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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Best Death Ever

    Rofl...cherno journo? Subbed on your avatar alone... "That's the power of the Chernarus free press"
  2. Trizzo

    Hero Nation - Good or bad idea?

    Not possible in the current iteration of dayz. Roaming in a pack is but bases, safe zones, no. Time and a place sostronk...time and a place :)
  3. Trizzo

    DZwT: Hero Meet Bandit

    Hey! Another DayZ With Trizzo. Had a pretty fun run a few nights ago!. An epic team up with a Bandit. What makes it interesting is that i play as a hero...and nobdy was killed on sight.... Along the way people will be excuted and people will be saved. It's a battle of wits as the hero tries to change the bandits murderous ways...but skirts on the edge of the dark side himself...Next time you see a bandit think of the possbilities... Contains executions, robberies, vehicles and everything in between! Perhaps not entirely action heavy but the player dynamic is interesting...times of highlights are marked on youtube!
  4. Trizzo

    DZwT: Hero Meet Bandit

    Thanks for the support all! It makes it so much more fun and fulfilling for me! To make videos you have to go in with the expectation that nobody is ever going to watch them, seeing a few people subscribe is delightful! Thanks DayNight, i've watched many Utubers and I wanted to avoid the style of people who "umm and arr" their way through the videos,I'll do my best to avoid drivel. I have a wealth of content and more videos are coming soon. Aiming for consistency instead of an explosion of content, once a week minimum, ideally one every four-five days. Expect the next video in a few days. It's an awsome run on the best private hive i've play so far. Electro on a full server. Includes lifts with strangers, infiltrating hot zones, axe killings and a non traditional hold up. I'm still alive on that hive so that is going to be it's own spin off until i die on that server! After that first video expect a tutorial/informative video on facilitating/surviving player encounters and group dynamics in ad hoc groups. Cheers
  5. Trizzo

    I pulled a shane

    rofl...as soon as i heard the music I had the very power of clairvoyance.
  6. Trizzo

    DZwT: Hero Meet Bandit

    Haha cheers man! Def more coming! :) A quick summary of the projects i'm working on! (not in any order) -Introduction to Expert (server) Surival (gameplay, tips, walkthough)/Axe guide -Approaching people/helping them without dying -Firefights: Taking cover effectivly , slicing the pie, understand angles and blind spots in firefights
  7. Accessories, yes Cleaning kit yes, no Parts that fail internally and that can then be replaced/or building firearms from salvage, no If your bolt/firing pin failed it would be easier to find a new gun than a replacement part. These parts don't fail very often (if it at all) over the the life of a gun and since most guns contain 1 of each part to work finding parts is as hard as finding a new gun. Guns fail mostly due to poor storage, inadequite cleaning/care and bad ammunition. Wasting time and code getting complex parts into loot doesn't seem like it adds much to the game. Finding a tool box or multitool to add a looted scope/flashlight seems fun. Finding a cleaning kit to prevent jams/improve handling is sensbile. Finding guns, like a crusty old CZ in farmers shed and having to polishing via cleaning kit so it perorms better would be both rewarding and make sense.
  8. Always looking for a good ausi server! Pm please!
  9. Trizzo

    Just downloaded DayZ for the first time!

    -Don't get attached to your gear -Expect to die a lot, thats part of learning - Beware of people but don't avoid them entirely -Avoid players with head scarfs, these are bandits. They will kill you for no reason not even for loot. -Don't micro manage your gear in your bag or grab loot in the open ground, check for ambush -Running into buildings is a great way to loose zombies but don't linger in one. You can get surrounded and killed, escpecially with low tier weapons. - If you spawn at Kemenka (a boring, boring spawn) you might want to commit suicide by three ways depending on where you spawn. I)If you see a lighthouse, climb up, jump off. ii)Find a mob of zombies in town. iii)Jump off the bridge twice. You'll probally start doing this once your adept at the game and realise that Kememka spawn will sap your desire to play DayZ, it's a test of your patience and you willingness to want to play the game. -If you plan on being a solo player that aims to survive the most important tool is the hunting knife. Allows you to guy animals, cook the meat on an oil drum or with a pack of matches. Cooked meat restores 800 blood compared to 200 from canned food. -The hatchet is the best weapon in the game! Don't ever pass one up. Could go on for hours! Good luck
  10. Trizzo

