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Everything posted by Trizzo
But why let C collect his stuff? Bury body and tell him to go back for it? That would be nice...
- Is the wind measured only from the muzzle or throughout the entire trajectory? Is the wind just one direction or can it change throughout the flight of the projectile? - Currently fooliage/sound is the indicator, do you plan to add mirage shimme, foliage blowing or other visual cues? Razor, again, you and the crew are the fucking bomb! This will crush snipers and let the cream of the crop get respect from their kills. Some other suggestions other visual signal that could be easy to implement (no idea about programming!). First is a can of spray, similar in szie nose spray or spray on deoderant. You can buy them for hunting. You use them to gauge which way the wind is blowing so you know where your scent is blowing. You simply spray the spray vertically and watch where the fine cloud of mist blows. That or a cigarette lighter. The flame flickers the way the wind is blowing. -edit- about the can of spray idea. I noticed that the smoke grenade was blowing in the direction of the wind, would it be possible to make a mini version of the smoke and put it into a can of spray so you get a tiny puff of "mist"? JUST saying :P
Will Snipers Be Removed Or At Least Tweaked In S.A?
Trizzo replied to Pokerguy12's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
If not removing 50 cals remove the ability to fire them off hand or lock snipers in first person so they don't periscope over a whole town. Its not that snipers can easily kill everyone its just that such rifles abuse the third person perspecitive to the extreme. -
3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game
Trizzo replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yeah the game would be more spontanous if third person things did not exist BUT...so have some beans, i agree...BUTTT, if sqauds talked by direct or when radios come into play that will make it better. If you aren't using it then as far as your experience goes its still legit. -
5.55, why third person needs to be removed some good kills
Sorry to be blunt. Casual players are not welcome. F off. If they don't like it we won't bend to meet their needs. OR rather Rocket will not derp the core game so people can play with side chat, spawning with a helicopter in la la land akin to SDK for people who want to dick around. That might come later. Get the core right first, then this might come. I'll take an unbroken, unhackable game over admins spawning free shit.
Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts
Trizzo replied to Clumzy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
After some time I voted no. If you HAVE to do it im not for it. So long as you can toggle it. ArmA is flexible, usally allows toggle on and off. Holding something down you want to be constantlly raised up is annoying. -
Want to make a video demonstrating the differents between the Mk48, M240? I'll see you in a year when you naturally loot them. I like this armory idea.
Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts
Trizzo replied to Clumzy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Pretty confused... - Why press a button, can't the weapon default in the down postion and L and RMB make it raise up? OR the right mouse button OR another key toggles it on/off -This "key" already exists? I dont see anything wrong with double tap control, i always press it. -How is the "new" button/stance any different from the raise/lower weapon function we currently have? - How did it work to those that tested it...? (did i read that someone did) Having to press another button to always raise a weapon is a hinderence, not something i want. If you can toggle the mode to be passive in the background and always on, so when you stop spriting your will either be ready to raise or lower your weapon per what you prefer. This negates having to essentially press the mouse twice too attack. An unfiar dissadvantage if you are ambushed OR setting one. The feature is a good idea, implementation is the key. I always go.around with a lowered weapon. You'd be suprised how people react (or rather how they don't) -
A rifle holster is not faster than a sling from the shoulder. The design will make it quicker, it's more used for carrying without fatigue. 1,2,3, point safari slings carry the rifle well enough and get it up quick, a simple sling (two) swivel looped over your opposite shoulder lets roll the rifle up to your opposite shoulder very quickly. Drawing pistols should be from a holster OR making holsters lootable items. More room in inventory (pockets) and a faster secondary weapon draw would be nice. What is stupid is the inability to change guns when running. When you stop swinging both arms you dont run as quick but you dont stop! Nothing is more frusting than switching from axe to pistol.
Making an Easy Tutorial or Putting Scripts In game
Trizzo replied to Dorados's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Going to the graveyard faster than westboro to a new funeral never mind :| -
Aww i thought you meant infecting your melee weapons with poo, rust, crud, dirt, blood, etc... then meleeing somebody knowing that they could die a horrible death if you fail to kill them before they kill you...as for smart zombies wielding X item? It never has sat right with me...day of the dead kind of pulled it off but ive not seen it anywhere else...and i don't want in for dayz, sorry :) then i read this, pictured it and thought it was kind of cool so in a limited way i guess maybe!
