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Everything posted by kozmo

  1. kozmo

    Looking for Day Z Partners With experience <3

    I could be your partner. What kind of gear are you using?
  2. kozmo

    I'm seriously done.

    Omg you spent an hour searching the fields of chernerus? Lol... QQ more whiney B!tch. You invest an hour into a game and some poor kid kills you? An hour?!? I invested two weeks without dying and get teleported out of my car into a field and die. Spent 3-4 hours a night for two weeks collecting gear. I didn't come on here and Cry like a B!tch. No one cares. Id rather have hackers then kids like you.
  3. kozmo

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    Current setup. m4a1 cco sd 5 clips Mk 0 4 belts Belt has every accessory Range finder NVG Ghille My yellow hatchback pretty much my setup. Been alive for 3 weeks.
  4. kozmo

    Is this allowed?

    Stfu. Who the fuck are you to tell people what they can and cant do? Internet Punk. Go back to ESL
  5. Just google it.. I am sure someone has put together a youtube video explaining how this works along with how super easy it is to dupe your entire gear setup in seconds.
  6. I think tents are working as intended. I stocked our up with tons of Sd guns and ammo along with snipers/Machine guns Nvg's and car parts... Pretty nice knowing that I can take what i want and when the server resets I can take it all over again!
  7. How much do you suggest they make it cost? if they go with the average pc game cost $59 does that solve the problem of disposable accounts? I can drop $59 at a bar on a week night and only get two hours of entertainment... paid $23 for arma 2 and have played it for 100+ hours. The price of the product doesnt matter. People will hack if they are presented with the opportunity regardless of the cost.
  8. I used maphack and Stack hacks for starcraft1 ladder for many many years.. was never bored of the game.. just wanted the best score I could get! Still love the game to death... your statement is false to some degree. People cheat to ruin the experience for others.
  9. kozmo

    Is the mod dead?

    Just cause I think you are a moron who wants to attract negative attention. Dota. a mod/used map setting for the "popular" game Warcraft 3/frozen throne. Brief history. dota was created by guinsoo as a remake to a game he used to play with his friends on Starcraft1. Gained popularity quickly. Many years later due to college guinsoo had to abandon his baby and move on with life. He handed over the Code to another moder by the name of icefrog. icefrog took over development of the mod for many years. in 2008 Guinsooo was approached by Riot games and asked if he would asssist in making his idea into a standalone game. He did so. in 2010 Steam approached Icefrog and asked him to assist them in making an OFFICIAL DOTA2. Which he said YE$!!! Many fans were upset by his decision because they felt that he would abandon them and devote his time to his career... Career!! omg a word you and most of the other kids on the forum are unformiliar with. Icefrog promised his devoted fans that he would continue to support/Develop the mod until Dota 2 was ready to be lauched. he kept his word and development has continued to this date.. Now he hasnt invested as much time into his mod as he was before, but that all falls back on him having a career and helping to turn his dreams into a reality! A more stable/Hopefully less exploitable/hackable reality. At the end of the day he kept his word. I feel strong that Rocket will as well and if he choses not to add more content into the game then I am sure since he said he wouldnt abandon the game that he will continue to support it and fix bugs that are within his power to fix. Bottom line! you and the OP are trolls, or just plain stupid/thick headed to understand just what exactly is going on and feel the need to try and bring others down with you. TL/DR <--- prob my first time using this.
  10. Its like an intense match of starcaft 2. Spend an hour in an epic fight only to die rather quickly.
  11. I realize that it is just a game and that what happens in the game has no effect on my actual life? Anger causes temporary stupidity.. Why rage out over something you have no control over.
  12. kozmo

    Is the mod dead?

    you people need to do your research and stop assuming.. Minecraft style. Paying a small price for a incomplete but in development game. or paying a little more for a complete game(once it hits retail) that will receive updates. hacking/Script kiddies/ Currently cant be fixed because the arma 2 engine was designed to allow people to activate scripts to alter Arma2 game play. Duping isnt something that was intended to be used in Arma2. I am sure no one even knew how to or even bothered to dupe while playing arma2. This is an exploit that cant be fixed due to the mechanics of the game.
  13. kozmo

    Is the mod dead?

