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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Trizzo

    CZ 550

    Twoud not be rare. CZ 400-5 models are some of the most common civilian rifles in the world but finding a random gun out of nowhere... I find it often, look in farms/barn loots. Use DayZDB and plan a high loot run. Centeral East towns/farms map and Kemenka to Vybor -> South of NWA High Yield Barn will get you one. Thats my CZ loot cycle run...the only gun i have a specific run for. No doubt it's a classy gun.
  2. First time on lingor. Some guy was whining in side chat about PvP....i saw some distant flares, in a city, saw some people standing around talking. They threw flares towards a school. A person ran up the second floor on the balcony. I took a pop shot with the Enfield...he went down. I watched because i could see his crumpled body on the roof. It was my first true cold blooded shooting. He died one minute later and my name popped up, one of those shitty carebare servers with distance/kill messages etc...It said Trizzo killed X... In side chat, "Why trizzo, why". "Why". It was the same person who had been previously killed and complained. I know that feeling to well. I logged out havn't blod killed an inccocent in cold blood since.
  3. The two guns wield my hatchet...wayyooooo
  4. Run around yelling "help, friendly!" find a person with a scarf covering their face (it's a skin you can find for protection from flying sand/dirt), they usally know what to do and are willing to help.
  5. Hey! Been thinking about a little change which would mix up looting, gear and make micomagament all the more painfull but furfilling. If that doesn't appeal to you it would make player killers go to more effort, i think! Why this idea makes sense Three Pronged Idea * Ammunition boxes replace loaded magazines where it makes more sense to do so. Essentially bullets and magazines are sperate enteties. You might find a leenfield, two 10 round packets of .303 ammunition and an empty 10 round magazine. This means you have 10 rounds in your mag, 10 spare and when you shot the first magzine you have to take time out to reload your bullets into your magazine. It makes it harder to go toe to toe with zombies in a pithced battle or players, players tweak their setup based on how they like to play. * Magazines still spawn but at less quantity, perhaps equivalent rariety to the gun. * Magazines are not discard once they are exhusted, currently they dissapear into a blackhole. Instead you keep empty magazines as loot, realoading them from cases/tins of ammo. Why bother? This requires a more thought out approach to gunplay. Are you a player that would keep 1 magazine and more spare bullets to reload it because you survive off the land and pick off the occasial threat OR do you load up on surplus magazines to hunt players, which takes up space for bulk ammunition. You might say "whats the difference between one 10 round Magazine + one 10 round Packet and two 10 round Magazines?" Space and inventory. Magazines are bulky and take up space. If you saw the DevBlog Video today Rocket discussed pockets and pouches. This has good potential for micomanagment. Exmple: You can fit two packets of X bullets (x=10) into your pocket OR One Y Magazine (y=10). Summary: You carry less rounds overall if you carry more magazines due to their bulk. It seems nit picky but its acutally a huge consideration with firearms!
  6. Trizzo

    Just saw Rocket again.

    36 pages ago
  7. Trizzo

    DayZ Mod Update

    Rofl..thankfully this mentality is nowhere near the development of DayZ.. Masses of zombies are dangerous, I is frustrate! Can't find ammunition in the appoyolypse!, I is frustrate Can't find good gear in the appoyolypse!, I is frustrate
  8. Trizzo

    DayZ Mod Update

    What i dont like is the Zed Infection Chance/New Infection and the Antibiotic spawn. The ratio and new spawns don't add up. Make Zed Infection it 1/50 or 1/100...if you dont like that 1/250 not 1/500. One crazy hobo mutha biting and scratching would be enough to give up an infection. Let alone decomposing human eating infected/zombie whatever people. I found three antibiotics in the first hospital i went into. There is no sense in ramping up infection and going over board with ramping up antibiotic spawns. I found more antibiotics in 10 mins with this patch than all of my months of playing before this.
  9. Trizzo

    DayZ Mod Update

    Its acutally closer to what they would look like IRL and or doesn't break reality. Its not a bug, a lot of magazine models have changed. Most civilian hunting rifles have internal magazines therefore the CZ bullets not in a mag but some 550 models do have a detachable. The Enfield has 10 round magazines it can use 5 round stripper clips but when it comes in one bunch of 10 rounds in previous patches that's a magazine, now the model reflects that. Just spent 1 hour with the patch. It's amazing! Zombies/zombie trains are back in a big way. Loot is tweaked and more sparse, especilly ammo. 2 Shotguns 3 Enfields i came accross had no mags with them. I also saw a new backpack, i think it was the czech bag, it was awsome looking, checking my bandicam b/c im sure its a different model.
  10. Trizzo

