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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Hey! Was wondering what people think of a way to store gear with a tent or making a stash. Somewhat inspired off STALKER. Dropping your bag gives you an option to "save bag", much like a vehicle. You can store as much stuff that can fit in that bag and use it to make stashes. You might say well thats unbalanced, to much gear piles all over the map. Well not really here is why i don't think its unbalanced... *Fresh bags spawn near populated/travelled areas and can be hard to find sometimes! If you want to make a safely hidden stash you're going to have to travel quite a distance to get to a low traffic area to hide your stash. An activity that only geared people can do. Therefore people can't just drop bags all over the place. *You can't carry two bags so to make a stash you need to first leave your bag, find one, gear it up, drop it off again then take another bag. Takes a long time. *There is no incentive to leave low tier bags as new spawns. They a)need their bag to gear up b)won't ditch it before they find another one c) players only have an incentive to make stashes when they are self sufficant. You can't plan for the future when immediate survival is at hand. I would consider it an activity for a 3day+ survivor * Gear storage is limited to what a bag holds, not a blank hole tent *Other players can find them too "Fresh spawn...haha this is easy i can travel to my bag which i put 500m away from the spawn point!" (Runs) "Oh shit someone found my bag! How did they do that!" /\ Why making a stash is more complicated than you might think. Cheers
  2. Trizzo

    The Moral Compass

    A far more developed and interesting concept that most posts on "compass" or karma etc but it can't escape the fact that it is part of the same problem. Linear gameplay mechanics and systems that define a characters psychological disposition are not part of the dayz mission statement. The game is about me. My story. I'm not controlling an abstract avatar with its own unique personality and inadequacies. I bring to DayZ my own skills, my own level of intuition and situational awareness. When I get the adrenaline shakes (as no other game has ever given me) I earn that experience in my own right. Not because it was decreed. When i feel afraid of the Z it's because the game is working (or the AI has been fixed). When i've been around Z and know what to do I gained that experience myself. Yes i starve, yes i get chased by Z but I take that I my own way. Not the way it was programmed for everybody else. All of these "compass", "experience" "moral/ethical/skill tres" should and will probally share the same fate. Non implementation.
  3. Trizzo

    Herbert the Pervert Plays DayZ

    Rofl "guess who" (slams on breaks)
  4. Herp Derp ANZ 1 AVA Gaming In every server most of cherno was gone. I saw it being moved away. It was something out of howles moving castle. The entire hotel was floating, went along the coast and dissapeared towards cap golova. Video coming tommorrow. WTF is going on. (edit)
  5. I don't disagree with you I disagree with any extra punishment/reward mechanic. The "reward" people get from killing for loot is seperate from another mechanic that punishes somebody for doing that just that. Just as not killing and reaping the the benifits of cooperation is the reward. There should not be any system that gives you extra or less. Your actions give you the benift as well as the consquences. Once the Z and survival elemens are harder much should change in DayZ. Curretnly cooperation just leads to good weapons. Generally when there is a buildup of firepower and bored people any peace is a fragile one. Thanks for the clarifcartion because I support this notion to the fullness! I want some fucking high tier loot that isn't just a tool to kill/help kill people with. I want deeper cooperation through items/mechanics! Not an ethical system.
  6. You both concentrate on one aspect of allegedly negative behaviour but discount how often and inconsequential loot is when it comes to the body count. How many bodies do I found unlooted (even my own), what about highly geared people killing who don’t need loot but kill anyway. One of the worst and indulgent ascpects of PvP is Electro/Cherno snipers. The desire for loot didn't feed founds into those chambers. Loot might be one reason that a person might kill another person, to get it. Even so that doesn't automatically make it a negative behaviour. Besides this being friendly currently has its own reward. Benefits of cooperation, pleasant feelings, preferable to constant anxiety as a solo player, more firepower, easier specialisation. And nobody even addressed the philosophical aspect of this proposal. Chiefly why should and why would there exist a golden rule or agency that makes judgements on behaviour in DayZ? Any such system doesn’t fit the mission statement or the ethos of the game. I know! It should be removed and player customisation put in it's place. What robber wanders the streets in broad daylight with a darkened face, balaclava and Televison.
  7. Disagree entirely. Why reward one end of the spectrum of behavior but not the oppoiste? It suggests a golden rule or agency that simply does not exist. Good should be undertaken for its own sake, the reward should always be a non factor when undertaking "good". Good for goodness sake, the benefit you reap happens during and after the undertaking of a good act. Whatever happens between the various parties as a result of "good" actions is the reward. This is a tangible and quantifiable form of Karama. Not a cosmic good or RPG statisticial notion of good.
  8. Trizzo

