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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Calling "friendly!" in towns

    For transfusions quote this to them, "Sit down on the ground by pressing the key the left of Enter" shorter is usally better "Press the keyboard key left of enter" (it makes them sit down on the ground in the game) If they hesitate, "I could have killed you by now if i wanted too ( say this only if you actully could have) I just want to the points". If the point about you being able to kill them is true, both statements are correct to both parties they usally will agree with these terms. At minimum make them go prone and tell them not to move their mouse.I have exmaples of this on video. I learnt this lesson after an axe man betrayed my medic assitance. If somebody is tracing your movments or aiming down the sights in an unbroken fashion they are pretty much bad people. I usally sit down for people giving me transfusions (or go to the coast and hold up a fresh spawn to transfuse me). People always hang back and hesitate when you're crouched but when you sit down they jump in. (got this on video too) This leaves you vunerable but sometimes you have to take people on faith...
  2. Trizzo

    Calling "friendly!" in towns

    Works to great effect for me, I'm making a video just on this, how to instigate PvP without dying. When i see a player and I call friendly before they a )shoot at me b )see me first, I have lived more times than dying. This includes calling friendly to bandits. Most times I call "friendly" to state my intention and then GTFO without a gun battle. But even when I decide to make contact I have lived more times than i have been betrayed. I always record my encounters with people for the sake of interesting situations that arise. The majority of those videos end well. Three main considerations. Recon, "Where/what/who/how" and the time spent around that player. 1) Recon: Get the drop on the person/person's before they see you. You will determine their curret loadout and their dispostion. Exmaple: you see a neutral survivor walking into a hospital with an AKM and 1 min later you hear an AKM firing and Leeenfield return fire he aint cool! I've stalked gunfire for 20 minutes to see if they were firendly people or not, they were and we fixed a heli. 2) *Where, are you standing, what town/location are you in? *Who? Armed? Unarmed? Bandit? Hero? Noobie? Group? Desperado with an axe and nothing to loose? Each is different. Avoid groups 99% of the time, control axe people make sure they don't get close etc.. etc... *How, do you sound geunine? Angry, pasive, controlling? Each situation merits a different approach. What I don't like about your approach is that if sombody says they are going to shoot on sight if I don't do as they say, as you do, it pisses me off and I'm already inclined to shoot you. I'm a player that likes his ego and winning in my own way more than my gear. A simple "friendly bro, don't shoot". Short, simple, not aggresive. A more subtle passive aggresive way to put the fear of death into a player is by calling "friendly" from a defened location or have good recon on them "Hey dude in the corner of red house I'm friednly". They don't know where you are but let them know that you know where they are. Once I had such good recon I saw a player on a school roof, another player walked into the building and I said "Hey to the dude that came into the school I'm friendly and on the roof", he was my bait (got the result of that on video, spoiler: there isn't blood just scared people running around) *What, what weapon? Are you stronger or weaker? Can you win the fight on paper when comparing your gear? 3) Last consideration: The time you spend around that player. Do you simply want to avoid bullets or do you want to engage that person in coverstation?
  3. Trizzo

    Best place for CZ?

    Why not enjoy the most balanced, elegant, skill intensive, less powered sniper rifle with a ghille suit?
  4. Trizzo

    Super Bandit + Dressed Up!!

    WTF an m24!
  5. Trizzo

    Bandit Sniping Part 2

    3 mins of silhouetting on the most overused and overated sniping position, no shooting and then you get sniped? Weeeeeee!
  6. Trizzo

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I came to quote this but you beat me too it. You missed one important question. Can we eat it? I would assume so! Then the next question (and far more important) can we use a dog steak to tame a wild dog? It's a closed cycle! You will never really 'loose' a dog. Brilliant work! Or for each dog i loose i will keep its steak as a memory of the times we had.
  7. Trizzo

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Devs deliver again! Cheers, despite the putrid hyperbole constatnlly thrown at you guys your work at constantlly refining this is more than appreciated! Instant zombie animation is welcome and unexpected! It was so damn annoying, escpecially as a player who likes the hatchet and getting busy with it. No and no? There is no magic blood-o-meter that tells your condition IRL, you just have to keep mental record of the amount of hits you've taken/carry spare meat/get transfusions. Debug is never coming back again, sal la vie, bon voyage, good riddance, no more debug. Chipping away at every HUD/gameplay feature that breaks the fourth wall can only enchance the dayz experience.
  8. When you find youself prepping to jump off a bridge or lighthouse hoping to find a more interesting location.
  9. Trizzo

    Few words about crossbow.

