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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Anyone not playing Chernarus until SA?

    Why am i on the forum?
  2. Trizzo

    CZ550 Estimating Range to Target

    Not really. It just doesn't have mil dots or an inbuilt range finder. Its a fine scope for long range shooting and certainlly not designed for close range shooting. Its a scope that is meant to be taken to a range, sighted in for a specific range and not moved around much after that. Close range scope would be x1.5 scope. * I just got a CZ, i'm practicing on animals and zombies. Learning to estimate distance is an important skill. A sever with waypoints can help you train. *Zeroing 300m and then shooting <=300m, aiming center mass will usally give you a hit. * If you find a way get range i find the drop in the CZ to be quiet large (though i havn't used all the snipers yet or compared them). If a target is 350m away I like to zero in 400m and aim centre mass. That way the shot falls on the upper torso and head. It is easier to shoot for the middle of their body than trying to chase a tiny head (then your high zero often gets you the hs) * Spend lots of time looking down the scope and remember how big players/zombies are in terms of profile and measure them against the features in the scope. Example. If a player is equal in width to the V reticle you might know that distance to be 200m. If the player is wider they are closer, if they could fit inside it twice they might be 600m+ away. Practice, pratice, practice. *Always watch where the bullet falls (puff of dirt) and adjust for that! * The scope on the CZ is not designed to operate like a mildot or the PSO optic. It will take experience. Somebody might be able to work out the base range of the chevron against the outline of a player but that is as good as it will get.
  3. Trizzo

    [Video] Personal Revenge

    Patience prevails...just had an identical experience! Good revenge and always good to have those random team ups when you're thrown together with another person pitted against others.
  4. Timetabs in youtube! Hey! An awsome and intense battle. An AS50 is raining down hell on Electro. Using careful and considerate counter sniping tactics I move into postion to take my shot...with an AKM (it has zeroing right?)...who wins? Includes a long range engagement, countersniping suggestions, an armed hold up and all other sorts of crazy. The sanguinary outrage that these snipers insit on performing propells us to one conlusion, blood. Who wins, who dies? Watch and find out! Dedicated to Doctor Wong, you were a friend in need!
  5. Immensely and to the above I dissagree entirely. Friendly player encounters are only getting better and better for me, in terms of interesting things happenening. Once standalone gives us so tools for long term planning and more hardcore survivial elements cooperation will increase.
  6. Trizzo

    Jump in sales?

    Rofl..thread started at 160,000 currently at 2.5 millionish? Da faq?
  7. Patience prevails! :P Gosh so many delicous beans...it's going to help when i make my next video, "Countersnipning snipers/bandits with my newly aquired kit"...all i need to do is escape the hills of electro hmm could be short live :(
  8. No. Ideally there wont even be a humanity 'meter'. Custom clothing that you can loot, a variety of which is so large that you can tailor make a skin by looting the various clothes. Either the names of those clothes or their astehtics will dictate what players come to agree that wearing X clothes implies and what playstyle a player, on appearence, seems to enjoy. This will also add a greater depth of immersion that you cannot trust apperance because smart bad people wouldn't usally advertise the fact they are bad. Unless they just don't give a fuck and like the ego boost. Luckily we have a dev team that is more inclined to this way of thinking than yours (no offense). Otherwise dayz would quickly stop being dayz.
  9. Doctor Wong I held an AKM i your face, demanded you transfuse me. You did. He was cut down by the AS50 team i was hunting 30 seconds after I left. I won in the end. I dedicated a video to you, hope you get to see it. It will be uploaded in a couple hours.
  10. Hey! Docotor Wong? Are you out there? Do you know him? Had an amazing session. I was trying to counter sniper people, got wounded, shoved an AKM in Doctor Wong's face running around electro, he helped me because i was crazed and desperate, AS50 cut him down 30 seconds later, after a long stalk I took revenge! Doctor if you are out there and visist these forums please let me know! You helped me...well under point of a gun and died shortly after...without your help I could not have done it... Video is coming ASAP! Rendering and uploading is pretty darn slow...dedicated to you doc, hope you see it
  11. Trizzo

    Ninja Blood Bag Bonanza

    Been waiting :) This teaser will suffice...for now
  12. Timetabs in Youtube! Hey! So i wouldn't of thought I would make a video about hacking...but when a Jason hacker sneaks up on you and you can silver tongue your way out of the situation things are only going to get wierder... Logging back my favoirte private hive after patching to .3 and Beta changes I lost my 22 day old, dmr, ghille, gps wielding survivor. So I don't really give a ****. I noticed somebody creeping up on me. I attempt to ambush the player but quickly realise it's a hacker! I gain his trust and much like "Hero Meet Bandit" try to influence his decisions to try prevent as much grief as possible...but to make an omelette you have to break some eggs, that is to say some players must die (preferablly not me) for the greater good. A dynamic encounter full of killing (legitimate and some sadly not) teaming up with good legit survivors, a hiliarious failed KoS attempt against me, an interview with a hacker giving some insights into what they are after... NB: THIS IS NOT how I like to play DayZ but these experiences are currently part of the DayZ spectrum and unique ones are worth sharing ...So enjoy if you can! -edit-should really of say trying to tame... Cheers
  13. Trizzo

    chopper douche

    You can kill people that give you stuff, you can join a group and betray that's all fine but don't pretend for a second that you were "checking" he/she was a hacker. That's a euphemism for greed, your stary sober comment reflects the selfish troll wihtin. If you were just 'checking' could have told somebody and helped him or others back to it but you didn't and you're pretending otherwise. And why people kill for things they can't even use properlly escapes me.... Serious though...how many videos of people raging about being killed in vehicals do we need to see before they learn to control people by making them sit down when they are vunerable?!?!?! This shit is avoidable...A simple instruction like sit down 20 meters away from the cockpit should suffice...and if i saw anybody ANYBODY aiming down sights at my face when i'm in a heli (he would have had a clear third person view!) i would GTFO and kill them. I always roll my mousewheel when unknowns are close by so i can jump in an instant....
  14. Hey! So i walked from west to east and back again in the middle of the map hitting every farm up along the way. No CZ. Instead of random wandering anbody got a good area for a high concentration of high yeild farms so i can find the thing? Cheers
  15. Trizzo

