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Tesla Boy

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About Tesla Boy

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  1. It's sad that BE is so useless that admins have to monitor every player by themselves to stop hacking.
  2. Tesla Boy

    Greatest Ever DayZ Moment? (Chopper Takedown - AKM 2 Shots)

    Wow. Does the U.S. military know about you? You should be on the front lines, shooting down helicopters. Fuck yeah.
  3. Tesla Boy

    M4A1 holo; how rare is it?

    I've been playing close to two months, and still haven't seen one.
  4. Tesla Boy

    Next update video

    Good to hear! Thanks for the info. You have my beans, sir.
  5. How would that solve anything? People would be back hacking in two weeks. There will always be hackers in this game, until they can actually prevent people from doing it. In before 'this is alpha' and 'wait for stand alone.'
  6. Tesla Boy

    Next update video

    I have a hard time caring about dogs, until they fix all the bugs related to vehicles/tents. I hope he's fixing that in the next patch as well. The end game is currently a huge waste of time.
  7. Tesla Boy

    stagnard SD ammo

    I always find tons of it at the military tents in Starry Sobor.
  8. Tesla Boy

    all vehicles on the server went poof

    Haha, ouch. :\ I haven't had much luck with tents or vehicles since the newest patch.
  9. Are you being sarcastic? It's hard to tell on the interwebs sometimes. If not, you're deluded if you really believe the hacker didn't a) break their legs, and B) didn't spawn all of that gear for them.
  10. Tesla Boy

    The Decline of DayZ

    Please. Day Z is going to be published by Bohemia. They've sold tons of copies of Arma II to people who only purchased it to play the Day Z mod. If they can't dedicate enough people to work on this game, then that's just bad business on their part.
  11. Tesla Boy

    The Decline of DayZ

    I agree, OP. They should at least fix some of the major bugs (tents, graphic artifacts) in a timely manner. Everyone playing this is a potential future customer for the stand alone, and all of the bugs/hackers reflect poorly on that stand alone, even if it ends up being completely bug/hacker free. I'm still interested in the stand alone, but this game feels so broken right now that I'm going to cautiously wait a week or two to read reviews, before actually purchasing it.
  12. Tesla Boy

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Stopped reading at 'da reasons'... There are so many hackers/bugs right now, that I have a hard time condemning someone for using hacks. It only bothers me when they use the hacks to make themselves unkillable, or nuke the entire server.
  13. This. Although, with all the glitches and hackers in the mod I will probably wait a few days to buy the stand alone. I'd like to read some player's reviews of it before buying the game.