA&dpr=2&biw=768&bih=928#facrc=_&imgrc=48oz_QE4FMzEwM%253A%3B-LxlCJz1bv9uvM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fvisitsantarosablog.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F02%252FWine-Road-Barrel-Tasting-Picture-by-Taste-Terminal1.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fvisitsantarosablog.com%252F2013%252F02%252Fone-tasty-month-wineries-throw-open-the-cellar-doors-while-restaurants-fix-the-price%252F%3B610%3B400
  2. Trizzo

    Make life valuable

    Great question, cuts right to the heart of player expectation and subjectivity. I do not think there is a unifying 'end game' in this type of sandbox. You have everything from Vector Bunny, Frankie and Hoxton, people do as they please. Their story, no rules. By the same token this is no excuse not to implement advanced UI to allow diverse player interaction! Trading is a good example. It's a perfectly natural state of affairs. If a group wants to enforce zone rules for a trade zone they can pick up a gun and tell me what to do. Bots and magic weapon free zones should remain in the realm of magic and arbitrary RPGS. I think life APPEARS frivolous because the most comprehensively polished aspect of the game aspect of DayZ has so far been finding combat or avoiding it. PvP is long part of the institutional memory of DayZ, far more so than other content in a functional from from crafting, cooking or survival content etc...This is changing over time and was (sorry to be this guy) stated intention of Alpha. It has changed this last week. The loot table will also continue to shift focus. As loot is refined, zombie spawns improved, survival increased, animals/hunting, horticulture, tents, proper persistence, barricading, it's a lot of stuff for a player to covet, the time is still going to be long but no doubt but the future holds a lot. 'Perks' are an interesting question, it's a slippery slope or has the potential to be. I prefer the concept of persistence, do an action, get marginally better at it over time. More kindling/yields/slightly increased stamina if healthy over time. That is about as far as a dayz perk should go I feel. It doesn't actually solve the someone else's violent tendencies though! You can only effect that by making the confrontation equation more complicated via loot, PvE and status effects. More substantial healing time or injuries. Throwing a splint onto a fracture shouldn't a be an instant full health fix. Yes it will effect the innocent too but fighting should take a toll on on instigator beyond an instant fix. Threatening zombies properly swarming to aggro/gunfire and loot balanced so having to potentially clear that aggro is an invest you don't want to regularly make.
  3. Trizzo

    Put your hands up = death

    That is what surrender is. As soon as you allow another person/party to control your actions the possibility of death is only a whim away. Avoiding capture at all cost is best.
  4. "As we push more on the survival mechanics, and the centralized loot control - we’ll see these item quantities begin to drop, and hopefully the amount of base survival items such as fishing hooks, rope, burlap sacks, and tools increase" Yippie! Rope is not uncommon as it is. Need more chickens too! And a whole host of good items to boot! Still no water proof pants though...WP backpacks welcome, curious about size and profile.
  5. Trizzo

    New Computer

    Never used AMD processors but that is one of the better performance to price choices. The stock fan won't let you OC to much though. You should be able to run DayZ on full with the exception of full AA, but you might be able! I have an older i7 930 OCed to 4ghz with same same RAM and GPU and that's how it goes for me so it should be be a cake walk for you, Cherno will be the exception but join the club. Will crush all other current games as well. If you want to record at 1080 will need more than 2gb GPU. Well i didn't ask what monitor but if guess it should be good! And I don't have any insights about the case regarding the fans or cooling it provides...I'll leave that to you, read about!
  6. There was much good discussion on reddit, http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2eqv31/dayz_the_idea_of_charging_magazines/ There was multiple suggestions, from myself included, concerning the timing of which. It is a good idea because as it currently stands replenishing a magazine effects very little. .5 seconds per round into stripper, mag, speed loader, manual .15 seconds load a 30 round mag isn't unreasonable .sub 35 seconds for 75 drum seems fair .mouse wheel cancels current action feeding and you can reload This would achieve balance to the silly run around loading minor annoyance. As it should be. Between that the, the gun itself and the 7ps it's a fair trade.
  7. Trizzo

    Fight-or-flight Mode

    *clears throat* MY STORY. This is the DayZ ethos. Fight or flight is a choice I make on my own. /thread
  8. Trizzo

    Your thoughts on the newest implementations

    I love it! The hint of things to come but I will always be left wanting....
  9. Trizzo

    September Rant Topic.

    More distortions and strawmen but you have already demonstrated a thin grasp of the overall situation so I don't take your stupidity to heart.I never said there was no improvements, only minor changes to 'content' (and not the beta sense of content). There has been no 'meat on bones'. The features are present only in the most tokenistic sense. Examples include animals, cooking, fire, minor crafting, weather etc… they are hollow, barely add any value to the game or are glitchy as heck. This isn't yet content. You only need read the dev blogs, server structure, navmesh, those are the big changes that they have been working on and where things are focused. That is why we are still in Alpha. And the devs saying they are still in Alpha well that is a bit of a hint too…
  10. Trizzo

    September Rant Topic.

