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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Shotgun! on whatever is released first...ha beat yall *interesting...could be coming out pretty soon for alpha ---server architecture(tick)-limited key release (tick)-and now a wider limited release...waiting
  2. Trizzo

    [DZwT] Machete Ghille Madness

    As of right now? Yes
  3. Trizzo

    Oil Filter Silencer

    Australia has it pretty good me thinks! Better than a lot of places in europe and the access the public land hunting is second to none in terms of acres. Problem is, as somebody pointed out, threaded barrels and the adapator needs threading, you're looking at mill/lathe.
  4. Trizzo

    Lets be honest: How many times?

    But zombies will still be defeated by running in a straight line?
  5. Trizzo

    Winchester and shotgun shells

    I think that rof was fine...what we need is a proper lever action reload time!
  6. Trizzo

    50 cal crybabies

    Onemean...another fine representive of the pro 50 cal debate. Where your strawman arguments fail the flaming begins. Why they should go or be fixed is an easy one. The 50 cal rifles in DayZ are somewhat representational of the power of the calibre/platofrm BUT.... BUT they do not represent the drawbacks of using such a calibre/platform. *There is no sway when firing offhand *It can be fired off hand and it handles off the shoulder as easily as an SMG *No tangible recoil *Far to generous zeroing *Returns to quickly the previous center *The damage is incorrectlly valued and works out to do more damage than an anti aircraft battery These flaws are true in ARMA but the glut of high tier gear made the flaws less visible. In the context of DayZ the 50 needs fixing. It's not about failing to adapt, realism, flavor, fairness, rarity or skill. On paper and in practice the AS50 sucks.
  7. Trizzo

    Night time gameplay

    The NVG depth/fov is way to generous, especially in third person. NVG should be FPV only...but as for rarity in game care to mention the last time you found or saw gen 4 night vision goggles IRL? And night time is not as bad as you think. Try it. Try chem lights. Avoid open areas. Only real worry is a DMR. Night time is a good time to play for safe moving, looting and ironiclly looking for NVG in high yield areas. Night time combat light by flare is fun to.
  8. Trizzo

    Civilian grade armory

    Spreads out pellets, wider groups, less velocity. Tighter shot patterns makes for higher damage.
  9. Trizzo

    Why remove the 50?

    Ohh man you are such a fing moron...and don't sound snide and vindictive when you are so so wrong. You're telling us the time spent learning the basics of shooting a 50 calibre rifle at 1000m+ is less challenging or equal to the time spent learning the basics of AR platform with aimpoint or open sights? Think about that little derp of logic. Keep revealing your utter abscene of firearms knowledge. It's not about 'making a challenge', it is challange because long range shooting is far more complex. Big calibers need more firearms experience to handle. Big heavy rifles are harder to shoot. Next, we are discussing the raw rifle stats not how long it takes one player to find one rifle and how that experience makes it balanced (according to you). There were millions players at one stage, lets call it hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands per week now. 50 cals in this context are common and will cross an individuals path (directly or indirectly) because a collective loots them. The experience of one player taking a long time to find an AS50 is irrelevant to this discussion.This is a complete non sequitur or strawman argument. Discussion of stats vs discussion of loot table. When you try debate a different topic and don't argue the current discussion it's a sure sign you have no arguments. And why the fuck is your syntax so random, are you trying to make whatever the hell you are saying almost indecipherable? And yes the DMR is stupid, because of the high ROF and little recoil/scope returning quickly to center, but it isn't a problem because it leads to panic fire. Which is hilarious. And the ammo is too common but this problem in not unqiue to the DMR.
  10. Trizzo

    Civilian grade armory

    A more complex human skeleton/vital organ system for damage? Add this into the calculations! There that makes it easier. :lol: Just a thought. What would a .357 125g at 1650 ft/s (not any particular tip) work out in blood damage?
  11. Trizzo

    Civilian grade armory

    3,800 how did you come to this? It's not about "enough". DayZ should never be about enough. It's about whats right. I'm guessing a 125g 357 Bonded JHP would laugh at 3,800...but hey maybe gews says otherwise. -edit- explain this momentum system...won't .45 ACP work out as the least powerful relying on speed? Or do i have it twisted?
  12. Trizzo

    Why remove the 50?

    No. Your argument is worthless. A car engine fitting in a bag being unrealisitic does not exclude other unrealisitc things from being fixed. They should both be fixed. The arguments from all sides are beyond tiresome now. Most are worthless. *fun, and how much 50 does or does not suck out of the game is not relevant *how the guns fits the flavor of the game world is silly because 50cals exist in the soviet block, as easy fix *powerful guns being unfair is not an argument that carries weight. Life is unfair, not all guns are made equal. BUT The AS50 is entirely imba for several obvious reasons. The AS50 has superior optics, zeoring, knock down power, range to all other firearms. This increase in power has not scaled anything the other way. There is no penalty for the AS50. Zip. You don't get performance increases for free. A car doesn't go faster without more fuel consumption, heat, engine stress. You don't run faster and faster without a toll on your body. There are diminishing returns. You don't shoot powerful calibers without a tradeoff. Arguing against this is arguing against reason. More power = harder to handle. It is the the best sniper rifle no doubt but it outclasses most other weapon classes that it simply shouldn't because of an absence of any tangible penalties. When an AS50 handles as freely as a pistol it’s wrong. As a calibre increases so does recoil, weight, difficulty in manoeuvrability. Then get Gews to show you how the damage it deals is borked and works out doing more damage than a 20MM (?) anti aircraft mobille AA battery. And despite all of this no bullet is a garunteed one hit kill.
  13. Trizzo

    Enfield for trade

    aww cute bambi...(strokes it head gently)
  14. Hopefully. The current clothing system they have demonstated I hope is a sign of this. Players controlling what they want to do should be DayZ. Not the other way around.
  15. Trizzo

    Why remove the 50?

