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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Haha I tried to think of a flavourful justifcation for Rastamus's transformation from Mouse to Rat...All I could come up with is DayZ. The video i took is coming...just slowly :P
  2. Not when new loot is spread out the map, new locations, more enterable buildings etc...There is no reason to visit most of the outlying towns because the buildings cannot be entered. This is changing. Even the cities will have far more complex interiors. I trust in the Dev team testing the balance over random hype and speculation. Thank **** I won't miss you Six but Commander ... I will shed one tear
  3. First spawn live as long as possible. Then experiment. Then get back to living for as long as possible.
  4. Trizzo

    Looting locked home Pro/cons

    Or a locked home you can break into with a family of zombies inside of it. The crash from opening the door attacts the aggro, you run inside turn around to chop at the eterance, you hear a shrill cries from behind you, you go to run out the front door and you get double teamed between zombie hordes. I can feel the rage already...surpise zombie rage
  5. Trizzo

    Make the czech pouch a SECONDARY backpack.

    No, just misunderstood. A streamlined backpack for lone wolves, efficiency, scouting, with the lowest profile and best camoflouge pattern in the game. Players are less inclined to shoot if they don't see a chunky bag full of treats. Also good luck hiding with a Czech Bag as a solo player. And this isn't a mind wank, i now pick the pouch over the starting coyote if i am lucky enough to find one.
  6. Haha I was waiting for this. Wa wa wa...(temper tantrum), Your epic conlusion to the rant: NO YOU! (Beans for you, I laughed pretty hard and the best things in life are free) Lets address what you said and why you still don't get it. Rocket´s nod of approval - Rocket paraphrase, "The game was never intended to be fun". The mission statement, "fun was not a factor in the development of dayz. Fun is not dayz. Survival isn't fun. The random breaking might not be the best way to implement deeper survival mechanics but its a start! I will relish the challenge despite its slightly arbitrary nature. It is a fantasy game - You have the wrong genre buddy. No reason on earth to remove L85aws - I partially agree with this. They need to add it with battries that run out so its a little balanced. I used an L85...it wasn't that great for a solo player. It just pushes sniping teams, which i am also fine with. edit- considering your name is "sniperteam" i can see why you might be a little raw about this No reason on earth to remove debug window (am I not entitled to know how much blood I have and zombies killed without having to hit i?) No you are not "entiltled" to know how much blood you have. Ohh dear me thats a fun statement, once again, You aren't entilted to anything. Look at a wall, then look to the top right corner of the room. Is there a monitor displaying your vital stats? I didn't think so. Taking away health menus and stats lends itself to the DayZ experience. You use memerory of prior battles or use visual clues to dermine your health. When in doubt over-eat or transfuse so you don't get knocked out when you dip bellow 9000. As for the zombie kill count Pree I for all of the 1 second it takes (I would support a player journal that notes down zombie kills, something that can be looted perhaps) at least ONE superweapon Wow...does not even need addressing if you cannot comprehend how a SUPERWEAPON does not fit the ethos of a surival game grounded in reality You'll hit china soon if you keep this up...OHhh shizam!
  7. Trizzo

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    You probally ran into this guy Sometimes the hatchet speaks to you...
  8. Trizzo

    Most Useful Weapon..Your Thoughts

    I choose you Mk48. Range, supression, fear factor...frikkin tracers. Its my favorite. M14, perhaps the best all rounder. Aformentioned pistol axe combo can carry you through any drama and is the easiest system to achive. Nothing beats the simple satisfcation of a maky and an axe. Unless i have 600 rounds for the Mk48... (but that's not so simple)
  9. Can confirm, i saw the video. Probally legit too (edit-internet sarcasm) Ohh to the OP sounds cool, really, I don't think people go to such lengths to simply say I shot somebody. Makarov/heli poster didn't say anything other than he shot a helicopter with a makarov and we all know how that turned out...
  10. (reserved for video etc) I'm uploading my first attempt soon... * City: Cherno * Died Day 0 * 0 Players killed *59 zombies kill via hatchet *shot at once (i think) *three players glimpsed *two players heard talking *many gunfights heard ...highlights coming soon! Cheers
  11. This guy...doesn't get it. If somebody has Rocket's nod of approval it's because they have a similiar outlook, similar goals or want the same experience and outcome from the game. That should tell you all you need to know. Forgive me if I'm wrong but usally loosing blood and not gaining blood causes you to pass out? The friend transfussion making you pass out for less time doesn't make any medical sense what so ever but the matches, painkillers are good suggestions.
  12. Trizzo

    Nugo 1 squad 0

    Been super busy with a whole bunch of stuff but I got two more im working on this week! 1) TrackIR5 Review and Application/Tips For DayZ 2) "Cherno City Rat", an endurance event, trying to survival solely in Cherno and get as many zombie kills (by whatever means) as possible. Emphasis on survival! ", an endurence event, trying to survival soely in Cherno and get as many zombie kills (by whatever means) as possible. Empahsis on survival, will pretty much a highlight reel depending on how long I last! So i hope some cool shit happens.... :P First day was scoping out cherno, dodging players, sneaky looting, gearing up and shitty technical problems :(
  13. Trizzo

