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About Big_Bowski

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    On the Coast
  1. Big_Bowski

    Banned on DE 1519

    Thank you kind sir. The possibility i packed cheated items in my tent is rather low since i was looting a market and sprinting back to my tent and this a couple of times. And yes... you're right. finding that first weapon on your own is definitly a cool experience - you feel like you control your destiny from now on. But i don't really have faith in them...since they really suck at any other game. I found the "site" of the server and wrote on their forums (waiting for an answer), so i think this thread can be closed. EDIT: What are these beens to give? How many do i have? :D OK DONE. The Serveradmin unbannend me. He told me i got a global ban first and then he banned as i rejoined because he thought i was hacking.
  2. Big_Bowski

    Banned on DE 1519

    Hello, I got a message like : "Battleeye failed to update", Then i got kicked a couple of items but i rejoined because i just needed to hide some things in my tent i found yesterday and now i am banned. There was something written about global ban but i can play on other servers. Since i'm new to this mod / arma2 i'd like to know why i got banned and if there is a possibility to ask the serveradmin/s to unban me ? I gathered really a lot loot for two friends that want to start to play dayz too. This would kind of suck if i need to gather all that things again. Or are tents saved like my character? EDIT: and btw i used the search option but somehow it doesn't even find threads when i type in: "ban" so i looked through a couple of threads but couldn't find something about this particular server.