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Everything posted by KGCxKING

  1. Hello Everyone, My name is Mr. Snatchit, and I own a 30 slot DayZ Epoch Server and I'd like to fill it, and possibly get more servers going, but I would like to place an offer on the table first I would like to partner with a Clan of at least 10 members who play Epoch, This clan Will have the benefit of having their name in the Server name, and being able to claim this server as their own and give you an extra place to recruit more members The Clan's high ranks will become automatic Moderators and over time Admins Along with small special perks such as Donor perks for free for a limited time The ones picked as mods or admins will help pick all scripts and decisions made for the server as well as using our teamspeak when playing or as a home teamspeak for their clan if needed For anyone who would like to talk more about this offer or accept it, please join my teamspeak ts3.hfbservers.com:10084 Thank you for reading this ~ Mr. Snatchit
  2. Hello I have a New PVP DayZ Epoch with a fresh Database, this server is hosted by HFB with great FPS for all players, US or UK The Ip is: We also have an open TS for anyone who needs help or just wants to come and talk! The Ip is: ts3.hfbservers.com:10084 Sever Features! PVP Safezones at Main Traders Auto-Refuel at gas pumps Master Key for all Vehicles Building snapping for Modular system Custom Trader Prices DZAI - Dynamic spawning Donation Perks - Ask Mr. Snatchit Friendly and Helpful Admins - Wouldn't mind some more staff - Ask Mr. Snatchit Higher Vehicle spawn rate and limit 6 hour Server Restarts 24/7 Day no Night cycles Simple Rules You'll know you found the right server when you See this :D

    Pilot Looking for a Clan/Group

    Not really looking for a Pilot, just members in general, but if you'd still like to at least talk just come by the ts at ts3.hfbservers.com:10084, We just started but looking for members
  4. The Lazy Kings DayZ Overwatch Server ============================================================================================= Hey Guys, How's it goin, My clan is currently has a server running DayZ Overwatch on my server, for anyone who wants to play, your more than welcome, here's a list of things on the server as well as full change log of the changes i make, If you decide to join my server please follow the rules, that is all i ask. My clan is even following these rules so I'm asking that you do also, Their all listed below after the scripts on the server plus there's present to get you started at the bottom. ============================================================================================= Server Information ============================================================================================= 1. Do not Destroy Tents, you may loot them but leave them there. 2. Do not destroy Vehicles they do not re-spawn after restart, you may strip them 3. No cheating or hacking, the server is monitored by Gotcha anti-hack 4. Don't Hide bodies, if you leave something there someone else could use it 5. Don't ask admin's for anything at all unless our reporting something 6. Everything is free game, no matter what it its, or where it is 7....... 8...... 9....... 10....... ============================================================================================= Sarge AI Take Clothes Self-Bloodbag ​Custom Debug Custom spawn load-out Extra Weapons/vehicles Auto-Refuel at Gas Tanks Auto-Refuel at Gas Pumps Full Moon Nights - Coming Soon Base Building 1.3 - Coming Soon ============================================================================================= TheLazyKings.webs.com TS: ts3.hfbservers.com:10084 =============================================================================================
  5. Server is re-opened, and looking for new players :3
  6. [ The Lazy Kings ] Hey guys, The names Az and I just started a Clan for DayZ not much I can say about it right now, We got a TS and a DayZ Server, and to honestly find out more you'd just have to drop by and talk, just add me on Skype or Steam at KGCxKING so we can talk, Must be 14 I don't really care if you've got a mic, tho it will help. A hard and complicated rank system, anyone can join and be a member but you have to try hard and earn your leadership. [ Rank List ] Private Corporal Sergeant Trained Sergeant 4th Lieutenant 3rd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant 3rd Captain 2nd Captain 1st Captain Major Vice Admiral Admiral Fleet Admiral We have our own Teamspeak Server, along with our own DayZ Overwatch Server, anyone can come by anytime and visit, I'm know as Mr. Snatchit on both the Teamspeak and In-Game Teamspeak: ts3.hfbservers.com:10084 DayZ Overwatch: As the Clan grows, or as i think about it, I'll add more to this post about the Clan Yes i understand its a mix of Marines and Navy Ranks but I like how Admiral sounds :D
  7. Clan went down for a bit but its back up nd looking for members, anyone lookin to join? were also looking gamers that play other games as well :3
  8. *Bump*, gotta update the Members list, were up to 14 members
  9. Server Change Log ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11/9/13 Server created ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11/12/13 Sarge AI Added Custom Debug Added Auto-Refuel at Pumps Added -----------------------------------------------------------------
  10. I run a Clan if you'd like to look into that, but if not anyone is still welcome to join the ts and server just to have some fun TS: ts3.hfbservers.com:10084
  11. Hey man I run a Newly Created Clan, come by the TS: ts3.hfbservers.com:10084, Look for any of the members and just start playing with em :)
  12. Hello Everyone, I've got a server and I've been running DayZ Overwatch, but I'm looking at a few other mods DayZ Overwatch - http://dayzoverwatch.com/ DayZ Epidemic - http://www.dayzepidemic.tk/ DayZ Epoch - http://dayzepoch.com/ These are the mods I'm stuck between, If you'd like to post what mod you like and what about it you like so I can get some feed back nd if you dont want to post then please still take a vote in the poll :)
  13. lol a Votes still a vote
  14. Well it looks like Epoch, and Epidemic are Even :?
  15. But Epidemic Looks really nice
  16. Lol someone likes Overwatch I'm a huge fan of both, and especially since Epoch Just updated with all of the new features, I just couldn't choose on my own XD
  17. |Hardcore|Base Building|Auto Refuel|Active Admins|Custom Debug| - ( - Azeral's DayZ - HFBServers.com IP: Port: 2312 This is My Custom DayZ server, I have a lot of ideas of things i want to add to the server, but as of right now this is all i want to put in until I can create and grow a Player base for my server, but I need your help for that :) My Server Info: Active Admins, always on the ts if you need Help Hardcore Style Game-play to increase Survival Aspect Sarge AI for when the server is low pop, to feel like players are still on Auto Refuel At Gas Station Pumps Toggled Custom Player Debug for those who want know their stats Custom Chernarus map added in after Player base reaches 20+ players 24/7 Day/Night Cycle for those that love Night, along with Full moon Nights Server Restarts every 4 Hours to refresh crash sites and loot Run off HFB server towers, so lag is to a minimum, even for out of country players 3 Different custom load-outs for Donating to the server Future Addons or ideas: Self Blood Bag Custom Map Base Building More ideas will be added.....
  18. [ Current Member List ] Mr. Snatchit - Leader Comrade Cowboy - Co-Leader Yup yup only two of us, so ya if anyone gets in quick you might be able to show you have leader skills :3
  19. KGCxKING

    Server question for veterans

    HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOLZ Didn't even realize, I even remember copying it :D, here it is
  20. KGCxKING

    Server question for veterans

    This is my DayZ vanilla serer, Ive got a few addons and some more comein down the road but its a Hardcore style server witch seems like the way your going, tho I don't have a player base I just switched this server over to vanilla.
  21. KGCxKING

    Looking to join a group/smaller clan!

    Skype: KGCxKING, I run a Clan if you'd like to check us out, We just started tho