    DayZ Mod Update

    Hahahaha all the people crying about lost gear, balanced backpacks and dangerous Zombies. I collect your delicious tears in a glass, I raise it, incline in your direct and enjoy the salty brew. First thing I'm looking for is an Enfield and City. Thanks to those that worked on this game changing patch! Brought me back into the fold. Xo.
  11. Shooting makes perect sense. If your cover is blown, you kill a few that are an immediate danger then escape in the window you just opened. Shooting a zombie that is about to wail on your face is preferable to easily outrunning a zombie train. Because the Z AI/Animations/Pathing is pretty much a joke right shooting Z would be more necessary if they did more damage, talked to one another (which the next patch is going to fix) and could run in interior enviroments. And why can't i shoot zombies? I enjoy looping around a town, spawning all Z, shooting a Leeenfield then heading for the second level of a barn. Zombie herding. This lisn't good logic for PvP either. Shooting a gun lets other players hone on your postion from up to 800m away, so don't shoot anything?
  12. Trizzo

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Oh fuck yes! Amazing what a treat. Cheers d.team I consumed it. It tasted of the promise to come.
  13. Here's what to do.Take everything the OP said, make it the oppoiste of what he said then its fixed. Reason 1: Does a person intending to do bad usually advertise it? Does a cautious non KOS player wear a care bear super friends insignia? Reason 2: How do you keep track of your life story? Memory. Better yet scrap the humanity point system then you wont need to keep track. Add some skins with implied roles (for example: White Medial Outfit) for those that want a defined role but add far more neutral skins. Neutral skins should be the most important. Reason 3:There is no price to being a psychopath. No magicial clothing change, no silly heartbeat sound. You identify people through behaviour. That is all the information you should need and the only information you should expect to get. Reason 4: There are no sides, not really. If you want a side go play Team Death match.It’s not realistic to wear a uniform bandit skin when there are no standing armies or sides. Bandits would and do not advertise banditry, it works against their objectives. This is not hard to understand. Reason 4 Continued: In a survival scenario I would not wear what looks good or flavourful. I would wear what helps me survive. Chiefly multiple layers of specific clothing (polyester base layer, middle layer and outer layer weather proof shell) designed to retain heat and protect from extream elements for Chernarus OR clothing for the area im living in. “If you know what they look like you most likely know their intentions.” This is the worst assumption you could possibly make about a person EVER. Power derived from appearance and authority. Following this line of thinking leads to one conclusion: being slaughtered like a sheep. Reason 6: Refer to the previous point about blind trust and all other points. Points 5 and 7 are subjective.
  14. Trizzo

    Night time should be toned down

    I don't think anybody complaing about night time would have played a full session more than once or twice. There is lot of diversity in night time and there is a "cycle" of sorts, be it cloud cover or a random moon. Night is not one shade of dark, it changes in brightness, usally when there is no cloud cover.
  15. Trizzo

    What if you became infected?

    Makarov brain surgery would be in order.
  16. Trizzo

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    Nope you forgot a certain truth about camping building dayz
  17. Poll: Would you support first person only in the standalone and or patch? Here some of my thoughts both for and against first person only: For: -Increases realism and immersion -Increases tension because this would remove an invisible third person periscope that lets players hide behind obstalces and peek around corners - Balances combat due to third person expoliting Against: - Third person is fun and adds to the cinematic aspect of the game - Game engine is clunky and third person helps navigation/finding items Discuss! Curious to hear your thoughts. Despite the nice aesthetics of third person i would support first person only. (edit: there was a poll but it dissapeared for some reason sorry about that!) edit 2: more after thoughts in favour of FP
  18. People would whinge and then get over it. Been playing FP on all severs for weeks now. I removed Third Person toggle so i don't slide into when I want to cheat. Removing third person will change almost every asepect of DayZ. Improved and balanced gunfights, greater potential for pure stealth gameplay, take the advantage away from entrenched postions and snipers, forceablly change or at least balance overpowered camping sports work (such as silo, hospital roof, school buildings) No longer can a player use a periscope to camp, they would need to silhouette themsevles to overwatch an area. If you want to overwatch an area you should need to see it with your eyes. Third Person perespetive has ZERO convincing arguments in favor of it in terms of gameplay, it's pure asthetics. In case you weren't convinced here is how third person ruins the game: 1) Ruins stealth because it makes prone usless because of the raised camera perspective. Example, flat field, two players see each other, dive into prone. One is in third person, the other isn't. Who has the advantage? 2) Peeks over/around solid obstacles that a player could not see around if in first person. 3) Makes gunfires less about Tactics/Fire & Maneuver and more Prone/Periscope/Camp. 4) Lets snipers abuse long range because they can hide in 100% hard cover and spot people with 360 degree field of view. No need to expose themsevles to get line of sight, wait until they see an oppurtuniy then then crawl out or stand up. Anybody who complains about OP snipers should support First Person only. 5) Favours defenders because of all of the aformentioned imbalances. -edit- very glad to see the above comments that the Dev team is talking about First Person.
  19. Depends on what they are holding. All decisions stem from this.
  20. Funny you say that.The first helicopter I heard I climbed up onto a roof in Cherno on one of those hospitals you can't enter, to get a better look. Climbed down a ladder and died when i got off. Had some pretty gawd awful Kemenka suicides. Jumping off on the lowest section, getting KOed, still have a lot of health, leave my char to bleed to death over the course of 10 minutes. The same amount of time I could get to Balota AF or Cherno by...
  21. Trizzo

