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Everything posted by n1kko

  1. n1kko

    How are animals going to work?

    As far as them running through walls, that is a bit OP. :P But in the sense that they are slow and very easily killed, they are far from OP. I agree 100% with the hunting and how zombies should hunt animals and such. The game already is amazing, and I'm excited for what the future holds for this game.
  2. n1kko

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    Check to make sure you aren't playing on a hardcore instead of regular, as they are an entirely different character. Also, when you log out your character stays active for 30 seconds after you log out, so it is possible that you were killed after you logged out.
  3. n1kko

    How are animals going to work?

    They are overpowered? I dont think they are OP at all. I want them harder. lol That's how hunting works.... lol
  4. n1kko

    Hello survivors

    I added you. I'm getting a bit lonely myself.
  5. Mark my words. DayZ will die if everyone continues on the path they are going down. No one will want to play because they don't want to take the time to gear up just to get shot by some 13 year old kid screaming he's friendly while he is shooting at you. If you want to deathmatch, go play a different game.
  6. n1kko

    Tools tools are cool

    The picture of the car.... It's purpose confuses me.
  7. n1kko

    When firearms wont work?

    Happens to me sometimes, and it actually only happens with the SKS, no other gun has given me that issue. Heres how I sometimes fix it: Empty the ammo, drop the gun, pick it up and reload it.
  8. To some extent there needs to be a 0% chance. You wouldn't find a M4 in a hospital for example. And with the mod, they were limited because of the lack of enterable buildings, and they were limited by the arma engine. Now they have complete control over the system, so I imagine the current system will eventually get a massive overhaul.
  9. It won't stay the way it is. The reason everyone spawns on the east coast and gear is SUPER easy to come by is to test it's functionality. Once all the smoke clears, loot will be adjusted, and so will the spawn points. I do agree though, I found enough guns and ammo in Vybor to equip a squad of 5 guys.
  10. n1kko

    How are animals going to work?

    Lets not forget hostile animals. Bears, wolves, and snakes should be in the game.
  11. n1kko

    The Community

    Arma 2 was a hardcore military simulator that had a very middle aged and mature audience. They understood teamwork and communication were the keys to success, and they translated that knowledge to the mod when it came out. Now that is a game on its own, it has drawn in mostly kids. I rarely meet anyone older than myself (i'm 21) but when I do, they have the same mindset as me. Don't take an unnecessary risk in trying to kill someone if he isn't even a threat. Why kill someone for gear you don't even need? I play this game for what it is, a simulator. I value my characters life and the life of other people, and if they need it, I will help them out.
  12. These posts are honestly sad. This game has turned into purely PVP. That's not what DayZ is about. And all you people that say you would KOS in a heartbeat are the same ones that complain and cry when they get killed because when they get some that fights back, you suddenly become "friendly".
  13. n1kko

    My character was lost

    So all your gear is gone, but your character remains in the position? Or you spawned back on the coast?
  14. n1kko

    NWAF Sniping

    CZ550 OP. I play on that server all the time as well. haha
  15. n1kko

    Extra use for rags

    Needs a bit of tweaking, but yeah I like it. Good for holding people hostage. You could also use them to start fires with the alcohol tincture.
  16. I was walking up to a guy literally 5 minutes ago, and I put my gun away as a sign I was friendly, he was yelling that he was friendly to, as he had his back turned, and as soon as I put my gun up, he turned towards me, said "lol noob faggot get wrecked" Like every other shit wanna be bandit, he missed every shot, and I axed him to death. Then he had the nerve to cry about me killing him after he said he was friendly. Ahhh if only I was recording.
  17. Unless they are a direct threat to me, I don't kill anyone. I will, however, handcuff them and put a sack over their head whilst I rob them. But then I let them go.
  18. n1kko

    Can this run DAYZ good?

    http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri But it should run it just fine, I can run it on Med-High @30 FPS and I have a three year old laptop.
  19. n1kko

    Server Hoppers

    Server hoppers are ridiculous. The timer is doing well to an extent, and I imagine they are working to fix this permanently. On an unrelated note, War Damn Eagle my good sir, War Damn Eagle.
  20. 1. Then why is infinistars anti cheat preventing cheaters before they happen? 2. Yes it is. 3. You obviously haven't tried it, or you would find out it is literally that easy. Ill make you a nice tutorial if you wish.
  21. n1kko

    Please add back the old spawn

    This has already been posted. Merge plox? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190897-would-you-like-spawn-points-spread-out/
  22. n1kko

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    How can you call everyone a troll when it CLEARLY states literally EVERYWHERE that there are bound to be serious issues with the game? There are several solutions to your problem of losing your gear, which, if it takes you 12 hours to get fully geared, you are clearly doing it wrong. 1st: Don't get attached to gear. 2nd: Your character stays logged in on the server for 30 seconds after you disconnect, giving zambies and players plenty of time to kill you. 3rd: Stop crying, it happens. You are not the only one. 4th: The game is younger than my unborn child, so there are bound to be bugs. Deal with them, and instead of ranting, post a bug report in the most professional manner possible. 5th: If you are unable to comprehend the fact that its EARLY ALPHA and crap like this is bound to happen, then may I suggest not playing the game.
  23. n1kko

    Log In With a Broken Leg

    Thanks for the info. I guess thats to prevent combat logging. Sees a bit long though IMO.
  24. n1kko

    Log In With a Broken Leg

    Could be a multitude of things. One of the big things I have noticed is when you log out, your character remains for 5-10 seconds, and can still take damage. So maybe a zombie hit you and broke it, or maybe someone shot you after you had already logged.
  25. You do realize how easy it is to bypass it right? A good anti cheat prevents cheaters, it doesn't go on a ban wave after they have already done their damage. And now instead of stealing only the key to the game, they are now stealing entire steam accounts. BE is garbage. I can literally go to my AppData folder right now, delete BE, and run Kill-all scripts before It has time to update and compute my GUID. Its literally that simple.