    Two thoughts turned into one

    Fucking drunk->License revoked. You hadnt even started hitting the piss in big way either...don't know if you need it to concentrate or if it just makes it worse...
  9. Rule # 2 Double tap (or chop) We need an offical name and shame thread so least these fail morons might just go down in popular infamy. And where you got shot i like to avoid standing in that area like the plague, narrow hallways are just the worst. A hallway is like a runway for bullets and you're taking up the entire tarmac.
  10. Trizzo


    Always thought if they added the M44 Mosin, which they should anyway, they should implement the bayonet it comes with. Would be pretty darn brutal, i think high tier find for either detachable/fixed.
  11. Very good but i might add a few things. * I'd say you did it a lot of the time BUT you could do more hugging the grey walls at every instance you can, instead of running in grass areas. Think of it as another sea. The sea is useful because it eliminintes 180 degress worth of potential threat. Each grey wall you run next to gives you the same effect. This goes double when you are in view of the silos/hotel. On the west side of the town there is less cover but its futher away, more on this later. * Looting on top of stairways. In the hotels up stood at the top of the stairway. Exposed back to the two doors and bottom staris. I clear the top floors first then pick up loot at the top on my way down. That way you 100% secure the top floor and are ready to defend to bottom. * West side of the town is a tricky area because it is so open. I'd say you did 90% of it correct. I try to pick a line to run across potential snipers. Going for the hard cover of the bus stop was brilliant but the route you choose to run away wasn't so good. The one problem was that you were essentially running in staight line away from him. If you pause it at 14:42 you can see houses, more hard cover, that cuts across the muzzle instead of following it directly as running for the tress did. This ____ represents the the snipers bullet and this _ _ _ _ your escape route What you did BULLET>____YOU>______ESCAPE ROUTE TREES> - - - - - - - - - The lines match up. You might say that zig zagging breaks up the pattern but for each zig zag you do that incrementally adds up time you spend in the open/taking fire which over the course of many hours playing will eventually increase the chance of being shot. It wasn't now but it will be later. Instead I would have gone for the houses and then the escape route looks like this (had to reverse the order to line up my lines) It's a harder target to hit, more estimation required. ___<ESCAPE ROUTE HOUSES____ <YOU____<BULLET | | |
  12. Trizzo

    Should we have squad/friend Spawns?

    Oh my goodness the no vote is thumping the yes, keep it up....faith restored that more people than not want masochism as a part of the dayz experience.
  13. Tumbling bullets? "Maiming" not killing? Sigh... " It is ridiculous that a single shot from any weapon doesn�t with a 99 percent of probability incapacitate you, at least temporarily" No it isn't. Unless a bullet kills outright/hits spine/vitals that will kill quickly I've not often seen a animal (or somebody) "pass out". Adrenaline immediately kicks in and the victim goes berserk. Even people who have been hit in vital areas, who are pretty much dead, can carry on for many seconds. Why stopping power is such a concern. I've never seen it in an animal (nor a human) shot->wounded simply pass out. Can it happens of course but 99% of the time no way. Depends on where you are hit as all well. I would seriously consider not playing the game if 99% of bullets KOed me. Things that need changing. * Less slugs more and pellets for shotguns. WTF is with the slugs over pellets. It makes no sense. SHOTgun, is meant to fire SHOT lots of fucking SHOT not slugs... * Weapons handeling needs an overhaul. Such as offhand firing of .50cal sniper rifles and even larger rifles. It does not happen. * Pistols should have a buff at close range but not long (the game needs some balancing) * Agree on most other points ps- I like the bandit example. He was hit but so adreneline charged he chased but only after he saw a trail of blood he realised he was actually dead and then he died.
  14. Timetabs in youtube! Presenting another DayZ with Trizzo! Hey! When creeping around my favorite city I stumbled upon a few innoccent people. The four of us decided to team up and we tried to flag down a bus leaving town. We then meet another person! Our ranks swell to five but such a large group of people can't help but attact attention...one by one we picked apart...be it by sniper, car, other hostiles or a helicopter...The last commrade will avenge your deaths! An epic team up that shows player interaction on a large scale is far from dead. Includes chasing cars->getting run over by cars, snipers, helicopter crash sights, bambis with high powered weapons, hostile helicopter gunships and lots of death and sadness! Cheers
  15. It's awful! I like the effort put in with art but loose it.
  16. Trizzo


