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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    If ever there was a reason to keep it in. It makes the game less challenging/intense. Nor is this a cheap shot. If the game were first person only the prone postions usefullness would be radiclly increased. The stealth/infiltration potential would increase exponentially. It would actually be worth your while to crawl because you would not have the unfair conidtion that somebody can simply periscope your prone postion when they would be out of a direct LOS. Knowing that a persons LOS needs to be directly on you to see you means you no longer need to take into account magic mirrors. Players who like to overwatch an area would need to put their body at hazzard, making a silhouette. Third person unfairly punishes scouting and stealth. As it stands when two people come face to face and both hit prone DayZ becomes a boring sub game of submarine. If First Person only is introduced people will have no other option but to move into a different postion OR knowning that prone actually gives you concealment due to a realistic LOS can now acutally hope to crawl away. Trying to crawl away in third person servers is suicide. They unfairly spot your movement. As it stands when i go prone, i go third person instantlly and I do not move. Not because i like it but becuase I want the same advantage the other person might have. Remove Third Person->increase the tension.
  2. Agreed. Glass is different but I cannot see a projectile travelling fast enough/large enough to push enough of whatever force to wound just by passing by (air/pressure) being a 50 cal bullet. And as for a .50cal leaving a "hunk of meat" i find this suspicious. A .50cal simply cannot transfer so much kinetic energy that it disintegrates the entire torso making limbs and all pop off. It doesn't do it on pigs in the testing/hunting videos I have seen and should not on humans. It would obviously do major damage to anywhere it hit but explode an entire body? No. I've hit a rabbit with a .308 in the abdominal area. It does major mushrooming as expected, massive exit wound but nothing else had force transferred to it. The other areas were untouched. Simple psychics. It's one of the wierd fetishes the .50cal. It's an old round and there are many better calibers that have come since that do its job better.,
  3. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    A lot wrong with what you just said. Very few exist or have the numbers to make it interesting for players. Own choice? Not really, its a multiplayer game. I follow where people go. Then this really inane comment saying third perosn is an imagined disadvantage. Thought experiment for you. I'm hiding ontop of the school in electro by pressing V I'm hiding in the sandbox shape block ontop of the school roof. When i go into First Person all i can see is cement around me and the interior of the building because I'm glitched and hiding in a solid object. Then I turn on Third Person I now have a 360 degree field of view of the entire town. CLEARLY this is an "imagined" dissadvantge when player X is walking into town. Second. I'm walking down a hallway and try as i might i cannot get the camera to peek around the corner. Little do i know there is a player crouched at the end of the hallway peeking at me from safety. CLEARLY this is an "imagined dissadvantage". This is not opinion it is a fact that third person is unfairly balanced towards people laying ambush/defending/sniping/spotting. Any player prone to crying about PvP should embrace first person only. They are dying most of the time because of third person chiefly due to the unfair situational awarness that is actually killing you. Changing to first person changes everything. Players who periscope ontop of buildings/behind walls will have no clue what to do. Snipers/spotters would have to crouch more, previous locations would cease to be relevant. Players would need to acutally stand on the edge of buildings/peek around cover to see blind spots. Essentially your eyes therefore your body needs is put at hazzard to earn information about the battlefield. Currentlly your ghost self does all of this for free and then some. Watch any high tier PvP video. It is 90% third person then switches to first person for the kill. Third person is nice for the asthetics, place and context, navigation. It spoils suspense and combat. I'm not opposed to third person in all situations. Perhaps actions like opening a backback for current loadout and skin appearence could give us a third person perspective. Others like getting into cars, building things, gutting animals.
  4. Because incapacitating people more often will make them die less? Impoved medical system I'm all for (its happening)....and a SAW will not "rip" an arm off
  5. You run it with the current mod but a tiny amount of people do or at least only a tiny amount of people make videos about it. Makes me worried that in the rush to get SA out it will be overlooked.
  6. I would like a definitive answer from a dev because fuck i hope so! I just ordered 5Pro bundle! Don't scare me maus! I imagine it will given that all arama (at least 2 and 3) games support it. It looks so fucking good, can't wait to make a demo for it with the full range of movements. Clearing stairwells and buildings will be so smooth and natural.
  7. Instead of raging when you die think about what happened in the piror minutes and avoid doing it again.
  8. If a condition of the tent was to drop your bag and travel without it, then place your tent somewhere else I don't think there would be as many tents placed on the map. I think because you need to loose the vast majoirty of load carrying capacity it would be fairly balanced and not open to abuse/spam.
  9. I spent hours fixing a car, loaded it up with steak (27 to be exact) and set for the coast to feed people. The third person I met lowered my gaurd, we jumped out, he stole my car. I'm not pissed off...just unhappy that my ambition to feed to hungry was so quickly thwarted...the gear is of no concern but I recall the existential dissapointment overtook me for a few frenzied moments as I gave hopeless chase to my dreams that were driving down the coast.
  10. The coast is a lonely place and can take some time to get around...what about a handcar for the railway? http://www.prostockd...com/handcar.jpg This thing! Somebody could take it upon themsevles to run the coastal train service...something for the tracks could be fun, or a random spawn. "All aboard for Cherno!"
  11. "Loading!" (surreptitiously molests axe handle) As for the OP you are utterly correct for playing this way! It's a blast. I played this style for a good length of time. Apart from teaching you good recon/observation/avoidence skills it frees up 10 slots but usally more (Rifle+ mags). Goes great for looting expeditions, people are less inclined to KOS at medium range, it's can easily be put away if you need to talk to somebody...it's so good and fun. Zombies are more challenging too. Best memory was sprinting down Zelonogorsk aggroing as many zombies as possible then killing them all. I would play this style more if it wasn't for trying to make videos with some PvP/Player Encounters in them.
  12. Best weapon in the game, yes and yes. Currently keep 10 slots, in any bag capible for that size, free so i can cycle to it in a pinch when i need to kill Z or go silent. It is the very first thing i look for as a new spawn and I can now say i have killed many people with it! *Infinte ammo *Kills animals and cuts the wood to cook them. No loss of any resouces when doing this, the ultimate survival tool *Two combat tips: i)Person with the axe lie in the doorway, second person crouch above player with an axe and or people stand at the back of the room with guns. No zombies will get through ii) Aim high, it has a crapton of range. I find going prone, rolling around and aiming for the head of Z a stealthy way to clear them out (good for HCS/Barracks/High yield places) So many good memories with it.
  13. Trizzo