    You said it your self... you Bought arma2, But with the intentions of alpha testing a mod for the engine called DayZ. I dont see the problem here. You got exactly what you paid for and are unhappy with a service you have received from a free mod that is in development. you mention that the military is giving away billions of dollars into the development of this game. You are wrong. Bi won a contract with the military to design Arma2. That was 2 years ago. Bi is currently in the progress of trying to win another contract with the same military to design another war SIm. This was sim wasnt and isn't DayZ. Your logic is flawed. You are trolling so hard that you fail to realize just how dumb you actually are.
  14. kozmo

    Is the mod dead?

    You saying that Rocket was on Welfare while he was working on the mod? Or that he was given a contract by the government to make a zombie survival game that will prepare the citizens of this world for the end of days? Conspiracy!!!!! European government is planning on releasing the Rage virus into the atmosphere!!! I guess as a way of population control? unlike all the zombie movies and shows out there are we going to call them zombies or come up with something else? Show us all how you came up with "the government was paying rocket to work on this mod" and sorry little man I highly doubt your minimum wage job contributed much of your tax money to the development of this game /le sigh
  15. kozmo

    Is the mod dead?

    Rocket is a man of his word. He said the mod would still be updated along with the development of the standalone. I highly doubt he has forgotten about the Mod especially since it has only been about two weeks since the standalone was announced. I swear half the people on the internet need to be medicated for depression. No idea where you guys get your "info" from. Dark thoughts in your mind telling you the opposite of what you previously read and have been told?
  16. kozmo

    Is the mod dead?

    .... resisting urge to troll you with angry comments. With over 100 thousand active players each day you can hardly call this mod dead. Plus the fact that he is still working on bug fixes while working on he standalone. Instead of asking dumb questions that you can easily find the answers to yourself (with the assistance of a few key words and google) WHy not read some of the stickies exactly above this trash post of yours? Or find the answers yourself.
  17. ^This. He can play the game however he wants... No rules in the EULA specifying that you cant blow buildings up with C4. They put it in the game for a reason.
  18. kozmo

    DayZ Gameplay lately...

    I disagree with you.. I play atleast 3 hours a day in high to low population servers. I have not been killed by a hacker once or seen a hacker in the same server as me. Seems like a few people have had legit problems with hackers and the other 90% have been killed by someone that they couldnt see and automatically claim it was a hacker... True story. Buddy and I were in the old fields (most should know the area if you have left the shore) we found many camps hiding throghout the tree lines. Many of which had guns//ammo/food. I was running along checking out the many tents when I suddenly got shot and ended up on the ground bleeding and unconscious. Now we had used our thermals to see if anyone was in the area before we started to rape and pillage the tents we came across. We saw nothing. So when I got shot and was left for dead on the ground I assumed it was a hacker. Didnt see anyone, didnt hear anyone, what else could it have been? My buddy found him shortly after I regained unconsciousness and logged out to find some meat on a lower pop server. The player was killed and his loot was collected. Not a hacker.... Although even though I had no proof I assumed it was a hacker. Most people blame the unexplained on hackers.
  19. They only really need to fix the tent/vehcile storage bug. Other then that this mod is more then playable/enjoyable.
  20. kozmo

    LOL Admin.

    Admin abuse is common. I honestly dont have any issue with it as long as they dont kill me somehow.. But I realize they are the ones who go to work every morning and use a small portion of that money for there own entertainment, unfortunately for admins they need mooches like you and I to populate there servers for our own entertainment.
  21. I am also curious to know how this player can determine if a tent is owned by "bandits" or "survivors". My friend always goes on about how any player wearing a ghille suit or wielding any type of gun with a scope is an obvious bandit.. Makes me wonder how many innocent lives have been taken by our hands. Also I travel with a ghille and M4a1 cco sd.. So maybe I am also a bandit
  22. kozmo

    People Leaving DayZ

    I havent seen a hacker to date.. Been a little over a month and a half since I started playing. I completely agree that this game has many bugs that should be dealt with immediately, but seeing how in a few months the standalone will be out I cant really see why he would continue to devote as much time and effort into something that isnt going to generate anymore income for BI. I honestly can only think of one bug that is left in this game that really has a negative effect on my game play and that is the tents and vehicles not saving equipment. If they can fix this one bug I am sure this game will be just as enjoyable as it was two weeks ago.