    Hmm not really, that's your own spin. There hasn't been substantial content for months. Tiny things perhaps but it is very much still Alpha.
  11. Combo guns are prolific in Europe and 410/20g are a 'thing'. It don't think a combo gun will ever happen in DayZ but low caliber combos from .22, 12g, 410, 20g are very common farm guns that are hand me downs from generation to generation. No farmer or gun owner i know dumps their guns, they just keep piling up. I doubt a combo gun will find it's way into DayZ but a pure single shot weapon, either rifle or smoothbore is more than warranted. And it's all about small game survival, I'm talking that tasty squrriel, rabbit, birdlife. All the focus is on the big four legged beasts and not much conisderation for more humble pickings. A great weapon for a LW survivalist to covet. And nobody seems to care about U/O shotguns :(
  12. Trizzo

    Livestream of PAX?

    I've seen a bunch of conflicting tweets and info about tomorrow's PAX, I did search but I can't find definitive answer as to wether it will be live.... http://prime.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/friendly-in-svetlo-dayz-development-so-far Anybody? If not any info on when it might be posted? And in case it is being streamed...http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html Cheers
  13. Trizzo

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Well this is spiralling out of control (and it's not just you) but nobody else need write another another thesis to see the facts of the situation. The upcoming addition of horticulture is the antithesis of everything you are saying and is a clear indication of the where the game is going. And mass projection doesn't make truth.
  14. Trizzo

    Question to developers

    I do miss the old bike...smashing up a lonely road to the north, finding the highest peak, flying down through the pine forest in first person,bouncing like crazy, can't see shit andddd ringing that bell! Cars, tractors, soft tops are acceptable. So long as the old bike is about I've had to many epics on that thing. I'm surprised that people flat out don't want helos. In the end I'm be happy with or without but I feel like helos are justified in zombie and dayz lore. As for armoured vehicles. Perhaps this will prove controversial but if there are disused civilian vehicles why not military? I feel as though these would be far more crew-able and available in some post society situation than aircraft. But what limits? Did they have mounted weapons? Does this call for hard counters ie: rockets?. Hearing the low growl of a big diesel engine that isn't going to fold to a few bullets in the engine block would be a game changer. It would definitely add some terror. So much classic apocalyptic canon involves restored war machines of a bygone era.
  15. Trizzo

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Are animals spawning? I saw none yesterday and so far none today and I covered a lot of map.
  16. Trizzo

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Also experienced the bow twang sound many times as another random noise, when in close proximity to zombies. Anybody else? Was starving, no food in markets in cherno, found apple trees, two rotten :( but so far not sick....so I guess tasty apples :) digging this patchAny word on how sprinting effects hyperthermia? I jogged most places and never had an issue, not hyperthermic once over a 5 hour+ session. I also used stock shirts and vests that don't seem to have thermal properties.
  17. Trizzo

    They nerfed characters.

    You bring the handcuffs and i'll bring the canteen. We can milk em! Thus keeping hydrated in our down jackets. The perfect closed cycle system. Haha i love it more...more...more...more i say!!! Played all day, never met so many friendlies! And the world! So quiet.. so hard up for guns! Shit I passed over an AKM finding no mags from Berinzo to Balota where i left it...at least i found 5 comp arrows in the next room for the ashenwood bow. You will be missed. And we will enjoy what we were promised.
  18. There is only one way, it's called not dying. You achieve this by avoiding things that cause death.
  19. Trizzo

    POLL: What if DayZ was made by a different company?

    Jeeeezzzussssss that poll is awkward as hell...BUT!...interesting topic (there was a split second of click panic coming on though :P) Hmm...what other dev really does the 'sim' thing . *Bethesda somebody/ies says? Fuck I'm over their games, Skryim was the last straw. Any MMO/RPG based dev wouldn't be ideal, number crunching isn't part of the dayz vibe *THQ/Deep Sliver/GSC draw comparison but they come with a different more linear vibe and their own host of glitches that never really were resolved *Anything else i feel is still to arcadey for DayZ
  20. Trizzo

    No Pants Flash Mob!

    Haha! Nice, epic adventures! Good to see crazy group situations at play. Well worth the whole watch.
  21. End game gear is smaller, high quality shit doing the job more efficiently. For example, a 4 size stone currently sharpens the log splitter. Rare loot would be a diamond sharpening rod of 1 size and it would give the axe/fish hooks/edged weapons a razor sharp edge dealing higher bleeds and more yield for a given action be it success at fishing or butchering meat and it will not degrade with use. I think a SAM splint is another prime example for understanding the theoretical framework for what end game gear is meant to do. Instead of stick, rag which is 5 slots and one time use this thing would store for 1 slot and after a time of healing you could refold as per it's intended use. Simple, elegant and completely covers it's intended area. Bleh! All I see is guns, guns, guns.... How boring. Of course guns are part of the equation but honestly...how many more bang sticks do we rally need. There is plenty of carnage going around.
  22. Hehe well done sirs, love the guns and that gif. Can segue right into my Sauers, which looks to be what those copies are based off.We need some high tier civi weaponry. Distinguishes itself from military with lower capacity but improve ergonomics. Magazines are usually designed to sit flush given their civilian market. Would suggest keeping them to 5 rounds as that's how they mostly come. Sauer 202 XT, bolt Sauer 303 Synchro, semi auto. They also come in wood! Would love to have some rich estate areaswhere one might find some hidden expensive civy weaponry.
  23. Trizzo

    Dayz Debacle

    And this is just the problem of expectation. Did you pay full price? No. Your comparison is meaningless, you were not paying for a completed job or product. Were you amply warned at every step of the way? Yes. Nothing but Macdeth crying again, nothing to see here.