    * Stack bolts? Like a bolt action rife? To my knowledge no such cross bow exists IRL. * A quiver that holds 10 bolts would be considered a small or average size one! Not very cumbersome at all! * You can retrive arrows by looking at them and looting, you can't do it on the zombies. Standalone will add quiver and proper bolt retrieval! The Xbow is something i've been wanting to use more and more. Yet to kill anybody with it, seems like fun!
  10. Trizzo

    Dayz Night time playing

    Its night time?! jk... When its night time give it 30 seconds or so, eyes need time to adjust. I notice this when swtiching between NVG/light. Then look up into the sky if you can see clouds and stars nothing is amiss, it's just night time. Settings of gamma/brightness between 1.1-1.3 is enough to see a little more clearly. Don't slide it all the way up to cheat! That's for pussies! Night time dayz is so good, my favorite way to play! People frown on flares but throw them everywhere and move along the edge of the light. So damn fun...
  11. Trizzo

    Workbenches and weapon upgrades

    An extra benifit of adding poker? Interesting ghostdog...I did not consider in posting the non weapon items a workbench could add to the game...can't think of any right now.... but that doesn't mean there are not limitless things to do! Suggestions?
  12. This person gets it, as well as my beans. Now the mutal jerking is complete i'm feeling rather...*snores*
  13. I like don't perks. I like DayZ because it is one of few games that is crafted and built upon spontaneous player interaction. Especially in the TPS/FPS shooter genre. Sure lets add skins/custom clothing that people can loot so they can put on and off as they please... so bandits can dress as heros and well intended people and vice versa. Clothing and the dispoisition that it implies should not be dictated by the omnipresent god of RPG stats. Let players loot medic zombie clothes, become the wasteland medic or the troll you want to be. Let a clan kill zombie police so on that hive they are know on sight as the police in that area, let players loot surgeon zombies to be highly visible therefore obviously well intended peopel (or are they), personally i want to loot a hunter zombie's skin if only for the fur hat. THIS is how you make 'skins' and role playing realistic, dyanamic and fit the dayz canon. Perks/stats/skill trees? DayZ is over.
  14. Trizzo

