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About PrinzEugen

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. PrinzEugen

    Script Restriction #40 ?

    Yeah I get the Script Restriction #40 as well which is REALLY annoying since I was just about to fix up a veichle with the last part and now someone probably snatch it before I get the chance!!! I did notice that I was able to connect to another server however...not that I really want to
  2. Hey guys, this sounds like just the thing im looking for! Would be awesome to hang out with you guys in game and maybe join your clan later if you will have me :) Not quite sure how to contact you other than here though?
  3. Hey guys! I started playing Day Z a little more than a month ago and have been hooked ever since! Really love the unforgiving nature of the game and the way you get emotionally involved for good or for worse :) I have already had some pretty epic moments and plenty of memorable chars who are now dead...My problem is that I mostly have been playing alone as my friends curently dont have the time or desire to play a hardcore game like Day Z. I would really like to experience the thrill of squad/clan based play, and so far all the people ive meet in game have been shooting at me on sight :( So if anyone want to join up let me know, dosent have to be a big clan of anything maybe just another 3-4 people or so. Also I think it would be best if you are from somewhere in europe in regards to the connection issues, timezones etc Btw. im 27 years old and I do have a mic if thats relevant :) Cheers PrinzEugen