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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Bandit or Hero? What should I choose?

    If you like a rewarding path, bullet proof vest, bad ass skin and a faster sprint then hero fo sho! Anyone can be a bandit! There are 0 threads concering "how do i become a bandit?". There are many funny fail threads asking "how do i become a hero from a bandit when my humanity is -150000?". If you want to cooperate in a spontanous way with other survivors being a hero/netual is mandatory. But if you think you will enjoy being a bullet magnet without any perks be a bandit.
  2. Trizzo

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    Empty sever-> grap a friend -> head to cherno -> smash both hospital windows -> grab all the blood bags -> shoot a leenfield/loud gun -> friend runs into zombie swam/stands at the edge of the window -> bloodbag him/her safely in the hospital -> rinse repeat. At incriments of +250 plus humaity its going to take you 600 transfusions -> 10 seconds per transfusion, thats 100 mins of constant transfusions -> add time for gather supplies/log off and on about 10 bags hospital raid on average -> call it X mins (X a lot more time than doing the transfusions) -> Become neutral or a hero! Morphine, bandages, epipens don't give you enough humaity for the time you spend on the animation. Don't shoot your friend youself. Hope you have a patient one. Thats what you get for your bandit ways! Good luck.
  3. Trizzo

    It's getting harder

    Try an expert sever, all my best pvp encounters are on them, lots more friendlies i think becasue people want to get into the flavour of the game.
  4. Lol owned? I love my hero skin, not shooting people and and getting killed for it and all i get is vest that stops about 500 damage per shot on low calibre weapons and a slightly faster sprint and my so called perk makes more visible because of my bright blue shirt therfore im bandit/griefer fodder?...boo frikin ho.
  5. Hey, Lots of people whinge about sniping, from the weapons, damage done and general balance. An aspect not really discussed is the impact that third person view (TPV) has on the game, especially sniping. TPV gives players an incredible line of sight (LOS) and snipers are the only class able to exploit this. Heres how. Third person lifts the LOS of a concealed sniper out to ranges not typically avalible to players if they were locked in the first person view. For exmaple, you're lying in thick grass behind a stone wall with a with an AS- 50 using third person free lock to scan over obstacles (such as the stone wall) that would be impossible to see over in first person. You see players in the distance and unlike the chum lying in the next field with an axe you can can use your LOS + long range rifle to engage those players. If picking up a sniper rifle locked you're view in first person snipers would need to consider their postions in order to raise themseleves above obstacles such as uneven terrian, grass, defilades etc that would block their LOS in a first person view. Snipers would have to behave like snipers and not rely on a magic third person camera to do the spotting for them. Thoughts?
  6. Trizzo

    Lock sniper rifles in first person?

    Agree the tension would definitely go up! But tpv looks so damn nice...
  7. As the topic suggests what are some weapons you would like to see added too dayz? Try to keep suggestions in the flavor of the game. -Personally a greater empahsise on civilian rifles/farming guns such as .22 calibre rifles. Ruger 10/22 or CZ .22 models, quiet but accurate, with a low powered scope. A fun combo, a solo survivors rifle. -Call me a STALKER fan but... VSS Vintorez - I understand why NATO weapons fit into the game but how the heck does a Le-enfield? Get me a Mosin Nagant dammit...and make it just as loud! Then replace one of the lame sniper rifles with a Mosin 91/30 with pu scope
  8. Trizzo

    Reactions To DayZ Trailer

    Took an offical trailer, added a cat...har har...
  9. Trizzo

    DayZ standalone; more zombies?

    I was sure more zombies were going to be added from an interview (no source) and especially in cities. And yes more zombies, more and more. We don't need smokers, boombers or biological impossbilities but maybe a stronger sub type of zombie would be good too. If dogs are getting added why not zombie dogs? Also, until zombies and or the sprinting are tweaked so they might actually catch up too you or they are able to run inside buildings i would not fear being chased by any number of zombies
  10. Trizzo

    It happened again...

