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Everything posted by n1kko

  1. I lost faith in the community for losing faith in the devs so quickly.
  2. Im from the USA, but 99% of the people on my skype list are from the UK or there abouts. Been playing BF, CoD and other games with them since 2011, and I actually played with them so much I started to develop an accent. -.- I have since lost it, but I can understand it very well still lol.
  3. I'm not from the UK, but I have the same mindset as you. Still would love to play with someone with the same mindset, and I'm down for either the mod or SA.
  4. n1kko

    Murderer Status

    This would never happen. The reason KoS is so rampant is because after you gear up in about 30 seconds, there is nothing left to do cept kill people. Once vehicles and bases are implemented, people will start focusing on that rather than killing off everyone.
  5. n1kko

    any news?

  6. n1kko

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    This post.... I think you won the internet.
  7. n1kko

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    Or, the left side is the living quarters, the tower is a LoS tower to see smoke from above ground as trying to spot fires in the distance from ground level is useless, and the garage is where the trucks are.... so pretty much how every rural firestation looks.
  8. n1kko

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    We already discussed the sign thing. Just because I have a sign on my house that says FBI HQ doesn't make it that. And why would a police station have massive ass garage doors, and a FIRE MANS pole on the inside?
  9. Are we able to run the JSRS sound mod by any chance?
  10. n1kko

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    So if I slap a sign on my house that says, FBI HQ, does that make it the FBI HQ?
  11. n1kko

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    Pretty sure its still the fire station. Just because someone writes it on a sign and slaps it on a building doesn't make it true. And I love how you subtly insulted everyone in your post. Congratulations, you used Google translate to figure out something that no one gives two shit dicks about.
  12. n1kko

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Your thread wasn't even close to this one. You don't deserve anything.
  13. n1kko

    What do you die from?

  14. Same here, I reverted back to the 335.23 drivers. Also, I do NOT use -winxp on startup, so I don't think that's the issue. My game would run great, then I would go down to like, -12 FPS, and then it would act like the game was going 2x normal speed, then often times it crashed. I'm positive its a driver issue, although I'm not 100%. Revert back to the old drivers and see if it fixes your issue.
  15. I think its funny how people blame the devs for not doing anything about the hackers. Pretty sure thats why they have BattlEye....
  16. n1kko

    Dayz SA -Found some Hackers in Berezino

    Dat intro y0. Haven't seen it since MW2 days. lol
  17. n1kko

    Let perma death be perma death

    This is EXACTLY what I was thinking.
  18. n1kko

    Need some honest feedback - annoying voice?

    I don't care what the people I play with sound like,. and neither should you. If they are good teammates, then that is what should be priority. TBH: No, not annoying.
  19. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  20. Of course you would say that. You can't stand to think that ONE PERSON out did an entire team of you on the mod. I'm overly positive he could do the same for the stand alone. You act like this represents 99% of the hacking community. I know of people that have had undetected hacks for over a month. A number in your signature proves nothing. The number of hackers is growing, and you just update your signature to make it seem like you are actually doing something. Yes, you have banned some people, but they are the ones such as the guy above that are new to the hacking scene. The know how to do nothing, and they are stupid. You have yet to ban some of the more experienced hackers (there are a LOT of them) and those are the ones that matter. Banning suckers that used mom credit card to buy something they know nothing about doesn't count.
  21. Then Play Hard Core. I literally can't make it any simpler.
  22. All of these suggestions are stupid beyond belief. Rocket already tweeted that one of his devs found a fix for this bug. This is almost as stupid as the "remove night time" thread. If you don't like 3PP, THEN PLAY HARDCORE.
  23. n1kko

    The New #1 Melee Weapon

    You do realize the damage they do is exactly the same right?
  24. Or, you could play hardcore. lol And I'm pretty sure rocket tweeted about this not to long ago....
  25. Or we could ask infistar to make an anti hack. He was one guy and his AH was 100% better than BE.