    Nugo 1 squad 0

    Shoulda stayed prone in defilade and killed the agrro, other than that well done.
  14. NO! Don't deprive yourself of one of the most nerve racking experiences you will ever have! Cities have one thing. People. Looting where there are lots of people is fun. I started out as a bambi pussy as most did. Now I'm a hopeless adrenaline junkie. As you collect more gear the tension rises. The more time you invest in a city the more you have to loose but the longer you stay to more you will gain. The longer your linger the greater the chance of a player encounter. My favorite feeling is exfiltrating a city with a kit that I am happy with, bursting with potenital and fear, heading for the country...dreading the snipers. One of the core experiences of DayZ is the two cities. More and more I stay in the cities for extended periods trying to almost get a full kit, from loot spawns and dead players. Living as a city rat is fun. Next death I'm planning to live in Cherno with a commitment to staying alive for as long as possible. Surviving, looting, hiding...and maybe killing :) To the OP, your strat is pretty much the standard one I feel. I feel that there is no point not running into where the loot is good when you have nothing to loose. When I have some loot, even some basic stuff (that can be pesky to aquire) I then switch to guile.
  15. I don't think it should be scrapped but instead the food could start to regnerate blood for a time period. So take your idea that, " blood regenerates by 2% of current blood each 5 minutes. ie: have 5000 blood, 5 min later 5100, 10 min later 5202" and change that to "blood regenerates by 2% of current blood each 5 minutes after eating food" Simulates the slow regeneration of blood after eating. Food, contrary to what people have said is important to blood regeneration. Insta-gib heal steaks are total BS of course. Making a blanace between challange and stupid/boring is the important part. Making healing hader will mix things up a lot. Most looting is high speed, taking some hits and supplement this approach via food. Increasing the time it takes to heal lends itself to stealth gameplay. No longer could you rely on pulling a Usian Bolt to an open house, armed with a hatchet, to fight a zombie train knowing that you can instantly eat your way out of trouble.
  16. Naw dude. Gut the dog and use the dog steak and tame another one.
  17. Somewhat of a nooby question but can i join a sever for this patch testing? Or it it closed? It seems like a lot of fun and a good challenge!
  18. I'm sure I could more easily figure it out over flying a UH-1H. Self administering a blood bag via an IV drip, specific location or taking a player out of the game to self administer (whilst not in combat) for a short period of time would be fair. Other idle thoughts include making blood bags rarer and increasing the humanity for transfusions. As for the random breaking I support the notion of breakage and failure. If randomness is the precursor to more coherent and realisitic system (based on degradation over time/usage) I support it to the fullness. Even as it stands this randomness will give a solo player something more to do. Never being safe, taking spare knives/matches in bags/antibiotics fore increased infection via zombie hits...it's a good start despite the naysayers.
  19. Trizzo

    Mental health

    UNLESS the person is a psychopath to begin with? Then what? Your argument fails and relies on the asumption that people who kill are incapable of enjoying it for its own sake. "The innocent" whatever that means anyway. A persson going crazy mechanic for everybody takes choice away from the player. Suddenly it's not your own story, as DayZ was intended, it is one million plus people playing a timid survivor. One who is easily wrecked with psychosis and guilt. I don't want to be that person. If you can't handle the stress and KOS think of how that appears to another player. Player sees you, you shoot them. Does that or does that not look look a game swarming with bandits to them? Nobody is forcing you to shoot. This mentality ensures the whining about DayZ being a "PvP Game/COD" become self fulfilling.
  20. Trizzo

    Starter Options

    Anddddd no.
  21. Trizzo

    M24 or DMR?

    M24. Pure class.
  22. Trizzo

    Mental health

    Ohh ffs these bandit go crazy threads need an offical thread to live and die in.
  23. Hey...a lot of people don't like the way solo players have difficulty healing themselves. Personally I like the challenge. According to patch notes it's going to be harder for solo players to heal. I support this. But solo transfusions are well within the relmn of possibility and would be perfectly fair. Here is a few ways to do it. The only suggestion I found so far was "A Solo Medic Box" that lets you do it to yourself. I think i have a better more flavoursome suggestion, two in fact. 1) IV Poles in Hospitals This thing http://www.narang.co...images/568a.jpg These are found in hospitals. Give solo players the option to combine it with a blood bag, also found in hospitals, a period of vunrability (with the ability to cancel out of the action). Tell me this doesn't work out for you. Giving hospitals more of an incentive to visit. An acutal place for healing. 2) Houses with Coat Hangers/Jacket Holders What is the purpose of an IV Pole? To provide a constant flow, pressure via gravity (i guess) and get all of those tubes in a managble space. When you walk into a house you usally find a place to hang things from, coat hanger, jacket rack. Add the ability to tie a blood bag and use the same animation/waiting period. More reason to visit a house and see it as a place of shelter and comfort. 3) Not a new suggestion but something you can currently do. Go to the coast, find a player, stick a gun in their face, tell them to transfuse you. I've done this three times now. Most satisfying way to get first aid rendered to you :P Cheers
  24. Trizzo

    Downhill Development in DayZ

    Based on his tone I extrapolated that he wants less zombies, slower moving zombies, less damage, more loot, more cars and more standalone. Essentially another thread trying to take away from what makes DayZ interesting and to reaplce it another product to be mindlessly consume and will miss the point entirely (again). SA is going to a be a harder game. If you don't like it now it probally won't get better for you. I think its safe to say he also failed to realise the DayZ isn't a game, its a mod. Expect this stuff buddy, i can't wait for standalone but no need explode over it.
  25. Your replies were most welcome! Thanks for taking the time of day, know the efforts to improve the game are appreciated despite the mewling of soft detractors.