    Ahh bring on the standalone.
  11. Trizzo

    Axe and weapons and stuff

    1) You can kill animals 2) No but be careful. If there is 10+ slots or more free for a primary weapon in your backpack and you right click axe to "remove from toolbelt" if will say "not enough room in inventory" and you will keep your non axe weapon. You can still loose weapons if you use the left and right taps arrows to move things into your bag. My hatchet guide! (wanted to write this anway so here it is) The Hatchet is the no.1 tool for a solo scavenger. If you are adept at avoiding players you will not need a primary weapon. Why is this good you ask? When using the axe as your primary weapon it frees up dozens of spare slots that would typically carry guns and ammo. You can collect multiple rifles, ammo and engine parts if you plan a good raid route and add the axe to your tool belt if you need an extra gun. When using an axe the following must be considered at all times: * Carry lots of bandages/morphine * Carry cooked meat. It restores 800 blood compared to 200 from a can. * If you drop bellow 9000 blood do not fight zombies in cqc. There is a good chance they will knock you out in a random hit when you drop bellow 9000, therefore carry cooked meat! General gameplay tips *When axing zombies i find it best to go prone (where possible), aim high (head/shoulders). *Why use a melee weapon in the prone position? The axe has a suprising amount of range, going prone makes it harder for z's to get you (i find), keeps your profile low from other players/zeds and using this in conjunction with a building/hallway will rack up zombie kills and leave you unscathed. *Rolling prone (use q/e or just crawl) and hacking zombies is a stealthy way to clear them out of an area and not draw aggro. *If moving quicker bum rush them from behind (if possible), stop and slash their bodies before they run at you, they can't turn 180 as tightly as players can * A more speedy/stealth combo is crouch run, then crouch walk and or prone roll (garaunteed no aggro) the final few meters and hack their body * Carry smoke grenades to draw zombies (they run towards smokes) off crash sites, hot spots and escape players. It gives you a ranged option when going melee * Not sure if the axe can smash windows on buildings, throwing cans at hospital glass will break it * A sidearm is really useful for primary axe players. Makarov is honestly the best choice if only for the ammo. Up close and on the head. * As always running and not fighting is the best option when traveling light You might notice that i love the axe!
  12. No. Get a fing toolbox. Thread merits a poll, although judging by the comments most people want it gone. Luckily rocket is probally not one to nerf the game down because of something being hard or annoying. Fortifications add a good deal of depth to the game, I love approaching NWA Rax all wired and tted up, 30 seconds and it's all mine. Wire isn't perfect, it could use two fixes, but in terms of gameplay just get over it. Adding the ability to snip it at any point (wire cutters aren't to fusy) plus zombies walking through it like air. The later is probally to hard to code right now so i will wait for that in standalone. Sidenote: Increase the amount of sandbags you can find please...that would be good. A more complex placment system (3d hologram overlay) as well.
  13. Trizzo

    Pending Update: Build

    After literal calls for your death thank you giving us the goods!
  14. Trizzo

    R.A.S (Recon, Assault, Squad)

    Sounds really good. I'm 23, Mumble, TS3, Skype or Steam. Looking for a more serious clan to roll with. Hero player (just lost skin to ghille), medic, scavenger for specific loot but don't shy away from firefights and love being on point. Added on TS. Name is Trizzo. Hope to see you and soon.
  15. Sweet man, im ausi and been looking for a more serious group to roll with. Steam name is BoH-Thenotzombie. I dont kos, i aim to survive as long as possible, i like being a scavenger (gear/cars requests), team medic but don't mind dabbling in the occasional firefight, the bigger the better. Steam message you when i see you.
  16. Trizzo

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Snipers need no nerf. Standing on a building in cherno? Running across an open field? Climbing a fire station casually? You're gona have a bad time. Follow tree lines, plan your approach, avoid open fields where possible and run straight, along lines that cross horizontal (where possible) to where you guess a sniper is or know to be. Contrary to what you've been told zig zagging is crap. You just increase the amount of time you spend in the open. Run low or go go go. As for wind it's too complex to add.
  17. For the patch. Artifacts -> Tents -> Vehicles. The trifecta of what is utterly broken right now. As for other comments, gear expiring is an awful idea. I was killed three times yesterday (artifacts+zombies, twice bandits), twice i got back to the body and nothing was looted. I consider collecting loot from when own dead body fair (forgiving how strange that sounds) when a ghille m4sd player sneaks up on the car i'm fixing and doesn't take a single item from my corpse. The other time my clan picked up my gear because I was playing a specifc role with a specifc item. Someone gave me a toolbox (yeah can't find more than one it seems) to infiltrate the area and clear the wire. IRL if someone goes down with vital gear you'd grab it off the corpse. If someone passes your gear over and you make it back to it good for you. A body that dissapears (without hiding it) makes no sense. And to MurQ, wire, bags, tank traps stay. Get a toolbox. If someone goes the lengths to make a fortress let them. Snip it down in 30 seconds.
  18. Trizzo

    So whats your loadout??