Shooting out of the passenger seats of vehicles
Trizzo replied to KA4LxTITANx's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
You can shoot anything out of a car window, the problem should be your eardrums. ...i would like to see the ability to shoot off the back of a ute (pickup) tray added. I 'mthinking shooting the M240/m107 off the tray, over the roof (as one does when spotlighting) would be frustating to players and opens up a lot of interesting tactics. Two is good reasons to add it, nothing would be more crushing than. (beep, beep) "Ohh shit a free ride, hey man, whats up" Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (thats a PDW mag) "You are dead" QQ OR...a distant pickup truck looms over the next hill and a gpmg opens up...mmm...i love being supressed and firing machine guns -
Rocket: Console version almost certain
Trizzo replied to Marvel (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't think it will ruin PC development at all. It will come after alpha and after the launch goes smoothly. I just cant see a gamepad working all of the complex controls. -
Dammit...cleary the bigger horndog got the first word in. Be so fucking funny to see a bambi rolling around on the ground and if they tweaked direct chat to muffle the sound of speaking... "Oh hey man you okay" "Mmhmhmhmmhmmhmhm....mmmm" "What, what was that" "Rrmrmrmrmmmmrr" "You want me to take some shit out of your backpack?" (thrashes on the ground)
Aww such a cute, cute bambi. Welcome to the the most impactful gaming experience you will have. But to answer your question.... You use the knife to gut animals for food and which replenishes blood. But you might get infection from uncooked food. So you need matches to start a fire. But you need a hatchet to cut trees in the woods to make a fire (unless you find an oil drum). But you can only find the hatchet in certain spawns (but its quite common) And you need to press G to open you bag, right click to hatchet to equip to hand. So now you found the hatchet you might need a map to find where you are going. And you also need morphine and bandages in case you get injured along the way because broken legs suck. But you also need water because you will get thirsty along the way. And you also need to boil the water to prevent infection. But you need an empty tin can (found in loot piles) to combine with a fire and a full bottle of water to get boiled water. This is problem with asking what to do! I could go on for hours... Joking aside you need to play the game and watch some tutorials online. You can't be told what to do. There is to much and too many aspects to be consice without overwhlelming you. Experience, tutorials, experience, tutorials, experience. Play ArmA2, get used to the controls/shooting/driving then play dayz. I suggest you watch "Loot Runs or Fresh Spawn Runs" you'll get a good idea of what to do when you spawn. Follw this link for my out of context guideFollw this link for my guideFollw this link for a loot
Don't Be Fooled by Other Players: "Bad Guns" are Hidden Gems!
Trizzo replied to applejaxc's topic in New Player Discussion
I have a video using flares in combat and comment on the use of them/how to, let me know if you make the thread, i use them all the time, no jokes, i love them....im so sad i have never found a M203 Flare AND an M203. Its my end game dream :) pretty lights -
Group Tactics; Whats your Tips?
Trizzo replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
1) TLFFS = Talk less for fucks sake, no idle chit chat when it is unwarrented. 2) Give consice co-ordinates, points of reference, "Umm guys i see something by that tree overthere". If i had a team and the power the banish a person anybody who said that shit would be out. You want, ", north, 200 meters, left of red tree, one unkown" for example Proper call signs could be a good idea when you get the whole group invloved. You need informed squad mates and a good leader to manage the relay. Would give disicpline but hey I've never given it a go, third party VOID in real time really spoils the need for radio talk and never been part of a group interested in this, exmaple, "Trizzo, Calliing TL, over" -> "TL, Calling Trizzo Over." -
Don't Be Fooled by Other Players: "Bad Guns" are Hidden Gems!
Trizzo replied to applejaxc's topic in New Player Discussion
I like road flares.... I like them a lot! Every bag i have carrys 10 spare. Few people use them for their intended pupose, area denial, illuminating the enemy and running through cherno carrying one. -
DayZ - TrackIR 5 demonstration/Instructional tutorial
Trizzo replied to guyver1's topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
Amazing! Ive had trackir for a while but never could make the settings just right, time to experiment. Should be pinned as a tutorial in various forums, the best video i've seen explaining the features...the deadzone when pitching/yawing was so aggrivating, no smoothness just a sudden stop and heaving to lean like the tower of pisa around corners left me was using Q and A, and wondering why track ir was worth it... Cheers, cheers, cheers...for the money you pay they could have a lot better guides to help get full use of this awsome gadget. -
(SA) Inventory shows your characters physical condition (Status Screen) (HAS PICTURES!).
Trizzo replied to colekern's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Nicely made but i don't want them. I can check my bag irl for gear but not my physical condition. IRL arguments are often used arbitrarily but when new features make the games mechanics obvious I think they detract from the intended feeling of the game. Taking away from the UI gives us more gameplay potential and interaction with the world instead of breaking the fourth wall with RPG stats. Take Rockets experience in surival training. Checking his backpack would not tell him that his digestive system was shutting down or if his bone was broken. But bones you say? You feel them IRL you can't in a video game. True. But visual cues for busted bones would be enough. The player craddles a fractured wrist/bone when idle or in the inventroy screen etc...adds to the game doesn't take away. Or a "pat down"/condition mechanic using your hands to check. Example: pats down body - blood on hand = im bleeding pats down body -can't move right arm - its broken Maybe a Sphygmomanometer in your inventory gives you an indication of blood. Then again maybe thats too much too serious BUT it would expand the medial/doctor/skills devs were talking about. A proper equiped wasteland MD with a host of tools for a full check up? Make some high tier medical loot in place of guns. -
The Arch Angels Pararescue Squadron
Trizzo replied to Steak and Potatoes's topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
Ohh most def...been a while since some classy teamplay for me...alas im going on a holiday for a lil while, so here's my expression of interest. -
Funny...never thought of a sawn off, i like it it. Double/single barrel varients only. Find a tool box to craft it with a hacksaw that would be it. +1 as a sidearm slot, that would give it more enticing reason to exist/use it, make it the most powerful side arm. 1 hit KO within how far? Mad Max styling...oh yeah. There is recoil and kick. The feeling of the kick increases in sawn off because the shotgun usally can't be braced against the shoulder (because there is no foregrip/barrel to grip) The overall weight of the gun is reduced which makes it kick back harder. It recoils the same but the kick is felt more. The heavier the gun the slower it accelerates backwards.
Wilderness for months...state of game? Steam update a thing?
Trizzo posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I recently moved city from Sydney to somewhere far away from Sydney. Finally got my house and now my internet, as in 5 mins ago. Soo...whats going on? I left the day combat rolling was introduced...apparantly i missed out on some fun times. So.... *State of the game? *Patches? *Can I update the DayZ via steam....just glanced over that in one of the 15 windows i have going... Cheers! I did miss dayz...