    [VIDEO] How to See At Night

    What the fuck are you doing showing exploits...as if the game isn't broken enough as it is. I found an exploit to see through walls/buildings, i'm not telling anyone and niether should you tell this one. Too many people know already. Playing DayZ at night is fucking awsome, grab a light/flares/chem AND if you can handle the heat gtfo the sever. Thanks for spoiling it for the people who play legit. You show us your true colours by posting this instead of a guide to playing at night time. Ohh... you can't make a guide b/c you have no idea what to do! I suppose learning how to use torches/chemlights/flares both for offense and defense, usings the sounds of your boot tread to follow a path, aiming the camera up at the sky in third person to see your silhouette aginast the stars when you loose your oritentaiton, finding the northern star, is all to much to take in. Cleary this person doesn't mind being exploited to death. Pass his name onto some hackers/contract killers, might save a few of us being griefed.
  14. My germanic take on morality/karma/humanity systems...Nein, nein, nein!
  15. Let me know what you think and then what anyone can do about it. Ruining my favorite bunch of servers :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeurneFJkRo&feature=youtu.be ANZ# 1, *AFSCO* AUSSIE BANDIT, hacked gear and potential god mode
  16. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Of course! I would love it to be more advanced as well. Agree but most diagrams exaggerate to illistrate the principle. Weapons appear horizontal but that is to the human eye which is notoriously finicky. I can tell you cannot see your adjustment in your sights unless you change it suddenly for many hundreds of meters difference. As for a bullet the force behind it is nuts! The chamber pressure for an m16 is 50,000 psi? Chamber pressure is very hard to meassure...then we have the .223 itself 3000+ ft/s and more. Then add large distances, the most tiny error or adjustment is going to make a huge difference. I like to hold my figer up the furthest away wall in the room. Then I 'aim' 1cm to the left. I imagine walking in a straight line for both points and how far apart they would be over the course of 100 meters. Then I imagine it's a bullet traveling 600 meters or more. The slightest things effect bullets, hot weather dry weather or cold/damp weather, wind, barrel tempreture. Not to mention shooter error, trigger pull, flinching...it is endless complex and fascinating. Cheers!
  17. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    There is a "rise", it just that the bullet does not make its own lift. The angle of the bore is king. Think of it as this. The bullet happens to hit the 25m mark as it is flying upwards into the sky. Then unable to escape gravity it falls and hits the 300m mark but not before overshooting the 150m mark. 1) Aiming at 25m =the bore is aimed upwards. 2) The bullet passes the 25m mark continues its upwards arc. It is however not traveling in a straight line. It is arcing. 3) The bullet has so much power behind it it rises above the 150m mark BUT NOW it looses power. 4) Its falls and hits a target at the 300m mark. Because for a m16 with X barrel legnth and X bullet standard issue the 25m 'point' and 300 point just so happen to line up almost exactlly. CLICK bellow, it has everything in a good diagram from the US army (i think) http://imageshack.us...picture1nt.png/ Yes i did have too and now I think I'm done! I was not initially clear what you meant by "25m 300m point is the same", now hopefully closure.
  18. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Refer to this Stop sounding indignant when your lying and wrong. I never said they only arc downwards. Bullets who's arc is only downwards occours when they are fired parallel to the ground. I was hoping to point out that bullets don't generate their own "lift" or as you say "rise". The only way they make an upwards arc is when the bore is aimed upwards. The bore is aimed upwards because the optics/sights changed the angle of the rifle. The top picture has a rilfe sighted in 200m. Whats happening is the bore is pointed upwards becuase the shooter changed the sights on a rifle for 200m. The bullet "rises" not becuase it generates it's own lift but because the rifle is pointed "upwards". The bullet forms its arc and hits the target. The second picture shows what