    Workbenches and weapon upgrades

    * The leenfield in DayZ is not optomised to mount a scope. * A multitool/tool box is all you need to attach a scope * A 'suppressor' can be done quite easily, read bellow. * I'm not against the idea but if you look to my last comment you will see why nothing is likely to happen down this path. Making a proper, balanced suppressor that fits over or screws onto the barrel is a very fine skill indeed. But making a functional 'suppressor' is acutally pretty easy. It isn't pretty or good looking. All you need is carpet over the end of the barrel (adds weight, needs to not droop in front of barrel). The most common and very effective DIY job would be an oil filter (from a car) suppressor. A filter that could be scavenged from any wreck in chernus. Look it up, works very well. * Scopes are not fixed, armies might use a common scope or a standard issue optic but they all come off. I'd venture that there is not a single rifle made with a *scope* that is fixed * Many 'snipers' don't have iron sights. Not the m24, as50, barret has flip up emergency sights * Not picking on you but just the very notion of "snipers", held in this mythical quality apart from all else, shows how fetishised they have become. 'Snipers' are people and sniper rifles are just guns, good and bad points. The most effective sniper in history was a Finn and he used a bolt action rifle.... with iron sights... *Saw off the stock! So you can't shoulder the weapon :P Seems good * The problem is workbench tweaking IRL has 0 gaming applications. What you just mentioned, changing the triggers, is why nothing can really be added (internally via a work bench) to enhance gameplay in DayZ. When you tweak around with a rifle in real life you generally change three things. The postion of the scope, the trigger pull and maintaince. These have almost no gameplay potential. Hair trigger or heavey trigger pressure can't work on a mouse, changing a scopes postion to get the correct eye relief would be fucking pointless and boring and you rarely need to dissasemble a gun to clean it's inards. Barrel/breech/optic/stock maintaince is can done from the outside you dont need to go in :P. You don't often need to go inside the actual bolt or internal parts. This isn't FarCry 2 either. Players that hunt players and use lots of ammo won't have the life expectancy to warrent internal rifle stuff. Jams/cleaning kit is a good option. The few things i can think of is taping magazines together for banna mags (but this doesnt require a workbench just tape), somebody mentioned drilling holes into the stock for bullets? You dont do that you get an elestic shell holder, or make it yourself, don't damage the stock or maybe...JUST MAYBE a way to get a bump fire mechanism/internally tweaking to convert semi automatics into automatic rifles.
  15. Instead of you pointless rage and selective quoting understanding what I'm saying! Look at your selective quote above, then let me add what you left out for the sake of your argument and insults. I agree with you, just to the extend of you suggestion. Gasp! Weather might play a part in balancing sniping? Wait I had the impression that Trizzo didn't think that at all, somebody quoting him as only saying remove that as50 as the only solution! And before that... And before, before that I dissagree with a permanant winter/weather fix because its bland, makes no sense, isn't realisitc, i want diversity. The AS50 being removed is a side note. Its a boring gun. Takes little skill and is currently more common than an M24. It needs fixing whatever anybody thinks of sniping. -And just becuase it came up Coriolis effecting bullets in any meaningful way is total kak-
  16. Trizzo

    Hero or Bandit?

    Where is Camo Clothing option? Thats an archtype on its own. All the badassery of the hero/bandit skin with added ambiguity!
  17. Saying that sniper rifles don't need a nerf but advocating ways to make them worse has all the appearance of a misnomer. As for the idea of permanent fog, no sunshine, essentially *stark voice* "winter is coming" to Chernus is bad! Less diverse environments, arbitrary design and all to lessen the impact of sniping which you said don't need a nerf? We can have diveserse weather and micoclimates but a monoculture whos sole intention is to nerf ONE ascpect of the game is overreach and not warrented. Saying that snipers don't need a nerf because of a yet to be implemented idea is rather moot. I think if the AS50 was gone all is fixed. In standalone throw in some random weather events, but not a monoclimte, to mix it up and make it safer to run around? All is well in the world.
  18. Third person needs to be removed from the game to stop periscope sit and wait. I agree about sit and wait. If players want to lay an abmush part of the consideration needs to be concealmeant. Balancing how hidden they are as opposed to their visibility BUT transitioning to a CQB based game is a bad idea. Pitch a tent in Electro if CQB is your thing. Personally i like rolling enagements, flanking and covering fire. I see a direction correlation between your comments and the reason why this thread exists. If your sniper avoidence stratergy includes dancing and getting shot you're going to have a bad time. Why not suppress obvious sniper postions (hill tops, bushes, tress, windows, count the seconds between impact and shot, listen to triangulate postion) by laying down blind cover fire from a covered postion (allowing other people to try to counter snipe). Carry smoke grenades, go prone+crawl away, run through concealed areas or behind cover OR just accept the fact that an AS50 has the area on lock down and you need to rethink your approach. Thats dynamic. Thats what makes DayZ, DayZ. If you want a game of fire and manouver ARMA 2 is good, ARMA 3 is coming out. Nothing is currently stopping people doing these tactics in DayZ. Most people just seem to (wrongly) conserve their ammunition, choose not to suppress and only shoot at a moving target. Their fault. Doesn't need an engine/gameplay overhaul. NO, no and no! A .22 bullet will easily reach this distance and do it accurately. Firefights can be CQB or 600m+ it's diverse. A bullet travels as far as it is pushed, 100yrds for every round is arbitery and unrealistic. Firefights can happen from pointblank to 600+ meters. Just look at the debate on the effectivness of standard issue (Western) rifles in Afghanistan in terms of range, it's not far enough! Bullets are not as erratic as i think you think they are. Between 100-200 meters most 'militrary rounds' from a generic rifle will not drop in a signifcant way that you would miss a shot aimed at centre mass. Example. I sight in my rifle for 100 meters. Between 50-200 meters the drop will off center probally by a couple of inchs, not a complete miss. Still going to hit the target. I do agree long range shooting needs far more tweaking. Increasing the amount of potential dials by 25m Quaters, instead of intervals of 100m, AS50 removed because it is far to easy to use with no long range experience, third person gone so long range shooters do away with the imbalaced prone+spotting combo.
  19. Russia is permanently in winter? ... stopped right there...and cold doesnt mean that you need more water or food than the hot or the everyday. Norwegian saying. "no such thing as bad weather only bad gear" Snipers don't need a nerf. Players need to stop walking on top of buildings/firestation/control towers and or run toward a chorus of flies thinking that all of those players must have coincidently died there for no apparant reason. Or if they do do this, as we are all guilty of from time to time, to not be suprised when the hisss->dead->bang jack in a box fills their screen. Real life situation...? Now i love dayz, but its representation, its a strech to call it a simulation, in no aspect does it entirely match the real world. A banadage would not magiclly fix an abdominal wound or internal bleeding, a gunshot to the toe would not mean instant death. I understand that vison fog exists because PC's are not standard and most people cannot run ARMA at full res/draw distane. Fog helps balance people who have NASA's super computer vs those on Windows 98. Although once there was a day without a single bit of fog. I could see 10 km away quite clearly and everyone (including me) was complaining of lag...
  20. Trizzo

