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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    Solo Transfusions Done Right

    Great minds think alike. And all the more reason to implement change. The desire for it is palpable.
  2. Sorry if these questions have been asked been away for a while. *Wet matches. I take it this is connected to rain? What about swimming? Or are wet matches a random occorance? Do they "dry out" becoming usable after a certain time peroid? *As for blood bags I always felt they spawned in far to generous a number, i would like to see less! * As for solo player transfusions I thought making an improved IV Pole (found in hosptials), or they spawn in the hosptial, or use something like a coat hanger/jacket hanging thing that could be found in the small houses. Then the player needs to wait about 30 seconds to self medicate with the blood bag.
  3. Wow...these changes...awsome! I had the impression it was game over man. I'm a solo player and I support this to the max. Proper planning, risk vs reward, will be part of the game instead of just running in and being able to spam meat as a crutch to all the problems. Fantastic changes, got a link to the full patch notes so far? Loving this Razor! Makes me want to start playing more freqently again, I'm looking for a challenge...no matter how hard I try or how many mods I use for FarCry 3 it's still to easy... Questions: *Matches failing? Does this mean you need to get another box? How do matches fail? Do you just keep clicking light fire unti it works? *When does meat regain blood? Every 5 mins you can eat steak and get 800 blood back?
  4. Less cover in Cherno...? Nah... Elecktro is far more dangerous. Smaller city and limited access points make for higher traffic and more potential player encounters along the routes into the city, way less cover than Cherno, the good loot spawns cloesly together, far less ways to exfiltrate from the city safely. Thats why it's my favorite town. Cherno has woodland right at its boaders, the coastal routes have tall buildings shielding snipers ontop of buildings, huge grey walls give you ample protection from snipers if you know how to move in an urban enviroment, it has good loot spread throughout the entire city. Cherno might have more players wanting to visit, might have more snipers at different angles but there is so much flexibility and cover for your approach it's a non issue. Electro is a cluster fuck of players, who get funnelled into the city at choke points. Venturing due North from the town is suicidal and the eastern coastal line or road is not much better.
  5. Trizzo

    Personal Hygiene

    Ahh don't worry, i understand, it's a Norwigen! (I have good friends from norway studying in aus) Norway is more progressive than most places, I'm guessing they didn't approve of those CFCs thefore you were deprived. You probally missed out on some minor burns and firetrials, all of which can be imagined if you feel as though you missed out. I took a trip to the local clinic! Turns out trying to burn things an enclosed space, like a solid barrel in the backyard, creates explosive conditions when you use a lot of fuel :(
  6. Trizzo

    Personal Hygiene

    Are ya'll fucking joking? If you don't know what matches and deodorant are good for I'd venture you had a shitty childhood. Or at least one unfurfilled. (that was internet sarcasm)
  7. Nah your not. Its way to inconsistent to be conisdered a good show. Entertaining yes...but so fucking inconsistent...my goodness. Season 1. Start with realism (but too much slow mo) -> End with Artifical intellegence and self destruct systems that make Stargate seem legit. Season 2. Start with realism -> Bore everyone to death-> lame and laugauble sequences like Zombie in a well and car flipping ->make up for it with a red-shirt slaughterfest Season 3. Start with realism-> End with magical tree jumping ninjas, counterstrike and thunderdomes Should we talk about Lori and her replacement Andrea? About T-Dog and fate of all the black characters...I laughed so bitterly when the group recalled fond memories of TDogs heroism. Probally the most clumsy moment of television I've seen for along time. That and other chessiness. Then you have intense scenes, some decent drama (juxtaposed aginast frequently shit acting) and we are left with...? A slightly bad taste that I come back for because it is the only show with zombies in it until Game of Thrones season 3...battle of Fist of the First Men will probally eclipise all that Walking Dead has done so far. That and The Unsullied...
  8. Trizzo

    Personal Hygiene

    Why not deodorant? We have matches.
  9. Trizzo

    Australian Players - Get in here.

    Derp or Balota Buddies AU 46, look to them, best ausi servers i know of.
  10. Trizzo

    Your First Kill

    Week into the game, hadn't killed anybody, never intended too. Starting playing with two semi experienced friends...mistake. We went to loot Cherno Supermarket on a full pop server. Mistake. My friend with Ghille and AS50 said he would provide "overwatch", though from where he was in the tree line i knew he wouldn't be watching shit. My friend and I made our way slowly into town, we were walking, trying to go slow but too much aggro came down so we ran into the red house. We cooled down for a while. I said I'd clear the backdoor, he the front. We split up, trying to sweep the building correctly. I rounded the corner of the stairs and a silly person was looting outside the back enterence not facing me. I frooze. I didn't want to kill. Blood pumping thinking what to do I reached for direct chat...but I was now putting my friends in direct danger. They started to move, I aimed down the sights....I came to the sad realisation that playing with people forces you into so many more violent confrontations. Why I prefer solo playing. Then two things happened at the once. I opened fire into their back just as another AKM and a shotgun sounded from inside the store. My targert dropped and I ran inside and my friend was battling it out behind the aisles, he went down and so did the hostile. My friend was alive but had passed out from lack of blood. I called to my sniper friend who was giving overwatch. "We some blood!" he was passing out every 30 seconds. To my disgust my friend didn't come. He ummed and arred, made all the excuses and logged off. Ohh okay. He just liked looking cool and running around with gear. I got some food for my friend, what I could find from bodies and the store. My friend logged off. I looted the store, found an M24 with rounds on one of the many dead people. Ran out the back door and was killed with one shot that I scarcely heard. Never seen an M24 since...damn....
  11. Trizzo

    DayZ StandAlone Congrats!

