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Everything posted by Trizzo

  1. Rott in case you missed the point there it is again. Knock down is getting a tweak pretty soon me thinks? Seems fair that you can't get knocked down from the front, seeing the attack coming you would be somewhat prepared.
  2. Flock too non existent SA? If you read anything from E3 you would see that more of this type of thing is in store for you and then some...zombies running in buildings, jumping/vaulting leaping zombies, more broken bones, equally scare loot for exmaple...imagaine the rage then! Ahh more salty tears to drink. Get out now while you can.
  3. So i found a baseball bat! Can combine nails with it? I left them behind :( because the generic bat is a shitty melee weapon akin to crowbar in power
  4. Can't tell if serious...or if trolling...or both :) 1.7.7 is really, really, good! Just had a crazy session, gona post next few days, bi planes were found, desperate stands against serious zombies were had and a direct chat friend was brutally gunned down as he passed out due to infection as i ran tearing off into the bush screaming sorry...
  5. No i love it! Will go down in dayz history as the best patch and or the patch that got DayZ mod on track to actually become DayZ but right now i think i love these complaint threads more than playing...man to play or enjoy these salty tears
  6. Why do we play video games? Don't project buddy, speak for yourself. Eating a bag a lollies might be more immediately sweet or "enjoyable" or "fun" to most people but it doesn't make for a satisfying, healthy or enriching meal. I see you're struggling with some very basic concepts ie: conflating your experiences with everybody elses, but try dwell on the metaphor. Understand that fun and who has it is irrelevant, DayZ is the anti game. That was and still is the mission statement. If the common understanding of games is that they are "fun" DayZ by nature is not. Personally i like the zombies making my gut tighten when I am confronted with them, note that this is not "fun" or a "good feeling". Overcoming an actual threat is far more satisying than exploiting or mastering gameplay that is not challenging. In the right cirumstances DayZ will make you tremble and now they upped the ante.
  7. So many fallacies. Your saying DayZ only matters when it's played in the city. WTF is that? The golden age of dayz was when you had one gun and you feared a single zombie aggro, you felt like a champ. But now if you have one gun you are essentially as powerful as a hacker? This mentalilty demonstrates one thing. That PvP, being considered the most imporant element of the game, essentially diminished or destroyed the full potential for the DayZ mod. When a player thinks of a gun only in terms of how powerful it makes him or her in relation to other humans, to quote "there is nothing a non cheater can do to you" half of the DayZ experience is missing. Making zombies tough enough to annihilate you is one of the best ways to get those golden months, which I sadly missed most of, back. Questions for you: what could an armed player do to a hacker without a gun? what can an unarmed player do an armed player anyway, pre patch? "one gun are you tops" shouldnt this be the desired flavour of dayz, if no why not? --and im bed--
  8. Unlearning months of commonly practiced behaviors will be difficult! (some people are experiencing teething issues as we speak) Given time and enough failed attempts at the old loot runs and old ways they will adapt, as humans always do. ps: before this epic thread debate i played dayz for 40 mins, i got an infection that i never got in 8 months and i died to zombies legitimately for the first time in recent memory, this is good
  9. Correct. That is the nature of patching. To constantly change things in increments. Just as the game is going to be released in Alpha and built upon. Pieces coming together, never full, work in progress. That is how DayZ will always be. Yes they can play other games if they don’t like this one. It’s simple. I don’t play WoW or tell them to nurf X mechanic so I can have a social dick around. It’s different from dictating that they do. Saying people have choice does not infringe on rights. You have choice. Pre patch. Pretty easy. So this patch may be close to the vision but don’t defend that vision if the community disagrees? Selling for profit and targeting the mass whims and demands of a wide community is how CoD goes, low brow gameplay and ease of access. One marketing approach. Niche products, with a targeted appeal and quality player experience derived from intense gameplay is how DayZ become successful. Return to those roots seems like a good idea. You’re making a judgement call on mass player behaviour, after you said I should not speak for the community, two days after a patch is released? Swallow some cement you’ll have some consistency in your body if not your arguments. Not mutually exclusive. Surviving isn’t fun, wasn’t meant to be. It’s the times in between the cans that makes DayZ. No, they count and they can take action. They can pre patch, made new mods, make never servers, essentially same as it always ways. Razor and co are making DayZ Vanillia. Train tracks has come through your sandbox jump on board if you want to head to progressvile. Does this patch stop you teaming up? Help players? No! It’s harder and more rewarding. Feel free to switch back to the old patch! Keep playing the old one forever Not navie. Not going to let DayZ sell out like most niche complex games sold out. I will be a vocal defender and not allow DayZ to freely go down the (refer spoiler bellow) causalisation route without noise. Certainlly not before it really begins. Games That Got Fucked By Money/Mass Markets/Patch Moaners If it doesn’t work so be it! (Feel free to have another crack)