    I never said YOU were a bible basher. I think it's a just a bad quote to allude to or use to illistrate in any context "Too much thinking beyond what is natural is inhibits if you catch my drift" What did you mean by this statement? It would be helpful to explain b/c i don't acutally catch your drift! (work time brb)
  17. Trizzo


    This is why you've creeped people out. You fetishised "war" and sound quite happy about it. What you are describing as "War" in the context of "the beginning of recorded civilisation" is essentially conflict between species for primacy/survival and not geopolitical strife. But SO WHAT. Humans are not specalists in conlifct. EVERY species is at conflict with another, directly through predation or indirectly through enviromental stress. "War" drives every change, this is called natural selection. Species that grew sharpened talons could kill the others, aniamls that developed spines/carapace could defend against predators. We are not the sole masters of "war" nor the single benifactor of evolutionary development. To paraphrase Dawkins(?), "A cheetah is made to catch a gazelle, a gazelle is made to outrun a cheetah". Machines make things look grandiose. The ability to make them is unqiely human. That is all. War junkies are pretty much anthro-narcissists who look at an aircraft carrier and say "well only one species is smart enough to build such a big powerful ship we must be the best". But so what? There is only one poisonous egg laying mammal. Neither of those two statements prove anything expect to highlight the different ways in which species can survive.
  18. Trizzo


    The most decitful players are the most intelligent and would surivie best? No, let me fix that to the following. The most intelligent players have a survival advantage and are more likely to survive. "Deception" is one ascpect of "survival" and both terms have such a broad meanings and nobody, included you really said what context, everything is pretty wishy washy and also wheres the question? Coud be. So? Not in of itself. Utterly different to lying. The action is 'deception' but camouflage manifests physically. Compare VOIP luring/Ghille AS50. Different. One is social guile the other brutal force. Again let me fix this for you. "The better some creatures is at lying, bluffing". I pretty much groan whenever I hear this tripe. Inherit the earth? I groan because of the gross biblical arrogance (as if humans are "owed" the earth, that it can be passed down), the absolutist proposition of "good vs evil", the fact that this quip ignores the fact that "humans" are are evolving and will probably be different from what currently are and the fact the sun is going to eventually go pop and there isn't going to be an earth left to inherit. What enjoys sole primacy of the earth and nothing after it will last for the blink of an eye, if that, when measured against the cosmos. There is some grey area here. We see a shadow on the ground assume it's a snake, instinct. On the other hand we can trump natural urges because of intellegence. We are thirsty, see 50 corpes around a water hole we probally would not drink from it even we had no idea about waterborne disease/poison. But to say we disobey nature by forming "soical constructs" is wrong. Social constructs ensure survival. They are self interested enterprises with tangible survial gains. They also form exactlly how cells do. They take in nutrient (members) fight off the attackers (dissent/outsiders) they multiply (spreading the word/invitation) Really? Thinking beyond the "natural" inhibits survival? Why then are the most advanced socities the ones with the highest levels of age expectancy/lowest deaths in childbirth/lowest level of disease/lowest levels of violent conflict. This how survival is measured. Soceities that tend to "think" are not inhibited. They flourish. Potential is realised. Don't put deception on a pedestal. Deception is just one of many aspects. Leaders good and bad speak to innate desires, the wishes, hopes and fears of followers. They just don't trick people 100% of the time.
  19. Looks like a sweet map! Cheers, worthy of a pin!
  20. Trizzo

    ARMA 2 SMK Animations

    More bumps for this sweet stuff!
  21. Timetabs in youtube! More DayZwTrizzo. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughful, committed individuals can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has" Mahatma Ghandi. Brothers, sisters welcome. Though they try to cut as down as weeds we will rise again, our roots are deep and message pure. We shall overcome.... Cheers
  22. Trizzo

    AKM vs AK 74 Kobra

    AKM easily...
  23. Trizzo

    Build Rolling Update

    ...* [REMOVED] BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS From Loot table...interesting...would have prefered the AS50 because i know what I have killed with/been killed by more but oh well...and without the AS50 the L85 wouldn't have been so bad anyway. Who has found a legit spawned one anyway? G17 icon? Replaces combat timer countdown?
  24. Sounds like a medical condtion, perhaps severe allgeric reaction to good loot? Don't know if any doctor can help... if they get close enough to see what happens when you near the allergen they would probally die too. That or satchel charge hacker.