    DayZ Bus Robbery

    Awsome, just awsome, so much potential for high forms of banditry...if only more shared the vision
  11. I'm working on getting a bulk of footage for my channel. Trying out a private hive, heading to Cherno. One heli approachs. Then another...then they start shooting my hut...who lives who dies? An epic cat and mouse!
  12. Hackz says video of logging from a team of hackers is shit...seems legit
  13. Or help people? Still posting? Still playing? And a side point. Anybody who says its boring to sit around and look, aka "sit and wait" otherwise know as an "ambush", and that the firefights don't involve much running around...two things. 1)You have been conditioned by other shooters to move around like a manic kid with adhd 2) Pick up a gun or heck even a stick, go run the backyard and see how striaght you can keep the 'barrel'. Then tell me how accurcate you think would be shooting at 100+ meters
  14. The quote isn't a bush saying :P It can be used in many contexts...like when someone starts dating someones ex, "don't shit where you eat man"... There will poetic justice when a turd troll runs in to take a dump and gets sick but a balanced hyigene mechanic would fix this. You can't have poop without a way to clean hands. That would be unbalanced....i just have no idea how it would be implemented...i don't think it will be added right away but i support a hyigene mechanic.
  15. Okay, i'll keep it at your prefered level of banter. Don't want to try to make considerate suggestions, don't want to draw on real world experience to try to balance out a much maligned idea, I might get accused of being on a "high horse", here i go. "Poop is sticky haha, im going to throw them around" "Yep poo is good, im going to shit places" "fo sho rocket, add that shit"
  16. Clearly nobody here has been in the bush for a long time. Hygene, pissing, poop is big concern. Around camp sites you have to go 50meters minium and bury it. More uses for the ET (i have one irl for that purpose!) But its not just poop and piss. Its cleanliness. You stink after a few days in the bush and the clothes you where make a huge impact on that. Washing bodies in lakes, hand sanitation...so many here is a list -Hand hygiene, this is how most illness is picked up. Animals carry bacteria on their bodies, blood and hoofs. So do dead bodies and sick players. When dealing with poop, dead boides/animals players need to wash hands. By water bottle, lake, portable hand sanitiser. This would effect eating/drinking. If you don't wash yourself before eating/drinking you run a good risk of getting sick. -Showers. Need to bathe every 3 days for general hygiene and cloth degredation. Done in water sources. What would this effect? Zombies picking up scent and walking in your direction, animals picking up scent and running away, maybe an indication of player proximity by a audio cue if very smelly -Trolling an area by shitting? Ever heard of the saying don't shit where you eat? - Night time in the outdoors is freezing, espieclly in Russia. We need more complex clothing layering, not just three sets if clothes. -Clothes what impact can we have on players? *Ghille Suits are hot. Make palyers run slower, drink more, get very cold in the rain, stink more *Finding thermal layers/outdoor clothes for night time. Ultimatly the night cycle should be decreased in time so players don't get bored but this will mean that night time becomes its own complex sub game, getting caught in the open, making fire, getting good cloth layers, if it rains you need to light a fire (in cover) to get warm ASAP or hypothermia sets in. That is on top of zombie/player combat/navigation at night. We havn't yet seen how terrfiying a night actually can be in DayZ...cold rain at night is my bush nightmare...you can't get warm...you can't light a fire....you best hope you have spare clothes and or a warm sleeping bag or you're in for misery
  17. Trizzo


    Get out of here stalker...
  18. And now some brazen self promtion. Here is how to use a map This is how to use a compass Press shift left click on the map to use waypoints, find a sign, log in and out, learn to read a map!
  19. Trizzo

    Funny ways you've died.

    -Go onto a ladder, was climbing down, fell to the bottom, teleported back to the top, wtf that was close, got to the bottom broke both my legs, bleeding, hour glass moved liked it was a painting. -Riding on the old bike, downhill to the coast, bored and scrolling down mouse wheel, hit eject by accident, all bones broken, died in a second, respawned and the bike had rolled about 50 meters away from my coast spawn. Winning. -Hit a zombie with a makarov, it run towards me and before its death animation it hit me knocking me out. I was out for a long time. I heard crawling and a prone zombie was making its way accross the field. I watched it for 30 seconds. Then it was ontop of me eating my face. My char was screaming, i stood up under 800 blood....and died.
  20. Trizzo

    Best Weapon for a Hero?

    Whatever you're most effective with.
  21. Just signed up on forum whitelist, waiting for pm! Can't wait, but one secptical thought... whats the performance like with x4 zombies and spawning at 1000m?
  22. I'm struggling to find any! Need help. Will play US expert hives too...
  23. 2 months till December, thats 15 dollars per month before Standalone is released. Thats good value for money and you'll learn a bunch of skills before the new game.
  24. Trizzo

    Any Ausi/NZ Expert Hives?

    Well, well, well time to apply. Should of read that thread more closely when i did...would of notice the ausi server, was thinking about playing this. Cheers mate. Question: where do i apply for servers? Forum?