  10. If the shrill mob gets its way we won't be able to asses the impact that, if given time, could fundemetally change how players have come to interact. The imperitive to cooperate is pretty big now and the rewards for banditry are higher than ever. Bandits will be bandits but low level, solo banditry needs greater consideration of risk vs reward. Given time people will realise....okay i'll concede that the knockdown fix sounds more ballanced but this patch is going to have some pretty interesting impacts on player dynamics and the rest of it is 100%
  11. let me fix that for you >can't run sprint through the same old streets on the same old loot runs (that i have been practicing for months) without falling to the now improved and threatening zombies 70% of the time, WHY would anybody want to improve zombie AI in a zombie survival sim? > the only loot i immediatly found was cans and flares (aka junk loot) in a failed state that was hit by a zombie uprising, can't figure out why this might be >can't find medical supplies in what would be the most obvious and easy place to find medical supplies in a post crisis, crisis, maybe i should keep looking and not give up as that is the desperate nature of survival this dayz patch is awsome, thanks razor and co
  12. This game has a vision. This patch was cleared by the very person/devs who are are the curators of that vision, it is lining up with what they expect of the game. I'm not telling people not to play (if they don't like it there are other casual games) but the mod is finally getting closer to what was promised and the people who were waiting for that are satisfied and don't want to return to a genric ArmA PvP mod with faux zombies. *This patch has increased the imprevitive for both player cooperation and PvP. *It has increased the zombie threat INSANELY so *Increased the bleak vision that was part of the mission statement. *Has shaken the game up that had grown stale from old forumlas and boring tired loot runs rinse repeat. This patch has in no way diminished this. It has increased the zombie threat so they actual ressemble threatening zombies (not merely a minor annoyance that gives away your postion) The massive sandbox do anything no rules game is that same as it always was. Way to miss the point and whip yourself up into an emotional frothing at the mouth frenzy. I forgive, nothing feels quite as righteous as (mistakely) defending "players rights man". You think these zombies are hard? You see the jumping zombie+improved path finding that rocket and co are working on? If you can't stand the heat, save yourself some dissapointment, the game is going to get harder not easier. -ps- i have 3-4 hours a week to play, sometimes not even, i want the authentic zombie surival sim that was promised, i want quality time
  13. because starting a bullshit thread for your inane comments wasn't enough of a playspace for you
  14. Jesus this is so awsome...so much rage...DayZ mod needed a change this big to go somehwhere, its been two days and people want to go back? OH because the dayz of two weeks ago was a fresh experience.... <_< The patch is trying to break months worth of lazy end game PvP habbits. Want to run past 20 zombies to quickly loot up an Enfield and Alice in Cherno? Well not anymore. People complaining about bloodbags being scare and they can't have gun fights...WTF is that...now more than ever people need to work together to survive, to loot, to heal, to spread out and survive...i can't wait to play in fact i just finished patching... Give it a few weeks, loot piles up as players pay it forward, your precious PvP with ARs will endure in the end. I think Dead Rising is bringing out another game, or go buy the old ones, i heard of a game Left 4 Dead? Might be worth checking out? This is the game that caters to the people that enjoy looking in woods for soda, who enjoy the payoff that the one soda brings. Don't like it, leave. If it wasn't the way it was meant to be rocket would not have signed off on the patch. DayZ is going in this direction and was always meant to. This is how the very first moments of DayZ felt. A big scary world where people were afraid to fire a maky for fear of a single zombie being aggored. Get out now save yourself the dissapointment.
  15. Zombies are a threat? Loot is scarce? Players raging about running head first into a zombie mob and getting ganked? Sounds like heaven! Why haven't i patched!!!!!
  16. Of course there are! The only problem is you will never know that the person was there, they didn't shoot you. I don't shoot most of the people i come across and the dozens i do will never know that i was there and ready to shoot at them. I think this game is friendlier than people think.
  17. Rising Sun is amazing! If you like hardcore, complex, punishing, FPS :thumbsup:... Banzzzzziiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting a coordinated on a 32 player team to assemble, drop arty with commander, squad leaders throw smokes and run with katannas into 30cals and garands...then counter arty gets drop...man its hectic, all i can say is talk. People seem to be shy in the game. Teams that talk win.
  18. I'm the opposite. I'm addicted to the adrenaline hit, i seek it out. I listen for the burst of an Mk48 and run towards it armed with a hatchet and my wits (and all the gear/tools) but I'm in a shitty spot for gaming now... DayZ mod is pretty stale right now but i keep chasing the adrenaline hit and old memories...BUT the worst part is every other game is a boring meat grinder in comparision. I'm having a little luck with Red Orchestra/Rising Sun the anti CoD of fps...any other takers?...BF3? Bitch please, BF jumped the shark long ago, Meto sucks with its AI, STALKER is dead unless i patch/mod the original but thats been done to death, ...I'm just left wanting because no other shooter/fps comes close to the impact of DayZ Mod but the mod is so damn boring now...the only thrill i'm having is avoiding guns and trying to sam fisher geared players with melee in FPV... I need this patch or SA...so i wait...
  19. Trizzo