    I met this random survivor on Namalsk

    A friendly? On Namalsk? Must be a new type of hack.
  16. Rofl that infection story is hilarious...rocket is such a joy to listen to in this period of stale gaming, the constant drivel and hate thrown at the dayz devs escapes my understanding...
  17. Trizzo

    Zombie Running speed

    Can't vote on this poll. Taking zombies as they are then splitting this core and complex part of gameplay into one or the other choice is helpful how? Well it's a place for conversation i guess... Life cycle zombies is interesting but how this can work is yet to be seen, i'm skeptical it will happen. For fast zombies: I would like to see players sprint a tiny bit fast than zombies (as they do now) but a heavier fatigue sets in so zombies catch up everytime. This would mean the only way to avoid aggo is stealth+avoidence then hiding+combat. No more circle straff/outrun zombies, sprinting with a full backpack generally makes you tired! Proper pathing, animations and consistent hit detection will help the fast zombies considerably. Slow Zombies: 10x the amount or don't conisder them at all But Rocket says he likes fast zombies so...
  18. Trizzo


    Owned? Unless 1.7.3 changed this (?) then i would be owned. Strangely helicopters need glass to stop leaking fuel. Yep. Glass panels. Everything you need is here: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/UH-1H_Huey
  19. Trizzo

    [VIDEO] Hatchet Montage

    Brilliant, that is all.
  20. Trizzo

    how vehicles work

    I was going to say engines but since you found daydb you'll be fine! If you have the time and inclination search the bottom/top corners of the map or the northern wilderness from west to east or Grozovy Pass, usally yields results for me! Look for private hives with ample vehicles added.
  21. Trizzo

    How exactly is this game fun?

    Yay I love soma...fun is what I like weeee.... It isn't fun. Fun was never included in the DayZ mission statement. Rocket said so himself. Happy now? Survival isn't meant to be. Despite the glitches, hacking (less now) and yet to be fully developed ideas it's exhilarating and exhausting. It's an experience that will physical move you. Few games will ever give you adrenaline shakes, making your mouse hand unsteady enough to effect your aim and if they do it is usually after the fact and unsustained. It's a part and parcel of the gameplay in dayz. DayZ, like love, takes patience to yield its full fruits.
  22. Trizzo

    Over the top bandits, like rabid dogs

    There is no flaw in my logic and your putting words into my mouth, making assumptions on how I play and your judging everyone by your own standards. I'm a hero player and a medic. I always help people and never KoS (unless I'm player my alter ego camo guy but even then i don't KoS all people), I too try to befriend people but that is besdies the point. That is what I decided. There is no moral/legal laws in DayZ. It is choas and the prisoner dilemma. Two people meet each other, they don't know what the others intention is, so they shoot first to ensure they survive becuase they righty reckon that they have the right to live. Makes sense to some people, makes lots of sense on paper. Over time we come to the conlusion that this is not a furfilling or enjoyable lifestyle. We then evolve to this level. Two people meet each other, they don't know what the others intetion is. No person has a greater right to exist than the other and no greater claim over the avalible resources. Both parties are interested in self preservation as well as their general well being. They decide not to KoS, share resources and part ways peacefully. This is most simple social contract. The spanner in the works is ego. Some people think they have greater right than others. To use cliche, "some people just want to see the world burn". In any situation where there is no bootheel and club keeping down barbarism it is going to rear its ugly head. Not everybody can be altruistic. So long as they surive, the survival of their fellow species is of no concern to them. They forget history and the fact that two people were required to make their one. Ego, boredom and no consequence is terrible nexus for trolling and dickheadery. It's also what makes DayZ dynamic.
  23. Trizzo

    Calling "friendly!" in towns

    Wow...that's intense...i thought a video series called Crossbow Chronicles would be intense but this takes the cake!
  24. Trizzo

    Over the top bandits, like rabid dogs

    Rofl...the rage...it is all so horribly unnessacary, you missunderstand the vison for the game. He didn't want to recreate Cal of Duty. He wanted a harsh survival experience with dynamic player intercations, based on "the nature state", the pre social contract world "Bellum omnium contra omnes" The war of all against all. Where ,"the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short". Ever heard the saying don't give lifts to strangers? This is a world where there are more guns and bullets than rules, if you pick up strangers for fun accept that your life is forfeit. And this is how I and your killers feel when reading this
  25. Trizzo

    Calling "friendly!" in towns

    To sit down, Press the keyboard key left of enter, Look at the keyboard->find enter->look one key left->press it in the game. It's this key ' You can only put primary weapons/melee weapons down (but melee weapons will look raised anyway because the animation isn't distinct) Double left control with a rifle up. It depends where you are and what you want out of the game but walking around like this looks far less aggressive. To a player that knows their way around the game and controls anybody who bothers to constantly double press control and sneaks/walks/talks to me with a lowered gun is probally friendly.