doesn't happen when you fire. A bullet does not rise, in an arc, above the point of the muzzle for no reason. The bullet in that exmple would make an immediate downwards arc because the bore axis is flat. A bullet cannot rise above that axis on its own. It will leave the barrel and begin its downward arc. If the bore axis was aimed any higher than that line it would make an upwards arc. This is pretty easy stuff. So yes a bullet fired from a riflle whos bore is parralell to the ground will form an immediate downward arc with no lift above the point of the muzzle. Did you just suggest that bullets generate their own lift? The is entirely wrong. A rifle sighted in for 25m is not parrel to the ground, it's angle of the bore is aimed upwards even slightly. The bullet does not generate it's own lift to carry it 300m. It is because the angle of the bore at 25m is steep enough for the bullet to reach the 300m mark. Bullets work on very small margins of adjustment because of their inherent power but not because they generate their own lift. And i'm pretty sure your ripping all of your ideas from a single M16 book or guide. They should explain that sighting in at 25m changes the angle of the bore upwards which gives the bullet arc.
  19. Timetabs in youtube! Hey! A far less violent follow up to Counter Sniping... So whats a highly geared bandit to do? Head to coast to find people of course! But for what purpose? See the beginings of a selfless charity...and then its abrupt end (dun dun dunnn!)
  20. woah woah woah...spoiler tag please! :P (Jokes dude no worries!)
  21. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Incorret on most things. A bullet fired parallel to the ground will fall the instant it exits from the muzzle. Nothing gives it upwards lift. A bullet only "rises" when the bore is angeld upward. It is constantlly forming an arc the moment it leaves the muzzle. And you were not clear enough, or i did not read correctly, your previous example about compensation at 25-200yards. You gave me a different impression to what you just said. And I'm not suggesting people should be forced to play I gave arguments for and against. Initially i said i would like FPV only. Then in my last post i said i don't mind. I made this thread two months ago? When FPS only servers were playable and in large numbers. I'd don't feel as strongly about it as i do now but that still does not change the sniper/camping imbalance, which on balance isn't enough to lock the game in FPV. But hey I guess I really don't have a clue...
  22. Trizzo

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Thread necro! Wish the poll stayed in place. No idea why it dissapeared. If there was a way to remove third person camping i would be all for it...it just makes it unbalanced. Somebody suggested running is third person only. I think if you stay in an area (10 square meters) longer than certain period of time (30 seconds) you get locked into first person. At least a camping sniper would have to move around constantlly if they wanted to abuse third person. As it stands I don't mind third person, i've softened my original view but some fix for pitch a tent camping would be decent. Bullets only drop, they constantlly accelerate downwards, when they appear to be rising they are just falling. What do you mean by bullet rise, overshooting a target when at a higher elevation? And a rifle sighted in for long range shooting means you need to aim lower, not higher, at closer range shooting. Unless your at point blank range, then your zero has no effect.
  23. Trizzo

    CZ550 Estimating Range to Target

    But you never will have a target of high value or intelligencethat stands in such a fasion. And rarely will somebody who isn't those stand like that anyway. The vertical lines in the CZ based on experience with various scopes are windeage and or designed to focus the eye naturally towards to middle cheveron. No scope has a rangefinder that finds the elevation by working with a horizontial/windage axis alone. If somebody figures out a way to measure based on comparing size it is only going to a rough guide. Time better spent learning range/distance estimation, long range shooting practices, all skills that have applications with different weapons/combat situations.
  24. Trizzo

    Do you have music enabled?

    Off, so i can hear everything. Long walks are eerie, silent and somber affairs with no forced mood.