    "Patch" 1.7.7

    Well he explained why they banned it...but i also agree with inception, in the rolling changelog ideas that get scrapped get "removed" pinned next to them. For a change that has caused so much drama an offical word would be good. -edit- last post i saw regarding this, http://dayzmod.com/f...0/page__st__120 As far as i am aware they is gone? Inception probally stiring, milking the final trolling/laughs that a 50 cal dicussion can bring. Until now the convential wisdom was they are gone and out of the blue he chimes in with "but are they?"...well played sir...well played...you had me going...
  20. Trizzo

    "Patch" 1.7.7

    Well that's fucking dissapointing...after Razor posted several times it's removed and alluded to why they changed again?
  21. Two seperate issues (KoS and player acheviments) and a 'solution'(for lack of a better word) to one in no way influences the other. Getting rewarded for living longer won't stop bullets being thrown a players way. To stop KOS we would need to reward players for not killing players. The moment we go down this path can mark the precise moment DayZ begins its decline.
  22. Okaythe idea, going with hobo. So long whatever we choose does not give a player an arbitery advantage as part as a reward mechanism. I would like facical hair that grows. You can trim it down if you dont like it with a razor from the junk heap. That way you can see how aged a survivor is, if you like beards and playing to survive you feel badass, other players see it and it doesn't break the game with "perks" "unlocks" that aren't in the flavor of dayz. Scars could be another thing...but maybe the GFX wont really show it. Battle scars, like claws, bites, wounds would be cool. As for clothes all clothes should be lootable and we choose what we want. Military zombie clothes, doctor, hunter, civis, police and then some....all should be able to be looted. Random clothing changes ala: the current method, is silly.
  23. sigh... the reward is surviving a long time...the simple satisfaction it brings It's like people who exercise then reward themsevles with cake. Or save up money to buy a treat because they 'earned it'. The reward is the body, not the tasty cake. The reward is a financial nest egg, not loose spending.
  24. Trizzo

    "Patch" 1.7.7

    This person is so owned and so unsubtle, you made my shitty day better! I drink your salty tears and laugh. What you should of called your thread was "My Bitching About 50 Cals". If this was about 1.7.7 it would talk about the insane amount of changes going ahead and not one line worth of chagelog.
  25. Timetabs in youtube! Hey! Presenting a long overdue DZwT (DayZwithTrizzo)... After a Kemenka spawn i found my first machete! Soon after that i found a ghille suit...that got me in the mood for some ambush melee combat. While it never quite worked out the way i was hoping I certinally get full use out of both machete and ghille...developing a melee-reco-combat style on the fly (which I'm seriously considering taking up full time) What can a machete, ghille and binos do against airborne squads, AS50's and road warriors? Is it possible to gear up all the way without firing a single bullet? I'll let you find out. Cheers! Comment, rate, like or subscribe...