    Scared the crap out of me....

    The first time I played DayZ, after watching quite a few videos trying to get some idea of what to do, i spawned at night on the beach at Komarovo industrial. I couldn’t see shit, didn't know how to make the torch work, didn't know about the gamma/hdr nightvision cheat (not that i use it anyway). I walked into the beach and industrial area, saw the silhouettes of the first zombies spawning, could hear the moaning. They were not aggoring because it was pitch black. Then I heard shuffling, the kind of shuffling sound you hear on cement. As my screen eyes adjusted I could see something crawling along the ground. I watched it, it was travelling in a straight line. I crept closer . It kept going. Then i got to point blank range, just as I was about to say hello I got too close and triggered the zombies danger close scream. I shit my britches. I did not know zombies had the power to Snake their way around at ankle level. I ran and found my way to the top of the industrial building, into the little room at the top. Frustrated at my inability to get my torch on, i logged out in shame. I had built DayZ up in my mind so much that I neglected to learn how to overcome one of the first obstacles that all new players face. The torch.
  22. Hey! Welcometo the City Rat Challenge. "Damn rats, always skirting around in the shadows, making me jumpy" I think you might have an inkling as to what his might be about! The City Rat Challenge is an endurance competion of sorts. The aim is to live in a city, like a rat, for as long as possible, by any means possible. Yes that is it! The Ethos Rules Gentlemens code Cherno City Limits http://www.day-z.fr/...chernogorsk.jpg Enterable Western Coastal House to the Eastern Bridge Elektro City Limits http://www.day-z.fr/...trozavodsk1.jpg Western Farm Shed to Eastern Dock. I look foward to your stories...Good luck fellow rats.
  23. Trizzo

    How do you guys meet up in game?

    My first thought was walking...instead I'll follow it up with a self serving post! DayZ is a scary place! Initially I'd suggest not gearing up to much if you want to meet people, until you learn a few tricks. Video was made with your questions in mind. Good luck.
  24. Oh man city living in DayZ is a terrible drug...the angst is so oppressive and inescapable...i remeber lying under a gas pipe on the outer industrial area trying to take a breather...i got so comfortable that become too scared move away (i was close to making it another day)...so i made my way around the city, where I could, by crawling under the pipes, hoping I was moving in a inconspicuous way. The church is a building a avoid like the plague...there is only one way out, not where a rat wants to be. I liken city living to a Hunter S Thompson Story. He speculated that the rabbits and rodents that dash in front of cars, moving at high speeds, are in fact not stupid but so hopelessly addicted to the adrenaline of constantly living on the edge of life and death that they can't help but run in front of the passing cars. Now that I think about it the Church is the perfect place to loot...damn you!
  25. Trizzo

    Realistic Sniping

    Some do, advanced technique and long time shooters will use, or are encouraged, to use both. And while valid this topic has been done to death. Wind will not be added me thinks due to its complexity and the difficulty in implementing an equtiable visual cue (that does not require a super computer to display 800m of different windage) and this alone leaves very few ways to complicate sniping. Coriolis effect is so minor on small arms it's a non factor... besides living in minds of certain fan boys. It is, roughly. I don't think the coast has been kind to this traveler...