    +1 The sense of entitlement frequently and venomously vocalised regarding SA is atrocious. Props to the DayZ Team and Rocket for the work and continual efforts. I would rather wait for a solid release that builds momentum and draws people into the game then rush a half job to please the needy that will split the community.
  12. Trizzo

    Proof that bags are too small

    He was also riding a horse to carry it all? :|
  13. Trizzo

    Pistol symbol on the HUD?

    It triggers when lots of thigns happen due to the nature of ARMA II programing. These include: *Throwing can *Smoke grenade throw *Swinging an axe If it flashes when you didn't do any of those it means somebody is close to you and considered to be in combat Side note: the last point is why they should remove the combat timer, it gives information to other plays if you like playing stealth.
  14. Despite the constant reference to the zombie life cycle concept but I have heard it fleshed out and explained. For anybody whos response to the question was "da faq?" the zombie life cycle is a cycle where zombies have a mico life. They start strong, and if they don't feed on flesh they delcine and eventually die. With that decline there is a fall in their abilities. BUT How on earth is this planned to work given the way zombies spawn? Permanant zombies? How will the health of zombies be tracked? I want more information from both a gameplay or programming ascpect. Is there a video that talks about this idea at any length. If there is I've not found it. Although the Life Cycle is an idea i've often heard I just can't see it happening.
  15. If nobody kills the zombies whats to stop a server melting down from one million zombie spawns? Capping it? But this means inconsistent zombie spawns accross the map. Is there any actual stuff from rocket? Don't take this the wrong way but I could have 100 replies and all I'd have is conjecture. Information not speculation is what I'm after.
  16. Timetabs in youtube! Thanks to all my new subscribers! Really had quite a few people join after the last video so I tried to follow It up with another good one! New or old you have my thanks. An awsome and intense gunbattle. Perhaps the best I've had. A pre-dawn (the video gets brighter as it progress, suggest 720 and fullscreen!) cat & mouse brings out a DMR and an M203.Then the flanking begins. We head off for a rolling skirmish, over open fields, where SAW vs SAW go heads in a battle for suppression. No matter how hard I try I'm pinned, desperate and despite my best efforts I'm forced into spooky showdown in the woods! Contains valuble lessons on preparing your equipment for all situations, suppression, flanking and combat tricks. This video can be considered my first recorded use of TrackIR 5 and I must say I'm very impressed at its funtionality. Watch the video and you'll notice why! Cheers
  17. Trizzo

    Kamikaze Pilot Fail

    Rofl what a war cry...i would shit bricks if i heard it
  18. Trizzo

    Coats (Hot and colds)

    Sure. If you mean somebody says you will catch a cold by running out into the rain to check to mail thats not likely. But then stay out in the rain for a long time let me know how you feel. Stay out in the rain when cloudly weather sets in and you can't dry off for 12 hours let me know how it feels. Stay in the rain with no shelter as night time is setting in a cold climate areas, maybe err Russia, let me know if you're alive in the morning. To the OP your idea is being implemented. We have new clothes. The impacts and depth of those items has yet to be explained but it's safe to assume weather/survival elemnts will eventually play a big role.
  19. Trizzo

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'm happy and never expected it this year anyway with the disruptions, arrests and massive PR drive in the wake of the massive sucess of the mod. And before any bitching I'm getting more value from the current mod, i dont want to spend more money, we get a more polished product and does anybody even trust dev release dates, no matter how often repeated, anyway? Merry XMas go enjoy your presents if you are going to complain you entitled spoilt brats!
  20. I, unsuprsingly, agree with this view :P Seriously, comments like this keep me going! (making videos, not my whole life)
  21. Trizzo

    Wing Suits in DayZ?

    Paraglider would be sweet. Already parachute code, just make it go up :)
  22. Trizzo


    I want a leather mask and whip to boot. Why would/should they wear off after 5 mins? Sever hop with some handcuffs, use the bait and switch "friednly got beans" cuff someone up and log out with the key. Seems fun.
  23. Trizzo

    Scope changing?

    Sorry bout that. What "hunting rifle" are you refering to?
  24. Trizzo

    Scope changing?

    woah i went a little beserk last night
  25. Trizzo

    Humanity Indicator

    Better suggestion (i think anyway). No humaity meter. Clothing with names. Aka Bandit clothing, Hero clothing or just keep the skins the same and have a more netural name of each garment. Then increase the clothing loot to include medicial outfits (the white zombie surgeon skin for example), trader outfits (with more pockets or something), mechanic outfit, hunter outfit. This way people wear the clothes they want to wear for the role they want to play. Also opens the door for people to dress up in rolls that they have no intention of playing, such as a bandit dressing in a white surgeons outfit. No numbers, no rpg stats. Just humans doing what humans do. Dyanmic interaction and no grinding for a specific role.