    So what is special about namalsk

    Loads of zombies, awesome survival elements (low food/water/cold weather elements), guns common but food rarer...the food scarcity is a welcome change, mid/high tier weapons need tweaking and less availability! Water sources/soda is much more scare, I cheered when I found one water bottle after finding m4s, aks, akms by the truckload. Food so damn rare I saw a rabbit and shot it with an AKM on a full 60 person server. I went in to gut it...rolled the mouse wheel onto hide body trying to be quick and cried as the rabbit sank into the ground...that and snow, new heli…gawsh what’s not to like! The creepy children sounds are annoying. People say they add mode but it’s a crass way of going about it. As sutble as flying jet around the sky towing a sign reading “FEEL IN SCARED MOOD NOW”
  21. Trizzo

    Repair a helicopter?

    Incorect. If all the glass is broken you cannot refuel, it runs out of the tank. Add some glass to that. OR Use this wiki, http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/UH-1H_Huey
  22. Trizzo

    [video] One Day of Sniping

    Yes. I am always amused watching people run into clearly dangerous situations, die and enjoy knowing that they are probably raging at the game and not themselves. Some decent long range shots against the industrial cherno snipers was okay but it's scenario that has played itself out time and time before and will again. The lack of innovation in sniping videos is a little disheartening but i keep watching knowing someone will eventually rise up and shift the goal posts. Exmaple: If this was done was a CZ/M24 you would have my beans sir.
  23. Trizzo

    [video] One Day of Sniping

    Rofl...video shows everything wrong with people getting sniped and sniping in dayz... Never picked up a sniper before and "need practice"? No worries AS50 is the gun for you! Everybody has one, generous sight profile, long range zeroing and if thats too hard some servers will display player names and distance will assit you in getting pin point accuracy and spotting people. Players getting killed by snipers...hmmm 5 bodies on top of the air control tower, better casually walk around looting bodies *hiss->dead->bang* OMFG RAGE How did that sniper kill me! DayZ is so lame! Somebody fix this sniper problem!
  24. Hey! Big video! Timetabs in Youtube! This is the the longest and most epic quest and the biggest video I've ever made. As I'm making my way into Cherno i find a legit spawned heli on the roof but everything is broken. After sneaking around I made some friends with the locals and an epic quest to repair the helicopter begins. Starting in the day going into the night, fixing a helicopter (twice), axe killing, hostile heli/squad fights, night ops, betrayls and schemes...if any of this interests you, you might want to watch. Cheers