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Everything posted by n1kko

  1. n1kko

    Long term goals?

    http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam
  2. n1kko

    How to check what server you're on?

    1. The words "its alpha" were never typed by this chap. 2. "Don't get attached to your gear" has pretty much been a rule since day(z) 1 of the MOD.
  3. n1kko

    Did I just hit DayZ puberty?

    I don't KoS, but some force my hand. I have been playing on the same character... theoretically.... for 4 days. I have only died once from other players, and the other times I rubber banned back to the tops of buildings and fallen to my death, or I've died by the infamous glitching through floors. Kill count doesn't make you a good player, it just means you know how to point and shoot, nor is how much you kill anywhere close to related to how long you live. Life: 4 days Kills: 1 People detained, robbed, and let go: 9
  4. n1kko

    dayz - a swarm of new spawns!

    Your first subscriber. BOOM.
  5. n1kko

    Pleeeaaaseeee heeeellllppppp mmmeeeee

    1. Was calling him a stupid bastard necessary? 2. My game files, i.e. CFG's, are heavily modded, and that is ALLOWED. 3. He is asking for help, not smart ass remarks. Also, have you changed your NVIDIA settings back to default? Go in-game Configure>Audio>Sound Sources. Try playing with that and see what happens. I had an issue with buzzing in the mod, and changing that setting worked for me.
  6. n1kko

    DayZ Private Hive.

    Is that the patch that still had the M107/AS50?
  7. n1kko

    soooo about this spam?

    Persistent little buggers. I'll give them that much.
  8. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri Now I can tell you that your HD Graphics 4k is going to struggle, maybe 10-15 FPS on all lowest settings.
  9. Give that magnificent beard a rest. I'll take over from here.
  10. The lights are working, he just doesn't understand why the key binding doesn't work. Have you tried changing the key binding from its default to maybe Lx2?
  11. n1kko

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    Set that macro up, hit the button once, then double tap "W" to go full on Kenyan sprint mode, and to turn it off, hit the macro key again, and tap "W" once.
  12. n1kko

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    Yeah it is, I use that and it works fine. Went and took a shower, and was at the NWAF when I came back.
  13. n1kko

    How to set up an autorun key in DayZ

    I made one on the K95. http://gyazo.com/662419adcec87ed667945136206df70d
  14. n1kko

    Scripting Help for Epoch

    I know, isn't he such a bother? :P Shoot me a PM, I have scripted for a number of server including the one I currently play on.
  15. n1kko

    GPU help!

    Whats your budget for your GPU? May I suggest a GTX 760? Its an all around good card for the price. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130932 Or if you are feeling a bit over zealous with your money, go balls to the wall and get a GTX 780Ti http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487001
  16. n1kko

    Bad Karma Days Standalone / Epoch

    I can help with the mission file. Just tell me what you need.
  17. n1kko

    My ridiculous experience

    His barrel was directly in my gut, no way he could have mised any of them. And you saw the video, the way the current system works is out of whack, I agree, but its not to big an issue and I'm most certain it will be fixed.
  18. n1kko

    My ridiculous experience

    Nope. Welcome to DayZ. I just ate a full clip of SKS and I killed a guy in one chest shot from an M4. Now, I don't even count that as a kill considering how healthy I was after the fact.
  19. n1kko

    My ridiculous experience

  20. n1kko

    Do you allow others to rob you?

    And thats another thing I don't understand. Maybe is because you can just server hop and loot cycle the NEAF 3 times before getting great gear, idk. But why risk all your gear instead of one or two items? Hell, there have been times when the person had nothing of interest, so I just let them go, and they thanked me whole heatedly for not killing them.
  21. n1kko

    Do you allow others to rob you?

    Never been robbed, I'm usually the one doing the robbing. What I do, Is I make them drop their gun, take a few steps back, then drop their bag. After that I cuff them for everyone's safety. I take what I want, leave the rest, uncuff the person, tell them to wait 30 seconds before grabbing their gear. I don't see the point in killing the person you just robbed. You got everything you wanted, so why kill them? Idk, maybe my play style is completely different than everyone else.
  22. n1kko

    I met a very lucky man ;)

    "Look at the grass, Look at the tree, Look at the sign, Look at the sea." You may have just stumbled upon gold, sir.
  23. n1kko

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    You know you play to much DayZ Standalone when you think "Damn, I've run out of inventory space" when packing a suitcase full. You know you play to much DayZ Standalone when you secret judge the condition of peoples clothes that are walking down the street. You know you play to much DayZ Standalone when the first thing you say to a stranger is "Don't shoot, im friendly!" This one is for the mod: You know you play to much DayZ when you dive under a bush when you hear a helicopter.