Graz, If he meant "not lawfully" then the guy, nor you, know the actual definition of "unlawfully" One definition has to do with a justice system.. the other doesn't, look it up so your ignorance can be silenced. Secondly; I got unbanned very shortly after, along with multiple friends. BattleEye is garbage, you trolls can keep saying "Oh you got banned because you hacked!" until it happens to you as well. The squad I roll with goes around LOOKING for hackers to kill because its ruining DayZ. If you can't understand the frustration that follows when you get banned for no reason, well like I said before... you're ignorant. Although they did remove our bans, DayZ is still horribly infested with hacking morons and corrupt server admins. Now you have to worry you don't get randomly global banned for no reason on top of all that.