    Game was getting boring...SO, i dumped my M4SD, Mk48, found a Makarov and equipped my axe. Other things include...Coyote, NVG, Bino, GPS, Toolkit, Matches, Hunting Knife, 6 Morphine 2 Epipen, 6 Bloodbag, 4 Painkillers, 4 Smoke Nad, 3 Water bottle. I'm loving my role as the wasteland medic. Currently looking for ET, Wire and Tank Trap for 100% load out. And i got my Hero skin today.
  19. Trizzo

    Zombie run speed

    I don't like it. Ohh...run into a building /thread.
  20. Yes DayZ stand alone is coming, yes that will spice it up and be a completely new experience but if the fundamental mechanics are the same (and without any indication of what new mechanics might be) I’m not sure for how much longer the wider dayz community can keep interested. It appears that dissatisfaction with the DayZ experience is at an all-time high. Please dont suggest fix the artifacts/bugs/hacking. Yes they are annoying but they are not fundemtal design flaws of gameplay. The question is...what do you need to make dayz a fresh and exicting experiece and one that you keep coming back for? -Top tier loot that isn't high powered weapons. One of the problems with dayz looting is that most of the high tier finds are weapons or force multipliers, like night vision /rangefinders. The best finds in Dayz are almost univesally things that kill people! Little wonder tons of severs just ressemble COD. If the end goal of DayZ is high powered weapons/gear the only outcome that can arise is a blood bath. Loot that purely helps people, that has utility and reusability needs to be a core part of the loot system. And not just loot that heals people. Vehicles are one thing but outside of a clan or you finding a random car nobody has anything else acheviable to aim for besdies guns. -A mechanism that allows players to find players or facilitating interactions instead of random wandering. The random wandering is an essential part that i don't want to go away, scavaging is the core part of gameplay. Two options for the following: and I am aware that the first has been discussed at great length. # Bases. There is talk about Red Faction style bases but there are concerns about their "progam-ability", or general skeptisimim or dissmissal. For me I think this is the number one priority that would give direction to the game. Centers for trade, doctors, clans, relaxation. I think this is the most important ascpect of the future for DayZ. I would like to hear why you might disagree. #Radios? UAV? Triangulation? Used for finding people that you're not on vent with. I don't think anybody wants carepackages/uav in that sense...but something... -Missons? Before dissmissing this by saying this isnt skyrim think of this. Missons or goals give people looking for PVP conflict a place to find it. A lot of people I know kill because of boredom and justify it by saying "ahh you never can tell their intention". Something prized to comepte over, that isn't just a pile of loot, could draw bored players away from spawns/towns. Raiding a Z heavey center STALKER style where you needed to bring a toolbox, a satchel charge and X tools would be exicting. Throw into the mix the fact its a compeition over a rare item the inclination to KOS would be quite high. Randomly generated quests, hotspots that pop up for people to go raid, items that appear on the map for 15 mintues. Something to give people who are bored the incentive and a place to fight. And then...?
  21. Keeping it close to the chest :P?
  22. Well just for you i highlighted my points and edited out my personally story...if you'd read the post you'd see i do know.
  23. Just got my hero skin woot woot...so sweet and so fast
  24. Less than lethal weapons, http://en.wikipedia....n-lethal_weapon, you know don't taze me bro... Maybe somebody who has canvassed the countless inteviews with rocket or devs can tell me what discussions, if any, have been had about the potential to introduce less than lethal weapons to the game? Or a less than lethal mechanic, like unarmed combat which i read there might be. Would you support LTL weapons being added to the game? I like playing the roll of support and lone survivor. I hunt, help, scavenge and try to make each run through last as long as possible. I've shoot at people but don't like killing because it ruins my humanity. Having a crutch that could actual KO somebody would be nice. So far i've thought... -Rubber bullets that give people shock, pain and loss of vision -Tazers, police baton that KO not kill like the axe. You know like the countless zombie police could carry. - Gas? If you like the idea share your thoughts or if you don't like it give some reasons. Cheers.
  25. Trizzo

    Don't help people. Ever.

    Tell them to sit down, put weapons down, that you will shoot them if they move or if moving tell them to walk in front of you and as your learnt...beware of loot laying about...so many people have died to this. If you are in the superior postion to them make sure they know it, don't linger around longer than you need too. You don't need to shoot people to be alpha, i have nvg, gps, mk48 all earnt without killing a single surivor. Avoidence, flight and if If helping someone make them play by your rules. The " key is your best friend when dealing with randoms.