    So long as i have a Vss Vintorez...i ache to salute/wave/menace somone and accompany it with my gruffest rendition of "get out of here stalker".. I'm caught between two thoughts. I like the thought of a 10/22 and liberal approach to the flavor being open to all survialist/rifles but the call to go all in ex soviet bloc is pretty strong too :( can't decide
  16. Trizzo

    Why remove the 50?

    Killing someone 500 yards away by predicting movement after running around the bush for 6 hours? Woah, I am astounded by the level of daring. Yeah and a round house kick to the face is also possible IRL. How many times will it work in a real fight? It won’t. Ever pick up a 50 cal? I have when I was younger. Berrett M99, a lighter version. Try shouldering even a light 50. You will fail. A gun person might be able to position themselves to take a few awkward shots but I will never work in a fight. No. Not really. Barely. Comparison between exploiting zombie AI and shooting human players tells us what exactly? -Did you address any of the listed issues or others discussed? No - Did you address Gews damage comparison? No Engage with the facts, experience and logic. Skill is arguable? :huh: okay, how?…We might be able to discern what your point was if the sentence was coherent and made grammatical sense. It’s clear in your eyes because you clearly have wood for killing players with the AS50 (which is fine). What we have seen is simply projection ala selfish players keeping what they want when it is clearly imba. One agrement. Add wind they would not be a problem be closer to being sensible. Most people who think they are getting sniped aren’t. It’s not about 50 not having a place in the flavor of the world. The iteration of these 50 cals is unbalanced for the listed reasons. Fix problem or remove. Given the calibre of player that tends towards a 50 I’m happy it is being removed. Different from wanting it gone forever or being opposed to insta gib rifles (within reason). Not welcome in current form.
  17. :o Will this forum change over when SA comes out? Nooo!
  18. Trizzo

    The Moment of SA Launch

    While you all run to NWest i'll be lining cherno+electro with turds for your return (I hope this feature is added or my plan is thwarted)
  19. Trizzo

    Why remove the 50?

    Load of rot. Sounding like a whiny AS50 camper. You assume the presence of other stange glitches or quirks means we can't fix others. 6 engines in a bag means we can't fix AS50? Unture. Carrying 6 engines in your bag should be stopped and so should unbalanced guns. Both issues should be fixed. AS50 is distinct because it enables killing far above the level of most other weapons, which is in of itself fine (weapons that outlcass other weapons is a given) but it does so in an entirely dissprotionate meaning unbalanced manner. The AS50 is 27LB or 12kg firing off hand, 85 degree downwards off a building, as fast as you can click, no recoil, 1000 meters +, insta gib stupidity. Weapons take skill to master. The AS50 does not balance the imense power of the rifle: from knockdown power, reaching out range, quailty of the optic, generous zeoring with what should be recoil, noise, mobility, difficulty of use. The AS50 is easier to master than a makarov.
  20. Trizzo

    Civilian grade armory

    I expect a 10/22 to be added to the game + attachements to find, or i will be very mad. I feel as though a 10/22 should be a god like find in the mod/SA if dayz was feeling like it was meant too. Things like Mini 14, ex mil eg: SKS rifles, Benelli R1, Sauer 303...would be your rip AS-50 spawn equivalent for civilian areas. Sensbile and common civilian firearms, similar in function and design to military platforms but lacking high capacity magazines, military optics, attachments. Think a DMR with a less powerful scope, 5 round magazine.
  21. Wtf are all these "ahh the helicopter is gona be so scary posts"...it just isn't going to be lol...limited gun ammo+huge map+all heli gunners have shit aim+run inside or go prone and don't move...why the fear of the helicopter? Besides this how many times have any of you shot down a helicopter with a 50 cal?????????????????????????? Sustained small arms fire will fuck up any helicopter or ward it off.
  22. Trizzo

    tutorial suggestion for STANDALONE

    I don't have a suggestion but if I was a new player taking up the game now and kept getting infected by un-boiled water I wouldn't really know that fire->empty tin can->water bottle->matches makes clean water. Not even letting the players know that such features exist doesn't seem the right balance. Neither would waypoints, pop ups or a hint jounrnal.
  23. I think he means pockets. I'd like harsher weather and more clothing in the mod...to hard? Is it?
  24. Trizzo

    What do you want to see as a Survivor

    -no waypoints -no side chat -vanilla loadout -vanilla loot table -properlly functioning vehicle spawn -active admins for reporting purposes -admins that don't abuse their special powers with the exepction of one or two of these Private Hive Balota Buddies Servers are pretty much this and they pret good boy